The first 1940 exhibition ofthtie work ef the members 'of the North Shore Art league will bec'epened with the traditiona! reception ùnd tea Sunday, January 14, at the North -Shore Art league studio, Com- munity House, Winnetka.: This exhibition is open. to every- one interested. This year, there wil probably_ be more pictures and sculpture than ever before, se. much se, that the comymittee in. charge là iimiting the number, each member may send. TÈhe exhibition willi- clude ýpaintings, in oui and watercol- or, etchings and ithographs, sculp- ture, andail other forms of the fine arts, Although the exhibition will be on 4isPiay for two Weeks,, many of the art-levýers of the North Shore pre- fer te attend this tea, neot only te see the pictures on the ffrst day, but aiso te meet the artists. And then, they- corne back agai and aga, 4. t ê eethe o ne. 4they lkebet Artists from the entire North Shore, from Rogers Park te the. Wisconuinn une, are members of the league and wiil be representedl in this exhibit. -CornelJ Singers To Give Concert Raphaee'a "Madonna ofthUe Chsair," -Loaned to tihe Art, Ivsttute of Chicago bu the Royjal Piti Galleryj, Florence, Italy, jas ncuded ~i thse current exhib ition of Ma aterpieces of Italian Art, whicls wül continue throu gisJatsuarij9. lKuflistein to blive Dy C. J. Builtt Art Critic of the Chicago Daily N'ewà RaphaRel's "Ma do n na of the, Chair," lent by the Royal Pitti Gal- lery, Florence,. a ni d Botticelli's 4 "Birth of Venus," lent by the Ufinzi in the same city, are two of twenty- eight " Masterp)ieces of Italian Art" that are- drawing crowvds to the Art nttueof Chicago such as have not been .seen since the summers of 1933 and 1934. when. art, outdrew Sally Rand and the Streets of Paris as an attraction of A Century of Progress. The collection, gathered from al the great rmuseurnu o f. Italy. was as- semnbled. by the Royal Italian Gev- ernrent. and sent te America lest spring for exhibition at San Pran- cisco's World's Fair. None had ever Irosa4 i the tIatiév k.Sore, and iew had even been outside Italy. Productu of Renaissance Twenty-ohie paintings and seven pieces of sculpture, they are prod- ucts of t h e Italien Renaissance, some of them four centuries old, some five. Peinters represented, be- sides Raphael and Botticelli, are Fra Angelico, Bellini, Bronzino, Caravaggio, Cavallino. Correjegio hotel ~~~Lgreatst artists, gives fis ony Ci- A~rsmscrl igwshl of the Stevens htlWednesday eve- cago recital Tuesday evening, Janu- hita ao igwshl ning, December 27. Sponsoring the ary 2, at Orchestra hall, in the tliird lest Saturday afternoorn in the new event 18 tthe Corneil University Club program of the Musical Arts Piano Studio gailery et. $26 Grôve street, of Chicago which hau a large mern- series presented by thse Aduit Edu- Evenston, where a large gope bershlp ithe Norths Shore villages. cation council. Nr1 Seearit aecrnti'oex The concert will be fellewed by aNotShr tisae uenlex Christmas bail given as a benefit With Poland's fate as a nation hibiting their work. This wes the for thse Regional Scholarship fund . nwb'gdcdd nErpj s îirst of a serieso eiAhlda notable that ths country has given so pca oia Offer VsriegI Prgram te the worid its greatest pienits- events et the gallery. Appearing in the concert will be Paderewski, De Pachmen, Heffrnan. Ciad xi their ertist-smockspaint- the CrneilMenu Glee club and the Friedman a n d Rubinste~in.smand a-r- -"Éi l Intail Special Lightlug Thse Art Institute of Chicago clear- ed'five galieries for thse reception Of the masterpieces. lI that -ample' spece are exhibited, without crowd- ing, the paintings and the sculpture,, so as to bring eut to the utmost their fine and distinguishing quali.' tis SnApimi 1.dlckt-e -.--à D in ing. irranK, Jr., thse play is an excellent for the season. ions may be he'd by celi- are 7334 or by visiting in the Civic Opera build- Il