Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Dec 1939, p. 46

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IPIVE CENTS A COPY TWO IPOLLAES A TE Newos nateriai must reach editOr bY Tues<IaY noon. Cojtari butions shoudd bear authOr'a naie, required jer releremnc<d n't necess«iy, for publication. DECEMBER 7, 1939 h .Paya £0 Advets Yes, it, pays to advertise, but there are sill Some local mierchants Who persist. in, advýertislig in a manner that not only drives ustom»ersaa fromi their stores and ère-' ates iil-will, but a ctually'endangers the life and property. of customners and non-custùm- ers alike. RIS to these merchants that we are now talking You. may think that you are saving, time and money by allowiflg your deliverymen to drive tlfrough -the streets at hreaknook speed, racing around corners, dodging in and out of traffie, rushing at 40. miles an hour toward pedestrians crossing streets,. slamming on the brakes to make a~ quick stop, then laughing when they jump. That may be fun for your driver, but if you think it is doing you or your business any good you are worse than mistaken. The truth is that the practice is costing you more money you. They see your namne on thie truck, auuiu it is you toward whom their anger and re-ý sentment is directed. It is your store that they swear right there to neyer again enter. You are responsible for your truck a nd the way it is driven, and you pay the bill in lost business and lost profits. We know of sev.%- *eral instances where this very thing has- *happened. [t does NOT payto advertise in that way. "Surely events of recent months have sobered ail of us to see and try to under- stand the things that are occurring. Armnis- tice Day may still serve as a lofty lookout, a liste.ning p9st, from ',whlch to >udge the once the custom, even in this counltry, to settie private quarrels by the duel-and that passed. It was once the custom to mneasure masculinity by the number of bot- tIes drunk in a. night--afld that passed. It was once the custom.'to. beat children at school-aild that passed. It was once the custom for-men to work fifteen hours a day for a pittance-and -that passed. It .was once the, custom to chain'and-starve and otherwise abuse the mentaily deranged- and that passed. Ships that needed sailors. stole. them -from, waterside. resôr ts, or im- pressed them from other. ships a-t sea--andç that passed,. Pirates -ranged the ocan- and they passed. Slave sbips.sailed from 'Af- rica, their holds crowded with- manacled black'men and womnen kidnaped, fr om their native shores and destined for sale in so- called 'free' countries - and that passed. From one point of view history lis a vast processio>n of Evil's departing fro-m human. practice. "Only a madman would propose to re- vive any of those things clone in moral. ignorance. Because your family ran slave ships 200 years ago, therefore rny family has a right to do it now? Because your country stole an island 200 years ago, there- fore my country has a right to steal it now? That would penalize the race 2,000 years nf rnopq.,-ThnQ4e thinms have aone! Ves- with it and passed it by. Wnatever use it may have served in ages past, its 'dayý is done, and neyer more clearly done than at titis moment when it.seem-s to have rev ived in zenith power," There's Fun in a'Gun' The following ten commaridments of gun safetv have been recommencled by the loaded gun. "Neyer shoot at al'fat, liard surface or the surface of -water. "Do not mix gunpowder ai-d alcohol." If there were not danger as well as fun i a gun., the above warnings, would flot be necessary. Horse Owner Jockçey Colors, Time 1-Atlas Alvin Andrew Orange 2:00.0 2-Atlee AIbih Albert Gold 2:00.2 3-Anl<ler Arvin Alfred Scarlet 2:00,4 4-Anchor Ardin Abbey Putrpie 2:00.6 5-Antler, Adlil Ammon Silver 2:00.8 6-Alter Ablin Astor , lue 2: 01 Accompanying the solution, and referring the re- to, was' the following communication:, ".Dear Mique: Tell the P. R. that (the 'solu-. tion). meets the conditions set down in its (ou'r italics), column, drat him. My attorneys will send bill for brain fag, eye.strain, wasted time and general ,exkhaustion, with punitive damages. ,-M.H. We do not believe he can collect. If the dlaims set forth are valid, and they must be if remrksof his immediate. family are to be credited, he.has been sufficiently damaged a]- ready.ý However, our-interest is in that d rastical-. Iydeflating possessive pe rsonalýpronoun its, which the solvor employed in referring to us. It is the unforgivable insult that can, be -wiped only by the spilling of blood on the field of hoinor. S everal other correct solutions have been re- ceived. Oermany has d4cejed dedatb. for pensons found guilty of sabotage. There's an idea. Why doesn't Uncle Sam do that? Maybe it would reduce the number of accidents (?) which occur ail too fre- quently ini shipping and industry. You just can't fool those hardheëaded. yankees, for long. New Hampshire, «'Iooking through a: hole in a grindstone," found that while the New, Deal had spent $15,000,000 in that state, its share of the federal debt had jumped to $127,000,000. Other, states might find it profitable to do some accounting. sent tLU prison LLiiflk about. Fvor instanýe, D.r. James M. Smith, former, president of Louis iana State university, cutting sugar cane on a prison farm. And former United States Circuit court judge, Martin T. Manton, whose sentence to 'the pententiary was aflirmed by that same court Monday. Both reached positions of eminence 'in their respective fields, but neither possessed the character and moral fibre to withstand temptation. Maybe loss of the respect of former friends does not affect them. Toledo, Ohio, coming to the end of its financial It makes no difference how many shopping days there are between now and Christmas, we will not do our Christmas shopping until the ]ast minute-and neither will most other 'people., "I'f wmhter comes;.", Yes. If. THE PiANToM REPORTER 'J 1

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