hfim. Dôn't bel a ýItra111c' hypocrite," drive safely, Walk wibely! No pumpkmn pies for reckless guys. l-low ýFast la Too Fast? The higher the, speed, the .worse the accident. At 20 miles an hour, one accident-in sixty-one is fatal;. at 29 m,p.h., one accident in forty-two is fatal; at 39 m p.h.. one accident in thirty-live iis faa;at 49: m.p.h., one accidenit'in twenty-fIve is fatal. At a speed of 50 -rnp.h. or over, one person dies in everyr eleven accidents. Mr. and Mrs.,>Paul M. Coo .ter, 336. Sterling ro a d, Kenilworth, and daughter, Shirley,. are leaving - 4- day to be inOkiahona, City, Okla., for the holidayrs. They will visit both Mr. Coter's and Mrs. Cooter's parents.. Bill Cooter is leaVing for: Okiahoma *City the day before his parents and, WiU fiy down. Richard Durr wilV-bt--home.-De- cember 23, fromn the Bulli.s school et Silver Spning, Md, to spend the holi- days with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. A., Durr, 175 Sheridan road, Kenilworth. Lowry Photo Luise Utrich, Soprano, well* knoum for her interpretations of light.opera rdies, tvilt be the fea- ture attraction atLrnk's Home- stead NeW Y!ears'sEve party. Miss Ulrich, a native Chicagoan, recently returned from two years: of special study in Europe, and .will appear as gueat soloist a: ~Li43's on NeDZw Year Evie and New Yeair's Dau. Braliun B rou ......... 22 17 .564 Evanston Paint .. .....21 18 .538 Frank Melers ............. 21 18 .538 Mlten'fi Mortuary......... 20 19 .513 Wilmette Ice.............. 18 21 .462 Ace Motors............... 17 22 .436 Mac's Confectionery ....... 17 22 .436 Wilmette Theater.....1 26 .333 N'ORTH R MORE LADIES Team W L Pei. Locust Farm Stores....... 24 15ý .615 North Shore Times.......21 18 .538, boe Lynam's Sinclairs..21 18 3538 Votz Grocery ... ...........260'19 .513 Wienecke H1ardware.....9 20, .487 Lautensiager Coal......... 18 21 .462 Village Chevrolet .... ..... 17 22 .436 Witt's Tavern .............1. 23-.410, Rtesuits Team high three gamnes: Locûst. Farin Stores, 1482,. North Shore Times, 1466: Voltz Grocery. 1428. Team high, single game: Locust Farni Stores, 530; North Shore Times,. 529; Voltz Grocery, 524. Indi'vidual high three games: lEdna Schwanbeck, 425; Gertrude Nuckles, 414: Viola Voltz, 405. Indivpidual hlgh. single gamne: Viola Voltz, 175; Loretta Steiner, 168; Dorothy Suhr, 151. flUS1Y4tSS 1Xs LEAGUE Great West Lite rnoved into. a tie Miss Ulrich has received lnost ofî for first place with Wolff & Watt Iby her musical education in Chicago, taking three from Wilmette Times.. having been assocîated with a cap: while Wolff & Watt took two . fromn pella choins, the North Shore Music 1 Keefer's Standard Service. Quinlan Festival chorus, and choral groups Rcrscpue he rr e with the Chicago Symphony orches- Bonnem Tailors to mnove into a tie tra. She. will be remembered by many' with Schaefer's, who dropped Zié_k*s Hon-est ead patrons as soprano solo-! Dry Goods twice. ist there for three 'years prior to her' Team W. L. Pct. sojourn ini Europe. Wolff & Watt....... 28 17 .622 *Great West Life .. ......_28 17 .622 Link's Uomnestead, on Waukegan Schaefer's Liquor Store. .22 23 .489 road two blocks north of Glenview, Del Bonnem Tailors.....22 23 A.89 is mpasîîn spcil Cnitma atiQuinlan Record Service. 22 23 .489 is mphà-flzng peialChrstas ndWillette Tijnes .......*20 25 .444 New Year's Day dinmers and is plan- Keefer's Standard Serv.. .19 26 .422 ning elaborate pftertainment for Ne Zick's Dry Goods ........ 17 28 .378 z a rve LEGIOIJ LEAGUE The B to the M~ "MI, Club G. Dittmar. 210: Kirwan, 209 and .200; Llndberg, 208; E. Riuschliî 208; ]EIkin, 204; Wright, 204 and 204: Kavanagh. 207: ýWilliams, 203: Dybick,. 203; Ugolîrn. 202. WILMETÈE. WOdEN'S LEAGUVE High individual garne, Rose Toseani, 180. Second high individual garne, Bea Leal, 173. 111gh individual serles,' Rose Toscanii,. 473. Second high individual series, Mickey Rodenkirk. 462. Hlgh indivliual team gaine. Erickson,. 7,39. Second high indilvidual teain 'garne, j maînect in th~e leaci by taki s ames from Wilmette theali re tancting udance orchestras. The en- ree tertainmerit committee has also un- planned mnany innovations. jý