Mrs. Norman Waite of Briar ràad, Northfield,. waseecd president of the Junior au:dliari, of the Evanston center ofthe Ln- fant Welfare Society, of Chicago at the recent meeting at the Orrin g- -ton hotel. Mrs., Waite tuas one of two officers jrorn this sec tion. of the North Shore elected, the other being Mrs. Edward Adams of *Winnetka, corresponding secre- tari,. Appoinfed fo Office 1In Mary Crane League The new executive board of the Mary Crane Nursery league bas been appointed as follows. by the nominating committee 'headed by Mrs. Clive Bishop: Mrs. John TL. Reichert of Chicago, president; Mrs. Charles Ellis of Ev- anston, irst vice-president; Mrs. Harry Mason Smith of Evanston, second vice-president; Mrs. Frank. Bryan of Wilrrette, third vice-presi- dent; Mrs. George D. Theisen of Evanston, secretary; Mrs. Harold Cunliff of Glenvievj, treasurer. The new chapter chairmen are: Mrs. Francis B. Reicher of Wil- and wilu resume the second terni of the series after the holidays. Tuesday night of last week closed the terni, for a series of nine lectures given at 6: 30 o'clock ini the evenlng at the. Eleanor association in Chi- cago for b usiness girls. This class" will, resume Tuesday, January 9. In the "Eleaàor Record" (found- ed 1915), a, magazine for business and professionial women, published. monthly by the. Eleanor association With central club: headquarters at 16 North Wabash avenue, the followý- ing: announcemnent. appeared: "The new class in, Music Appreciation, under Miss Elizabeth Sheldon, has been a most. popular one with mu- Sic loyers. Miss shel1don is' a "thor- ougli musician and ýknows bow to impart ber musical knowledge to maire it interesting to the amateur. If you wouild learn the 'Art of Lis- tening to Good Music,' corne out Tuesdayr evenings at 6:30 a n d hear Miss Sheldon's musical dem- onstrations. The clas r ieets around the piano in the club lounge." The second annual series, which she has been holding mornings at her studio in Glencoe since October 10, also closed Tuesday, and will continue after the holidays commen- cing Wednesday, Jariuary 10, at 10: 30 o'clock. In ber course, called "The Art of Listening to Music," she gîves a historical survey o! t h e musical forms, beginning with the simpler types and tracing their development through the great con1posers. Inter- spersed in the, lectures are piano illustrations and record examples. Thé courses are planned for the training of intelligent listeners, for musie-lovers who wish to becomne aware of the charni and beauty of the musical ideas which each corn- poser is trying to convey to his audiences. October 3, Miss Shedon appeared in a musical prograni before the Woman's guild of the Glencoe Union church, and on November.9, she lec- tured on music appreciation to 150 fECTý GIFT FOI CH1tUsTMAs.EVESI J 9 netka by the' chapter of the I league. The dir ýI y party will be giv- thehome o! Mrs, Atharn lane, Win-J lizabeth Harrison :ry Crane Nursery ter hour is, 6:30 Luncheon for School Friends Miss Shirley Scarratt, 521 Ken- ilworth avenue, Kenilworth, who has just returned from Connecticut col- lege for the bolidays, will give a luncheon party at her home on Pr!- day tor a 1group' o! her school frieids. 3 pairs $3.30 tp - exclusive ai Sevens in Evanston EDGPAR Aie STEVENS, mC. Evanso 14, A . r-ýýc