FOR Mi Se cliA ». u$ " FRISOMTESA MC Thsplt-opMnjds sacm M bnto fSrms ytrLb strM clos F hCama n Muhom ihChpe hlos : fer edite 0F iU Sau YENisoN sUr *Chloago ' MaIrote 3153 a 1 muuvy, core CIst5iIas, uy wrmng himself out:as a package wrapper. B e's getting in plenty of practice 1 rightnow. Barbara, Stanwyck, ýFred MacMur- ray, Beulah Bondi, Elizabeth Patter- 1 son and Sterling Holloway1 are* doingý a Christmas ,scene. forý Director MitchellLeisen. 1It's. Artie's, job to wrap the pack- Fages before each'rebearsal and take. At a late hour today lie had- wrapped 172,, andwas stil going strong. O'Brien GetsGood. îLook at 'lis Future 1Pat O'Brien knows exactly how be'll1 look 20 years from. now-bar- ring accident. -H kne oows becouetrnm~leeup-~eqert Wally Westmore of Paramourit Stu- dio bas aged bim exactly two dec- ades for the latter sequences of O'Brien's film, "Happy Ending."1 And Irish Mr. Pat is quite delight- ed as he views hiniseif in a mirror and discovers (1) he will look very distinguished with grayish - white hair; (2) bis face wili not be heavily lined; and (3) he looks pretty good with a white mustache. *ed part in that studio' oduction'of "The Mari otop roles i which 1 by Richard. Dix, s and LuciUe Bail. BAS » tO EHEASE I Fly Il be ester cast - OYe eC oMIP,t'has' nule ik- ing role i theforthcoming Bobby Breen comedy-drama with .mu- sic, "Escape to Parad.:se." She plais opposite Kent Tay~lor and Maria Sheiton. [netter F ilms] years of age; P-Entire family. Teatro del Lago December 7--The Rains Came," for F. "They Shall Have Music," for F'. December 8 to 14-"Hollywood Cavalcade," for F. "Four Feathers," for A and Young A. Wilmette Theatre Decemr- ~i 7 t to 9..eaio.Urn M d' ç Reads like a cable clispatch frorn London, doesn't it? But it'sjust Hol- lywood again. The troopers referred toaeHollywood extra s, working ln $'The Light that Failed." . Ie embarkation. took. place on Paramnounit's. Stage A, and the ".troopship"l consisted, of one side of, an old, iron. hull. S eagoing potential- ites of, the "vessel" appear limited to use, possibly, as a duck blind. Roose velu. Relative Portrayed in Movie A relative of President" Franklin Delano Roosevelt took his place among the characters of motion pic- tures today. It was Columbus Delano, Secre- trrof the Interior i President Ulysses S. Grant's cabinet, and a cousin of Mr. Roosevelt's great- grandmother. Stanley Andrews, veteran charac- ter actor, portrayed the role in Par- amount's "Geronimo," story of the government's war a g a i n s t the Apache Indian sachemi. Sets Speed Record - .rlueymoon iieferred'? at Universal City just 16 hours after flnisbing a personal appea rance in New York. Lowe was i a Manhattan theater when Ken Goldsmith, associate pro- ducer, paged him with word that be was needed on the set next morn- ing.' The star immediately boarded a plane at Newark. Landing at the Union Air Terminal, a studio car and a make-up man met hini. He donned bis. costume and "war paint" oen- route to 'Universal City, arriving at 9 a.m. ready for worlc. V