Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1939, p. 10

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The Christmas music arranged for the morning worship service will be as, fol- lows: organ prelude, "Joy to. the World," Lemare; processlonial, "Hark, -the Her- aid Angels Sing"'; anthem,' "Al Hall the Virgln's Son," Dickinson_ Maxwell Rust .and the choir;. an them, *"Today Is Born I1mmanueli," Praetorius, the, Men's chor- us.: anthe m "A Joyful Christmas Song," Gevaert; 'sGlo, -No6Candle Was There,"] Lehmann, Edward Otis,ý soloist: organ postlude, "And the Glory of the Lord," (Messiah> HandeL. Miss Erina Rounds is organist-director. 'the' Sunday school will meet, at 9-30 'click,' and wiil go, into a general as- semblY of the whole school at 9:45 o',clock forthe Christmas exercises. Par- ents -and fréiende of, the- scholars are cordlally lnvited. Becauseof the Sunday school assembly there will be no meeting of the Aduit Bible class. The scho lars of, the school are urgedj to bring food, clothlng and toys which I 'wtl be dist*ibted a~monrg 'the fedy At' the nelghborhood houises in the city of Chicago. At 5 o'clock In the afternoon there willl be a Vesper Carol service in the church, to whlch you are cordially invited. This service wili be broadcasted from speak- ers on the tower of the church. The pro- gram wi be as follows. Carol, «'0 Conie. AU Ye P'athful,- the choir; carol, "0 Little Town of Bethlehem," Mrs. Paul Gathercoal; carol, -It Came Upon a Mldnight Clear," Mrs. Gathercoal and the chorus; carol, "Silent Nght" Miss Elizabeth Breldenbach, M r s. H. S. Condît, andi the chorus; organ chimes; "Once In Royal Davd's Cty"; 'carol, "Thle First PNoe,' Walter Abele; carol, -While Shepherds Watebed, the chorus; carol, "Away In the Manger," six chil. dren; organ chimes, "As With Gladness Men of Old-; canol, "I Heard the Bells": carol, "We iThree klngs," MWessrs. Rust, Graf and Otis; carol, -God Rest You Menry, Gentlemen," maie chorus; carol, "Fafrest Lord Jesus," Miss Nancy Hen- derson; carol, "'Joy to, the World," thec chorus. The public wlll be cordiallys welcomed. >Because of the Vesper services there8 will be no meetings of the Tuxis club of the Westminster Fellowshlp. The young people wlll go out after the Vesper service singing carols to the sick and shutins. Firat Congre gational John G, Hindley. minister Alexander B. Fergusori, director of religious education SUNDAY SERVICES Church school ............... 9:30, a.m, Primary........... ...... 10:40 a. M Kindergarten.............10:40 a.m. Morning, worshiP .......... 10:45 a.m, Vesper Carol service .......... . 4 p.m,à ,Dr. Hindley wilI tell of "The Greatesl News" in his, sermron on Christmas, Suni. day ornng.Our service wvill begin al 10:.45 wlith speclal, music by the Quartette and choirs, and wlll include both a.Jun- ior sermon and the minister's, special ,Christmas message. Our, church invites ail to Join with us in wovýrship on Christ. mas Sunday. The musitc will be as'follows: Organ Prélude: Overture and Pastoral Symphony from "'The Messiah"......... .... Handel Carols: '0 Little Town of *Bethlehem"....... .... Bethel Gross "The Song of the Angels"....arranged by Dickinson "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming ................ Pratorlus "In the S~ience o~f th Nlght"....... arranged by Dickinson Beula Edwards, Ethel Wishover. Gunther . Decker. Harold Lovejoy,...... soloists Solo and Chorus: "There were Shepherds" 'Glory to God"............ .Handel Offertoire Solo: ."Rejoice Greatly". ............ Handel Choral Response: "HalleIujah Chorus"......... Handel VESPER CAROL SERVICE WITR WHITE GIFTS This year in the annual Christmas Sun- day Vesper service everv child of our Church. school has a definite part. The Sen lot, department bas charge of the pantomime to be plctured whlle icarols are sung by each of the Interniediate, Junior, Primary anid Kindergarteil de- partments. White Glfts wIll be broueht and presented to- the Manger Child. These glfts are for familles who look to houses in Chicago, for help, and will. be distributed bw representatives of each. departnient of the Church school alter the service, There wiil, be a Christmas reception for the Church school children. faculty and the church staff, to which all attend- Ing the Vesper service are invited, fol. Iowing the service in the Junior rooma. Corne and get the inspiration of children leading in wrorship! CALENDAR 0F TUE WEEK Friday, December. 22 8: 00 Carol .Uroadcast flfturdamr.. Da'amber 22' Noam Sunday, December 2 N Sunàday school. il. a.mh.-Special Christmas Service for *the children,. as well as the parents. There wll bé no sermon, but thePrim- *ary department will present a.Chrlstmas Pageant. At 7:30 Christmas carols will be broad- *cast from the Memorial Singing Towver. t The Christmas Eve Mldnlght service, *with special music and celebration of the Holy Eucharist, wiIl begin Promptly at il o'ciock. On* Christmas, Day. at Il a. m. there wiIl be a plain, celebration cof Holy Corn- munion. Wilmette Methodi*stý Wilmette.avenue at Lake,,avenue ,Erskine M. .Jeffords, Minister. On Christmias Sunday, December 24, there will bc two splendid services at the church, la addition to the Church school 9:30 o'clock session. The morn- ing worship service will begîn with 'the oi'gan "prepraions 81' Th450'o'eik. The minister's sermon theme will be -Tid. ings of Great Joy." The special music, as arranged by Dean MeSloy, director, and Mrs. Sarah M. Eilert, organist, wil be as follows: Organ' Preparation (10:45): ":Mediey of Christmas Carols" "Pastorale Symphony- (Messiah) .~Handel *"Christmas Morn".,......... Rogers Introit: "Break forth, 0 Beauteous Heavenly Light" .............. Bach Anthem:-All My Heart This Nlght Rejoices- ................. Muelier Offertory Solo: "Rejoîce Greatiy" 'tMessiah)..........Handel Aièe McSlo*y Anthem: "The Joyful Morn" . ' Protheroe Orean Postlude: "Marcho0f the Magi" ...........DuBois The Christmas Eve Vesper wifl be held at 4 o'clock. A Program, "ýThe Chlld of Ligbt," will be presented by chiidren of the Church. school, assisfed by the choir and Epworth league. This promises to be a very beautiful pag-eant and you are condially invited to bring your friends with you. Children will be baptized at the il o'clock worship service on Christmnas *Sunday. Parents wishing te have their infants baptizéd at that time are asked to notify the pastor or church office before Sunday. At the 9:30 o'clock Church school hour Evangelical Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf avenue, ".14A HOUSE 0F WORSHIP"l The ReV. David R. Kabele, pastor CHRISTMAS SEtRICES Church Sehool program. - Friday. 7:30 p.m. M«ID-NiGHT SERVICE -Christmas Eve - 12 Midnight. EARLY. MORNING SERVICE-Christ. mas Day-6:30 a.m. SUNDAY SERVICES Church school .............. 9:45, a.m., Morning worship.............il a.m. The Church school will. present, the pageant. "»Light, of Life," by E. E. Ry. den. Friday evening of this wveelk ai 7:30 o'clock. Come and hear the story of the Christ Child téld! by the children of our Church school. A special Mid.Nlght service will be. held Christmas Eve at 12 p. m. There wiil be a candle-light processional by the choirs, also, speclal Christmas mu- sic. We. invite you to worship with us. On Chistmas flày we Wil have an early morning service at 6:30 a.m. At- tend church on Christmas Day. On Sunday, Decexnber 24, We wil hold our regular sessions of the Church school. at 9:45 a. m. and there wivll be a service of worship at Il o'clock. The High School youne people wvill sing carols on Christmas Eve. They wil1 meet at the church at 8 o clock. Junior choir rehearsal- Satui-day, morning at 10 o'clock. Attend our Christmas services. Oui- Services are arranged so that all -wil have an opportunlty to attend. church. St. John' s Luth cran (Missouri Synod) Wilmette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9:15 a.m. - No service at this,,hour on- Sunday. 9:30 a.r.-Sunday -school program re- hearsal. Il a.m.-Mornlng service. 7 p.m. - Children's Christmas Eve serv- ice. Christmas Day - Carol service. 6:30 a,m.; service in German, 9:15. a.m.; service in English, il a.m.

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