Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1939, p. 36

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Wells Club Project Mrs. Sidney Y. Bail of 25 Fox lanE Winnetka is serving on the natio>nal sponsoring committee, for the mil. lioq -dollar building fùnd program for the. modernization of Wells college -in Aurora, N. Y., whicb was an- nounced by Pres. William E.,We d, Decemnber D. The. sponsors are,, under the leadership 'of*.William Fellowes Morgan, 'New York philanthropisl and forMer chairman of the board of Welis ,college. Among other promninent North Shore residents actively, interested, in promoting the, building fund pro- gramn are Mrs. Arthur Mclntosh of Kenilworth,' and Mrs. Theodore G. Rockwiell ad rsArtbur W. Walsh of, Winnetka, and. Mrs. Aubrey L. Wittemrore, of Evanston. Mrs. Charles A. Bunneil of 42 Greenwood boulevard, Evanston, is serving as chairman of publicity.._ *Misa. C. iF. &elfrdge of Wnek heads the local committee on be- quests for Wells, and wiil be assist- ed by Miss Virginla French of Ev. anston, Mrs. JohnC. Husted tem- porarily of the Orrington, and Mrm Charles A. Kerr, Jr., of Evanston. Ralsing of the current building fund of $1,000,000 constitutes the sec- ond step in a long-range' program for the modernization of the physicai plant of Wells college.. wbieh was. Ward Weeks, editor 0f' Atlantic -Montbly, and editor-in-chief of the rAtlantic Press publications., Poise and ease In spealking r bs'aàr a facile. and 'fine use:of Engisbh and " sense of bumor andaliveness thal kept bis talk, wbhich.necessarily con rcerned bis work, anïy editor's work, 3fromn heaviness. or duliness., gave il sparkle. Hie took the large audience bebind the, scenes witb bimn. But in so dçing one discerned bow a. mani in a pro- fes$,ion.sucbas bis bolds a sensitive finger o n tbe pulse 'of wonld even ts, Of POiitics, Of Public sentiment, of many tastes. Hie must not Oniy feel tbat pulse, be must endeavor to an- ticipate severai montbs abead bow it will jump-wbîch way-to wbat end. His job demands "the long view, must sense trendis in advance."1 is is biect $irst ,w1QLced, - An. fldior Looks at the 'Future," he quaiified that night to "An Editor Tries 'to Look at the. Future," be- cause of the swift-changing events. of today; His finger on the Pulse of, trends feels attitudes; changes and stirs, bis seeking in advance for stories and articles and books and poetry tg, meet popular taste; inspires ideas. Since September last be senses' a e At the next meeting of the Junior e auxiliary of the Woman's 'Club of ;t j- Wilmette, to be held on Thursday, e December 21, at 6:30 o'clock, Prof. e James Lardner of Northwestern uni- -versity will- read'Charles Dickens' j C'istmas Ca roi."? t Professor Lardner bas been Work---A- *ing on 'a book on the art ofijnter- preatonWbich *willbe pubiisbed in the: near future. He studledi at Hunt- ington, college last year on. bis Sab- batical leave., He- is- very widely known on ,the Nortb Shore and in the Chicago area generally for his read- inge. particularly of "He Knew. Lin- coin" and' "Christmas Carol." The reading will be preceded by a shoprt musical program. At this meeting, each member basr :been asked to brinig a small gift, an I annual Icustom, but, instead of ex-c changing gifts ' the presents will bec sent to the Park Ridge School for Girls.r To .Give Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Ralph F. Potter and 'Mrs. B. F. Lewis of Wilmette %vill be co- hostesses at a luncheon bridge at 'f Shawnee Country club on Friday, h December 29. S. For Aid to Finns A committee of friends of Dag- mar Ruin, Baroness Ramsay of Fin- land, has been organized, and, its members believe that those who met and admired her on a visit here sev-' erlyears ago, and who are " in 'deep sympathy with Finiand's- gai- lant. struggie for lite," will want to respond to her appeal toe'Amer- cans.' Help,, to be most effective, sho uid be given immediately, ac- cording to: the committee's chair- man, Miss Dorothy Stirling of Gien- coe, who hopes to be able to cable a generous sumn foran Amnerican First Aid.station "as an expression of our eagerness tQ 'help a very brave people." Mrs. Francis R.. Dickinson .of :Chicago Is vice-chairman 'of the committee, and Herman H. Lackner of Winnetka is its treasurer. Many other prominent north shore residents are included on Miss. Diçlç- frison' s cômmittee, among them Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hale, and Mr. andi Mrs. Austin D. Jenkins, of Winnetka; and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of Glencoe. Baroness Ramsay, who has re- ceived thirteen medals for bravery from four different governiments. has c 'onverted ber house at Mant- sala, Finland, into a field hospital. and is asking ber American friends o assist in this work. Excerpts frorn recent letters frnrn her follow: nae nvtuu rieuius ofime conege isub- scribed. $500,000. Macmillan bal serves as the architecturai keyýnote for the modern buildings contemplat- ed in the current effort. The objec- tives include tbe four buildings§ most urgentiy needed due to present -over- crowding: a dormitory quadrangle,- estimated'unit cost $485,000, a mod- ern fireproof infirmary, estimated cost $95,000, an addition 'to tbe pres- ent one-storey Iibrary, *20.000. - nd a Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Reynolds wiii entertain their famiiies and friends on Christmas eve when they hoid' open bouse at their bomne at 2030 Thornwood avenue. ness, andi are beginning to study Arn er i ca's. responsibility.- That sense of responsibility be believes -is larger now than in 1917, because wve've grown more" Hie would like to see a really sound economic plan subrnitted. He would like to see some basis' o! negotiation among warring nations, because be belleves from wbat he can learn fromn abroad, that the sentiment 'among warring nations is nt s atd. na -,n club, utouci 'w greet members -and guests, a miniature wihter scene in already. 1 I knW 1shoiild fnot ask. And one thing more; do write an 'official opinion with iianes under. 1 wiIl trans- late it and publish in ail newspapers. It' should do good-the opinion of that mighty friend of ours! We feel firmly that America stands nearest to us now. Amnerica that toc, has battled so.bravely for its freedomi and ýbrought se fllafy sacrifices for its own country. Is it then not a natural thing that 1 write to you. to my dear Arnerica!" "We are préparing for the worst. But there is a great need in the whole coun- t'ry. Péople are evautdj frjom the ances of the. Ballet Russe of Monte Carlo, will be given at tbe Auditori- a mnountain village was the decora- um tbeater at 8:30 o'v'lock. The Cbi- tion. Members of' the' board were cago -section is in charge of the bostesses. Mrs. Iiarley Ward, pro- 'ticket sale for both nigbts. gram chba i r man, introduced the Tbursday, December 28, an Zng- speaker.' lisb class for newcomeérs will, be --J.T.B. beld at 7 o'clock. 36

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