the Shawnee bath departînent whichj includes facilities -for modern i-ý viulrssace exercises, scientif- îc massage, cabinet baths, lr-vio- let sun bathing, rowing machine and' punching bag.- The, new ýserviîces are to be extended to the Women'of the club at a later date. With the inauguration of1 the bath* departmtent, t h e Shawnee. winter athietie season isiin full swing; ac- côrding to îChairman, Genge, ýWith more' competitors in aIl sports than ever before. Trhe club aithletic staff how inludes. Jim Doherty, former- l ..if the Princeton university staff, w o. coaches in squash and badmin- ton, George Eckert, noted trainer of. champions in swimming and diving, and Jerry Hastines in charge of the popular club bowling alleys. Will Give Lecture on, "Parade of the Races" -The Parade of the Races" will again be the subject of Paul G. Daîl- wig. layman lecturer of Field Mu- seurn of Natural History, on his Sun- diay afternoon lecture tour Decem- ber 24. The famous races of nman- kind sculptures by Malvina Hoffm an are used hv Mr. DflW1wht fnillustrat i j'? 4 SUGAR INQCANE527 SIcd Pineapplo .c Dole Pineapple C n, Tdicc - nuO Fruit Cocktail 21&3z Tomato Jui'ce.Amoerican Môme **can 5 *SALAI> DRESSING Americon Hoe.quart 2Ci efIi. FRU IT CAMK Cd" üh .*dl.-1 b,25,c wv*mnInm tila ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ Guaranteed to be the best -tliere ore none better Moke your Christmas Dinner the p.ok of perfoction. Serve un !Imwood For, Turkey - burous_ for their richer, oppetlzing fiavor and butter-tender meut. Thousonds bought ESmw..d Forum Turkeys for Thanksglving and they're bock for more. EMWOOD FARM Tu rk ey S NOItTHWESTERN Si1 7 the *aesthetie" notions of primitive tribes. The lecture tour will begin promptly at 2. p.m. Because of -the heavy dernand for accommodation, the museum is compelled to require that reservations be made in ad- vacby mail or telephone,, byý those wishing to participate. Attend- ance is restricted to aduits. Admis- sion is free. FANCY MILK FED FRESH ChmikeIs DRESSED ROASTINO 9>lb.> EAEI.TNIIP ChikeialDRESSED -STE WINGauOlbSIc Du kIhI m N CY ILONG SD R 1db H&Ma = FANCY FRESH DRESSEDà»'lCm HIOLIDAY CAtIDY MUixed Cande Miss Virginia Lee Fiske, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers A. Fiske, 134 Seventeenth street, is arriving home Thursday fromn Mary Wash- ington e o il e g e at Frederlcks- burg, Va. Sied9 M I*r INLD Remov0 J lE A NATIONAL 'Co. FOOD STORES