Chaiuber of Commerce Spon- sors Vilaàge-wide Christma8 Programs The first gr'eat surge of the Christ- nias spirit swept over Wilmette Mon- day evening when the. week's pro- ,ram of inspiring Christmas ca rois and other sacred miusic was, opened by. the Wilmette Chamnber of Comn- mnerce. Broadcasting from a temporary stdoat 1150 Wilmeëtte avenue, with loud speakeroues i the four busi-, ness districts of the village, residents of, every section. had opportunity to enjoy the sacred songs and organ programs. Have, Four Outets This year the Chamnber, with W. B. Robinson, Jr., in charge of. the special program, determined to en- large -upon its anmunl 'gift by provid- i ng loud speakers in the varjous *neighborhood commercial areas, in- * stalled by the Quinlan Service, 1151. -Wilmette avenue. These are located' ;ft Ridge road and Lake avenue, Linden aven~ue and Fourth stréet, and in No Man's Land. With these facilities, Mr. Robinson stated, it will be convenient for villagers to gat her ai the nearest center and listen to the programs. The central businessj section will be served from the stu- d io. Church Groups Sing Reference. to the program reveals * that,many of the.local church choirs -iare cooperating with the Chamber to make this.year's concerts a real community affair. Instrumental music will be dis- pensed by Fred Bray and George Arns. Mr. Bray's Harnmond electric organ will be, used for choir accomn-t paniment and> the instrumental numn- bers. T he v~ ine of Remaining Programs ,arious church choirs and the their appearance are as fol- FIVE CENTS A COPY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR December, 21, 1939 .Will 'You Entertain an Orhan'Christm'as Day Methodist Church. GroupWould Like to, Reeive a Cail From You Today Twenty-eight names remain on the list of Lake Bluiff orphanage children as yet not séledted as guests in Nýorth Shore homes on Christmas Day. Neyer before in the quarter of a century that viliagers have played hosts at Christmas time to the chul- dren from Lake Bluff, has a single child been disappointed. This year, it appears, a genuine emergency ex- ists, with 28 children stili to be reg- istered with families ini the com- munity, and Christmas day less than a' week away. Hence, this special plea froin those i charge of the project that villagers rally to co-op- erate by acting without delay in signalizing their desire to entertain an orphan on Christmnas Day. Following custom of many years' standing, the Philathea class of young women at the Wilmette Par- ish Methodist church is sponsoring the "orphan for Christmnas Day" project. The chiîdren are brought to Wilmette Christmas morning at 10. o'clock and distributed to their hosts at the Village hall. They spenci the day as guests in the community and return to Lake Bluff at 5 o' dock inth- >fcr nn Basket Parties Will B..e Held at Theaters Christmas basket parties will be held at the Wilmette theater and at Teatrô dc'l Lag'o on 'Thursday m 10 1rn-7 ing of this week. There will be one showing only whlch wvill last from 10:30 o'clock until noon. Any quantity o! non-perishable food stuifs may be brought as the price of admission, it was' an- nounced. The 'food will later be dis- tributed by the Wilmette Welfare board. Children wishing to 'attend the movie will be excused froin the Wil- mette publie schools at 10:15, 'it was announced. The pictures to be shown will be sù'itable for the young- sters.' Entered as aecorui.clçias matter Marcl# 8. 1912, ut the pot o~fice at Yimete, Ilino, Mider the çt et Mvrch 3, 1879. xldvisory Committee on Zoning Ip As.pointed by rs.Knne ,Acting upon a st WXJ METTE LiFE a fe a special Citizens' made aving indicated a ýy on the part of ,the vitafly irn- iges now contemn- Public schools in New shin will close for the holidays at the enid o! Friday afternoon, andci sessions on Monday moi a ry8 1resume 151 .1,Janu- vit eevery )intmn ,for tI 1 to cal e165. LUse wibiig U reg-1s rall guests are,.j,,- s.Boy Hask in il- i 'but un- Saurday E ven i ng at 7:30 O'Clock Hour for Annual Community Songfent The festival of pre-Christmas mu- sic wýhich lias been proceeding since Monday evening, liasbrouglit to'vil- lagers the inspiring voices of mnany members of -local churcli choirs and the stirring ýpeals of th e accompany- ing organi a crescendo of, uacred, songs that will reachi its grand, cli- max this Saturday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, when mnen, women and chil- dren.wili, meet.on -the Village hall1 lawn foi' a haif-hour old-time Corn- imunity Sin - ing that ill éi clude the 'always inspiring Christ- m sfi carols and other, sacred songs that have become traditions over the world.' James P. Magill, 1011 Lake ave- nue, chairman of the committee i chaige, ànnounces that preparations for this annual event are now coin- plete, and promises villa ger~s a rare musical treat. Decorations Feature The decorations will be a feature. In addition to the brilliantly illumi- nated living community Christma tree, the Gothie pillars on the east si*de of th e 'Village hall will be festooned with traditional coloxed Christmas lights. Directly in front o!flihe est steps, wbich will be utilized as 'a choir loft, will be placed the director's stand, anid a public address 'systern (Continued on Page.9) the 'Ave. Rd. reet Ave.