ALMEl- CI, CMPAN FIL MO 141 m'SIelludiàg" 16mu Mi .Comeru -.wlti $138 I1.eb f.M.9 lEt.. mg of StroL Les. ho a Compétition > this year was even keener than usual for the distinction of a place on the honors list, which includes as a,,iniimum the top 5 per cent o!, the daiss and as a maxi- mrum all students with averages of A, or above. This year, the percent-. age went above 5 in order to include> all high-ýranking students. Dean Homer Vanderblue' of the school of commerce presided at the convocation. Deans o! ail. Evanston, schools o! the university were in at- tendance. Musie was furnished, by the A Cappella choir under the di- rection. of George .Hiowerton. Gilbert, B. Mclntosh, 521, Roslyn road, Kenilworth, a senior, was awarded class honors fromn the Col- lege of Liberal Arts. Jerome Arthur Stein,' 602 Maple avenue, Wilmette, a senior, was awarded class honors from the Col-, lège of-]ibéral Artsi. David Frederick Geppert, 725 Ninth street, Wilniette, a. sophom'ore, was awarded claÈs honore from the School o! Music. John Raymond Schaéfgen, 1935 Birchwood avenue, Wilmette, a sen- ior, was awarded the Marey scholar- ship i expérimental, observational, and mathematical studies, and class honore' from the College o! Liberal I mtis news magazine. Our Scnool LConsultant bas a background of: 1,rich. experiénce in personal con- îtact with sèhools throughout the count!rY. Remember, bher serv- ices are available without cost or any other obligation. Edwarüd F. Kaye Is Leader at Colgfate, Among, the students returning to the Chicago district from Colgate u niversity is Edward F. Kaye of Wilmette. He is a senior and has at- tained quite a name for himself on the campus. He is star backstroke. and mainstay of the swimmipg team, vice-ptesident of the Pan-Hel- lenie council, president of the Cijica- goô club, art editor fr ôthéè yêar -bookc, member of the Konosioni honorary society, and secretary of the student senate. He is a B student in the Fine Arts department and a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity in which he is rushing chairman. Martin Kresge Named 0/ beary Selecting the right schoo>I, espe- cially the preparatory school, 18 flot an easy matter. Thoughtful parents wiil select the se.hool because it seems. to meet the need, speciflcafly. If the child' is a dreamer and too many interests'seemn to interrupt th e learning- processes,, that chiId WMl need a, great deal of help to teach right study habits and to deal with * his' sehool, work satisfactorily. The fact that the boy seemns to b e dreaming a w a y bis tirne in the lo- cal school "s't - enough reason for the boy to be sent to a military sehool, where will be expected Marjorle Leary to be enforced, along with discipline. If a military school is chosen for this boy, the choice should be made carefully, because, of ail the prepara- tory schools, military schools differ from each other more in their atti- tude towards the individual boy than do other preparatory schools. The size of the school: the means taken leu M. WabasIa AvenueM nieloSuet 78 E. Jackson Ilvi. 18S. La SalleSOt. M nieloSu lm I rriugss en vmstom Returu for Holidays" Three Wilmette girls, studi historie Monticello college, MU., have returned home fe HOW 0 CANS ANDSOO HF Christmas holidays, which beg çember 16. They are the Miss( TIRED tyjean Arcus, daughter'of Mrç V ~trice Harding Arcus, 726 WasJh SIRAIN D EYES avenue, Jeanne Edwards, -da of Mr. and Mrs4 Êugene O. ,d 314- Yourteenth street, and INôdd, da~Ughter of Mr. and LoweU 1P. To,4d, 1506 Lake a- Students, of the 1@2-yrear-old'c oldest >wornens aéhoo1 in. then west, wiUl retw!n to~ classe. J- 3. MissE dwards, and Miss Arc" iiual-jUnier ciass prom to De e li April 13 at DePauw university, Greencastie, Imd. Kresge is a junior at DePauw and a member of Phi Delta Theta fra- ternity. He is manager of the var- sity basketball team, is a member of the Chicago club, and served last year on the yearbook staff. Hel also participated in the Monon'Revue. As prom chairman. bis duties wrnI is neUciesLUto ay Ufltt all boys wno are. easy going or ýwho have flot learned to conceitrate or study, do not belong in military schools. r.-:-'- . i