ABRAHAM LINCOLN' lmHE WAR, YEARS CARL SANDBURG Auloraphd............20 I-TKES ALL KINDS LOUIS BROMFIELD MOMENT INPEKING LIN YUTrANe Aufogjraphed...... ..... T HE NAZARENE SHOLom ASCH Autographed ............$27S GAMES . . .GIWV/ RAPPING ANGEI. FIGURINES *CARDS G LEBA v tatIoRery E THRILL >BOOKS! m. fj!wa' mosf and- which at that time appeared to be the end of, French civilization. From these facts he- draws his. con- clusion; and the.. most interestlng quality o! his book is, for mhe, the courage and assurance it, holds, that light 'comes> inevitably, afier dark- ness. The first, step he takes- in. estab- lishing- this premise is to stûdy the intellectual influences which Eng- land a n d America gave France. "The conscience of the- world is sick,"ý he says, about the present criss. "An, attempt.must be made to cure it." The same thing held true 150 years ago, and, imbuedc with. the 1irin1pDleswhich her English- wmn. ,This history 18 written, therefore, from a new viewpoint. It sees a rèvolution as a morass from which emerge the beginnings of a new life. It is heartening reading, for it discounts any ideas that civilization is on the verge of a collapse, and puts in their place the grateful as- sertion that life will go on and the democracies gain new strength from Again the River By Stella E. Morgaà-CroWeIl This story kept Mrs. Roosevelt awake till 2:30 a.m. She says it Is "'real literature, timeless, describ- ing real people . .. the most stirning book I have read for a long time ..it introduces us to a group of our citizens it is. well for us to under- stand and know." This is the flrst novel ta tel .a Greystone Photo Érank E. Compton, 775 Grove street, Glencoe, chairmafl of the board of F. E. Comfpton and com- pany, îs to ive& the J9u3th of the- Richard Rogers Bowker Memo- rial lectures at the New Yorkc Publie lbraTy, on December 7. His subject will be "Subscription Books." Mr. and Mrs. Compton left last Monday for The Greenbrier, at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., where they were to nemain until the date of the leading publishing houses.. The late Fredrick A. Stokes and Afred Har- court spoke fromn the point of view o! the trade book publisher, and Fred- erick S. Crofts on textbook publish- ing.,Mr. Compton was chosen to r ep- resent the s9ubscription booksfield& 1Cruise pany, 15 announciflg a number of new books which would make de- lightful Christmas gifts for boys and girls. Most of them, while primarily entertaing, at the same time prove instructive in an_ historical1, geo- graphical or -scient1fftc way. The whole colorful pageant of life on the Mississippi is the background f or "ýAugustus' and the River,".'a story of Augustus,' ten, who lives on a shanty boat on, thé. Mississippi river with his Parents, and his-broth- erand sister, Jupiter and Gloriana. A real shanty boat trip the author, Le Grand Henderson, made, requir- ing more-than seven mnonths, sup- plied the materfi for the book, and his own sketches illustrate it. "Path ways of Our President s" by, Floyd 1. McMurray are the lives of all the presidents of the United States retold in a novel and. enter- tainmng way for informative and rec- reattÔtial readiing: TrIa eêtles of litte journeys, Mr. McMurray takes youfig readers to see the birthplaces, the homes and the burial places of our chief executives. His accounts are full of unusual facts about these men, and accompanying them are photographs of each birthplace, eachà home and tomb. W~* Ten years ago, Amenican neaders were led into a magical Austrian for- est to meet a noble young deer the father of a faiy, in a book en- titled "Bambi's Children." The chul- dren, are twin fawns, Geno and Gur- ri, learning the hazards, the joys and the terrors of the forest. "Tom Jefferson: a Boy in Colonial !Days" by Helen Albee Monsell is the third of a series of boyhood biog- raphies of great Americans, the life o! our third presicdent when he was a freckled, red-headèd boy. In his work, his studies, his adventures ini Colonial Virginia it is possible to seet ,the traits which were later to make hlm an architect, an inventor, a- statesman, a lover of the land and aI [friend of man.~ I 1724 Orrungton Ave. Orrimooteomuelldlg ie war has done to mnany of us 01 cn flot end,, is mhe tneme 1 tocIay,"' she explained, f has laid hilm low. again!' àstiima Leh.