The, committee has èxtended an urgent invitation to the membersof ail of -the local, chuirch choirs to par- ticipýate. and the responses at this writing indicate that any of them wiII join in the. event. Invitations have also been ,extended to the-Boy and Girl Scouts and to the pupîls of Qaugnter, D'ale Barbara, on Decem- 1 ber' 6, at St. Francis hospital. The babyr, who has a brother, F rank, Jr., 3 years old, has been' named Barbara for 'her two grandmothers., Mrs.'Barbara Conrad, 1328 Wilmette: avenue, Wilmette, and Mrs. Peter, Borre of Evanston, formerly of High- land 'avenue. Peter Borre of Evans- ton is theý baby's mnaternai grandfa- ther. Mrs. Conrad 'before her- mar-' niage was.Mildred Borre of Wil- mette. ANNOUNCE BIRTH, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bleloch, i 1443 Asbury avenue.. Winnetka, an- nounce the birth of Eleanor Ahnne.. on December'15, in the Presbyteri-' an hospitaL. Wednesday-Testimonial ,Meeting-S pa. Sunday. School Exercses-9 :45 ar. READING ROOM-1 133 Ceiitral.Avenue Open bail7 .9 A.M. te 6 P.M. 9 A.M. to 745 P.M. Saturday9 A.M.'tog9P.M The. B ible and Worki of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail othet eathorimed Christin Sçi enece Literature may'b. read,'borrowed or purchaied et the, ReadiagRi. TEEs ruueLIà@ coErnLLT -INYIb r o ATEx»Tas enURCE sitvicsEANE VISIT Tum* EADibi Eo aàil e - boe~~ WiIh