%,-étz, o 1uilwuri, ri txiswia Miss Emerson is à member of the guild; Mrs. Austin D. Sturtevant. of Chicago Junior league and the Serv- Wlnnetka, the Stewart guild; Mrs. ice club. She attended Roycemore C. W. Jordon, Jr., of. Wiimette, the, echool and Bradford Junior college. Whltehouse guiid. A fourth generation Chicagoan, h er Miss . Clara Brooks, o! Winnetka .atrni reat-grandfather, Freder- and Miss Amy Drake of Wilmette ick R. Otis, came here from Ohio im will be co-hostess to the Chase guild, 1849. Mrs. E.ý S. Humphrys, Jr., o! Kenil- worth hostess to the William, White Mr, Vail is a graduate of Harvard guild, and Mrs. W. H. Smythe of, University and the Northwestern uni,- Kenilworth to the James Madison versity iaw school. No date has guild. been set forthe wedding. Miss Paterson SeleCts Janhuary 4 Wedding Day Miss Helen Marjorie Patergon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall Paterson, 1625 Central avenue, Wil- mette, andl Richardl Huxley, Gentry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley H. Gen- try of Angola, Ina., wiil be married' in a sunple church ceremony at the Wilrnette Baptist church at 4 o'clock Thursday, January 4. Following the wedding there wili be open house at the Paterson residence. The bride wiii be attended by her two sisters, Doris and Elsie, and Jean Kari and James Zuber o! An- gola wili be Mr. Gentry's.best mnan Dav*s-Belhke. Weddingi WilI Be Decemnber 116 Imiss Patricia Dav is, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis, 256 Woodstock a ve n ue, Kenilworth, whose marriage to Rober Haclr4. Bethke, of New York, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bethke of Chicago; was postponed iast September be- cause of the serious illness of the bride, has recentiy returned frorn a trip to Arizona where she completed her convalescence and has set 'a December date for her wedding. With the original bridai attendants as announced last fail the c e r e- mony wiil take place at the Church of the ' TTlv <Crnforter at 4:30 90N. Michigan Ave., Chicago Superfor 3802' PofroizeOur; Advertisers. tat Ring thi Cliristrnas Bel Finest Hamltco-n ex set with 34 C. D. P Ieavy platinum oam k quality 1-1 1 nv1 nome~. Preceding the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Paterson wiil give a bridai din- ner at the Géorgian hotel on Wed- nesday night, January 3. Anthony-Baumgarti Wed ding Day Chosen Thursday, Decelnber 14, has bE Catherine Croswell Is Fiancée of Wilmeffe Man The engagement of Miss Catherine Crosweii to F'red W. Russell has been announced by h e r father, Harry V. Croswell of Evanston, for- merly of Wilmette. Miss Croswell New model 17J Oinega at a' *new low pce .... I #% yellow qold filled Cams.', sive Peaook Speofai; Tavannas 17J, handsmeytyed$s rs r 14K yellow gold caîe. sion of Heip of cese of -Chicago. on the prograiTi 4'The Devil's, aie",' in its Ch:' -The Blue Dan'u apreyniere, and Thank home, day at the LOr lashington avenue., tegel STORE HOURS UNTIL CHRSTMAS, 9 TO 6 C. D. ýPeacock StSeads"Mont«T MU Linden Ave-.,.Hfubbard W"od