L A, Baptist mtssionariI, Miss L Emnma, Èrodbe ck, who for a 'num berofyears hçts.been sta- * tonedin West China, wiu be' *the guest of, honor and speaker for the December meeting of the Woman's Soriety:of the Wilmette Baptistý church on Friday of next weelc. Her experiences in China will be the thread of her talk. Bake Sale Saturday St. Mary's society of. St. Joseph's -parish will hold a bake sale Satur- day, December 9, at George White's grocery, .Ridge road and Lake ave- nue. Everythirig in the sale, it is announced, will be home made. Sunday Tea .Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex road, Kenilworth,, entertained twelve couples at tea at their home Sunday, Novémber 26. tAVEUP I On Nation4fly S =V IE UT 25 Known Furniture I See Rensch for Feraitare MAPLE LOUNGE CHAIR OPEN THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS- until 9 O'CLOCK esk about our fr parking> - 1 il l Il N se4Ç~j Fil C THAT'S REALLY FITTIN.. for SH OR T-MEDIUM -TALLI, '3 pairs $285 3 pairs $4.70 ,xclusive with Stevens in Evanston EDGAR A.::STEVENS, Imc.Evrso IS IMPORTANT!, III and Eyarisfon