Winn. & WARNI±W me.nC HI' Pk. 1855. Briargate 185 l51LTN33-ltc CHOICE 90gox 200 FoOT LOT IM HIGII. land Park. $6,500., Vew ot lake. Will consider trade for small home ln good condition i-Evanhton. Cail Miss Sldway. cITy.NIONAL rÀ£AGENCY 0F EVANSTON, me. 800 Davis St. Greenleaf 1410 151LTN33-lte les, AcUAgE lAND ESTATESý LAKE FOREST 6 acres with old farmi house, stables. garagewith modern 5 rmn. apt.. won- de4urfl orchard. etc. Refused .$150.000. Can now lbe purchosed for $24.500 If aùcepted immediately. Hart, Show & -Co. Lake Forest 616. i62L33-tp 171 IM SA $Lk-HOUSEHOLD 600005 BABY BËD, 6 YEA R SIZE. H-IGH CHAIR~. YOUTH'S CHAIR. Winnetka 3131 ______________________ 171L3-tp CHILD'S H I G H CHAIR. ROCKING chair, Morris chair, single iron bed, upright piano, sleigh belis. Victrola, corn- bination table-desk: menlworth 236. ____________________171LTN33-lt p PAIR LAMPS, MAGAINE RACK, gateleg table, vanity chair, wall shelves, spinet desk. Green ski ponts, sweater and cap. Wilmette 1475., - ---- -, ---. 2053.173L33-ltp FOR SALE- ATrRACTIVELY RAND kùltted.large size bed spread.* Reason. ably priced. South Shore 2018., 173LTN33-ltp, 17is WTD. TO UUY-MiwgCELLANIÇOUS WA NTED! Secoidý-Hand Wheel.Chair. GLENCOE,1850 _____ _____ ___174LTN33-îtp USE-D-PING PONG OR TABLE TENNIS table wanteil, in. good condition. Cal Wilmettýe 2733. 174LTN33.ltp Junk Dealer Godmanl offers you a market -for, BOOKS. -MAGAZINIES. »1URNITURE. PAPER. RAGS -and payshget rcs Cail WiI. 478. l74LTN25tfce BOOKS WiII buy your books. Also private libra- ries. WIII call VIILMTTE 314. 74LTN31-4tp Citizen s Object to Truick Procession Nunierous complaints were re- ceived at the Wlmette village hall [this week concerning the almost constant procession of trucks, Ioaded with dirt fromn the Winnetka grade separation projeot, -and bound for wnîvn 1 is ritish, but' lies safely off Miami. There are regular sailîngs to6 "lands of delight.": and ail but Tor- tolaand Cat Cay are visited by cruise ships., Té reach Tortola, according to Miss Early, YOU charteraslp frm Saint Thomas, and to visit Cati Cay, you waIngle an invitation from: the management.à Tortola is poor and humble, a nd Cat Cay is rich and swankY, but both, she ýdeclares..are. very beautiful.. Ta Spend Holidays !iià Buenos Aires. Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Rob- erts, 328, Warwick: road, Klenilworth, have received word that their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Neilson, 'Jr., (Miss Car- oline Rôbeflts) Who have been mak- ing their home in Rio de Janeiro since their marriage in October, will spend the holidays in Buenos Aires,. remarning there for about twoj1 rnonths. Miss Martha Rober.ts re- ' turns this week from Galesburg, Ili., where* she is a senior at KCnox col- lege, HIOLIDAY TRAVELEJRS ýMortgage Money. No commission on socpeere bn F.HA.41/2%& H.A construction or Refinane. mng, Loans. - Convenient payout system and Prop action. from Evanston=ofie SIN4GER ELEC. PORTAB3LE' SEWING mission for this was refused by t miachine, like new, late inodel. $98 Kenilworth village council. value, sacrif. $39. Will dem. your home. Delieyo Phone Pensacola 1670 after 4 1.7 iv-lt pery on of dat hy pr. STEEL CANE CABINET FOR RADIA- tor cover. f61 inches long. Cost $15 Protectiorn forBu will seli cheap. Wlmette 1906. frLI __________________71LTN33-ltp l SUNBEAM ELECTRIC MIXMASTE-,I1reto S u h entlrely new. Ivory with gee tiflescto oug. Will sell for $18. Aiso other articles. Cnbff fvteA.ia +,+ vas vi. itfleiiO Las tu me uIs nature of the interseto c raft plant at Santa Monica, Calaf., j surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. IW. N. Waidner, by arriving home IMonday night to spend the holidays with them. PLANS FLORIDA Tftip Mrs. Albert G. Ackermann, 81 1 Park avenue, Wilmette, is Ieaving right after the first o0f January toi niotor to Florida for a month. She[ will be at Kissimmiep and l al-ai.1 FOR, LAST-MINUTE SHOPPERS 173L33-tp 1 at SIyer W. Waker atTonize Our Advertisers, OUIu.116 fhp 1 é seh, yea W. Wacker.