The choirs will participate, in the lotal broadcasting at the center.of the village, by taking the Thursday evening programn at 7 'clock. Afterward the regular meet- ing of *the senior,'chorus will be held at the church. Man3r helpful ministries and gifts have aiready characterized the season, and groups will. gathèr for the holiday ac- tivities. To ail the neighbor churches and to ail the peoole of Wilmette this church extends Christmas-greetings. St. Auùgusline'.s (Episconal) The Rev. Hubert Carleton, rector The Rev. Chandler Sterling, curate SUNDAY. DIRCEMBER 24 Fourth Sunday in Advent 8 a.rm. - Holv communion. 9:45 a.m.-ÇChurch school. Il MORNING PRAYER: CON- FIRMATION AND SERMON. -Bishop Randaîl wilI officiate. Baptismn immne- diately after the service. Confirmation Service Prelude: Rhapsody on old Ca rol mel- odies; William Leqter. Pro. 266: Vigili et Sancti. Hyimn 455: Come Holy Soinit. Hymn 196: Veni Faflcti Spiritus. Anthern: Psaim 150. C * Franck. Recessional: 537. Marion. Postlude:, Grand Choeur in G. Faulkes. 4 p. m--Childreh's Christmas service. 11:-30 p.. m.- Holy communion, festival service. 'l'ne progrttm iouows: Prolog ue: Sixth grade girls: Barbara H-lartwîg, Patsy Buck, Donna Berg, Char- lene Maine Frances Guthridge. Episode Ï:: Isaiah, Robert Buethe. lst, 2nd and 3rd. disciples, Edward Keller, Edwin Phelps, Bill Buethe. .: Episode Il. 'Shepherds:-.Reuben, Ernest Butow; -Jacob, John' Bailey; Benjamin, Stanley Bgutow. Angels: Mary Oilar, Mary Lamb, Nancy Dunn, Joan Duncan, Doris Carlsonî, Betty Bodkin, Patty Picket. Mary: Mrs. Ray Stephensi Joseph: Mr. Howard Berg. Wise Men* David Allison, Lloyd Frree- love, Bob Anderson. Episode 11I:,Characters: Lillian Jones, Lawrence J ones Mrs. Robert, Buethe, Mr. Paul Keller, Evelyn Jacobsion, Bud Heerens. Star Maidens: D or ot he a Hartwig,1 Cytheria Gutheridge, Gladys Phelps, Jean Berg, Gladys Dalstromn. 1Attendants: Doris MèKeighan, Louise Branscome, Mariorie Youngberg,. Diana Moon, Janet Dalstrorn. Clinton Carpenter, Jr., son of Mr. and Mis. Çlinton K eàrp'einfè, 601' Washington avenue, returns home today (Thursday) for bis Christmas vacation .from the University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y., where he is a freshman. }is brother, Al- bert, returned yesterday fromn Provi- dence, R. L., where he is a member of the ju.nior class at Blrown univer- sity. Chenille Bedspreads ........ . .. 6.25 to 6.95 C 1henille for Baby Beds. ....... 2.25+to3.95 Sheet and Pillow Case Sets wth Pastel Borders.....1:95 Prnted Luncheon Cloths--size 52x52........9efo 1.59 Smocks-Flowereèd .Rayon and Broadcloth .........19 .House Dresses-Printed Cottons and Rayons. . 1.95,and 2.95 Men's Shirts'......... ..............13to19 Men's Sweaters. ...............1.95 to 4095 Children's Sweate+rs ...............1.25 to 2.25. Cbldren sFlànneette Sisepers. .9ead u Boys' Flannelette Pyjlamas> ........ Girls' Fia nnelette Pyjamas 1....... ....ý..00and up UIT PAYS TO SIIOP ON THE RIDGE" HO4FFMANN OBRQS. Cor. Ridge and WiImefte Ave. WiImelte 4271 i