VERY ATTRACTIE LARGE FRtONT room, witb connecting bai near trans- portation. and restaurants. Garage space avallable. Phone Wilmiette 300. 116OTN3itp NICE WARM ROOM PRIVATE ENTRANCE WINNETKA 1823 ____________________116LTN3-ltp FURNISHED BOOM SUITABLE FORi1 or 2.- close to Elm St. transportation. 554 ARBOR VITAE RD. WINNETKA 1921 PLUASANiT BOOMS NEAR TRANSPORTATION REASONABLEt WILMETTE 3478 116LTN3-ltpý WARM, LIGHT, SINGLE BOOM, BREAS. near bath, first floor,. priv. home: south and west expos. near transp. East aide. WIL 824. IIOLTNq3-ltp LARGE BOOM WVITH ALCOVE. TWIN beds. Aduit private home 1 blk. to transp. Plenty of beat andI bot water at aUl hours. Winnetlça 2116. ilOL3l4tp NICELY FURNISHED BOOM, 2 LARGE heated. Gentleman preferred. Wlmette for one or two, laundry service lnclud- ed. 15W6 Central Avenue. Wihnette 4944. 116LTN31ltp I WINNETKA 1111 I 128L31-Itp, NEWLY DEC.« MOD. 6 RM. APT. PLEAS. surroundlngs.. Fireplace, ou liht.,2 ar Wmette 4263. 3219 Lake ave.., Wilmette. IN. HEART 0F GLE NCOE. ONE.BLOCK from transportationm 6 rooma; good stove,& mechanîcal refrig. At 3M5 ark Ave. Key at bungalow n rear or cali Winnetka 664., 128LTN31-Itp X BOOM FLAT. RIDGE RBD.,'WfIL-. mette. ,Stearn heat & garage, $W5.0 FRANK PAVLIK, JR., 614 Green l3ay1 Boad, Kenilworth ý2016. 128LTN431.tce ONE BOOM, SLEEPING PORCH AND .kitchenette apt. Modern. Unfurnished. Aduits. $25ý per nionth. Telephone Wil. mette 33W7., 128LTN31-ltp 139 FOR RENT-FURNIOHIED A-PT. Il BOOM APT. NICELY FURNISHED, 2 * baths. Heated front and back porches. Garage. Near university and trans. 3 129LTN30-ltp NICELY FUBNISHED IITCHEN, BE- rocin, living room; daily maid serv- ice. Gas & elc.-lncluded, 1609-1th St., - dan, scened porch. price.$iéiioo. 0wn er open o offer. We know where the Bargains are on the North Shore!1 Over 45 Years of Dependable Service. McGUIRIE & ORR, Inc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 530 Dbavis St., Evanston., 'WII,:228, 147LTN93I-ltc -KENILWORTH SALE OR RENT WHITE BR ICK & FRAME JUST 2 yrs. old. .Spac. liv. & din. rms. Vene- tîan shades,.open scr.'pch., recrea. Ërm. 4,bdrms. 2', baths, att. gar..Oi1 ht. Priced for smart buyer. Also for rent at, $125 for December i5th occu.- pancy. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 510 Davis St. Gre. 1166 Wil. 3740. 147LTN31-ltc A--STANDOUT IN HOME COMFORT AND) GRACIOUS 144' ýýblocks to e iemlwotk station and sloes. Red brick English type, stoine trlm, siate roof, and many other features whlch indicate sound cônstruc- lion. 3 bedrms., 2%4 tile baths,, H.W.O. heat, attached garage. Upon inspection we belleve you wiil recognize this as an excellent buy for $17,500..1 R. B. WHITARER & CO.ý 140 Green Bay load, Winnetka Winnetka 3250 11.Rogers Park 7302 147LTN31-lte EAST WILMETTE - ECENTLY, fE- modcled brick and stucco homne. 6 bdrnis., 3%4 ba., sun and screened Pç.hs. H.W.O. heat. Cor. 50x2D0. Fine trees. Gar. Nr. ail schools,- churches, trans., etc. Rent $125. Séli $15.500. Sec your; broker. A. . Van. Deusen. WliI. 733. 147LTN30-tfec SOUTHEAST WINNETKA Fine 6 rm. brick with beated slpg. pch. and sunrm., tile bath and tile kitchen, 2 car gar., où heat.,This is an ex- ceptional buy for, this exclu- sive locationÏ. Winnetka 269. ________________________47L'1N3.ltp $19,000-NEAR SCHOOLS.-LAKE AN D 1 transportation. Large béautiful ground, lovelyv home,, 6 bedrooms,, heated sleep- ing and sun porches,. 3 baths, extra lava- tory, breakfast room, 'oW heat, 2 car gar- age. A moat unusual value. Carolyn V. Lang. Wlnnetka 1194. 147LTN31-Itp ANOTHIER GOOD WINNETKA BUY 4 bdrms.,, 2 baths, lovely large living E. S. WISDOM & CO. Winn. 387 or eves. Winn. 1235 or Wil. 2904 147LTN311tc $16.000! WHAT A BARGAIN!- Ideal, modern, 4 bedroom, 3"; bath brick: heated s u n and sleeping porches; B. & G. oil heat; attached gar.- Heinsen Realty, Winnetka 254. 147LTN31-1tc 148 FOR SALE OR RENT-HOUSES MIAMI BEACH - I 0 530 >Davis St.; Evanston. WIl. 228 133LTN31-tc GLENCOE' You'Il feel -at home," spacious 1-ms., iuxurious appointments, convenient lo- cation and more, that air of .charm-4 bedrms., 31,4 b., delightful scr. pcb. Available now for long term lease with- out salés clause! Se SEARS REAL ESTATE 42 Green BayBd. Kenilworth- 5288 Co 1603 Chical Gre. 2700 w' eR~.ATION - AL11NI -L l Avenue, Evanston 55-.00. Cor Vil. 608 Rog. Pk. 66361 schocs. 147LTNe3l-itc terms. Ca] INETKA 7 BOOM4 'T" TYPE 0F HOME ILW. oil ited to ts setting Wilmctte. ge. trees on grnds. er, Winnet] liv. rm. with beam stone firepl. libr. 5 150 Wi sleep. pch. For liq. WILL PAI $15,000. modern 'REALTY, Imc. rNnfe Gre. 1166 WiI. 3740- mette. Il :1< R.M. JOI -340 Linden Ave. Nimiýto4 & IK LOT NEXW gDL4HL X47LTN31-1te nisfled '. heatedi icposure closet, 6 p.mi. Wîii 4 BDRM caâr gar. 2' iate poss.$ li -auy_, own- or 7 i . Must 1Write woodburn. 4 BOOMS, HOT WATER 2 bedrooma, garage. Ac Ridge Ave., Wilmette. 1 ' f 1 -ý