CIreniuiu finish streaualiuer with built4in whlstle, whistle eonptolier anid transformner. Engin. mund two $ passenger coaches, observation car with curved windows, twelve sec- tions of traclc, Cars couple into Compolete"Wsah Trans former, Bll Outfiti Doni wh a whole, wgrdrobe to go- traveýling ln-deses, hat, aprons, extra shoes,- bag and an overnite case. A perfect glft. $5 A conîpe9e set -for building hua.. rdresof engineering uarvels. 100 pleces in *Ii The gift a boy Wilil welconie most enithusiastic Santa Claushmei will bée there to gret, you! Buasy JFeeh Lihrary An educational toy for the young- sters. A different busy work book for each daY of the weelc. Paluting, eut-out puz- zle, put-together, dot draw- P Ing, etc. For thne Baby Doll Hfi-Chair 29 luches hlgh; seat 831x86. Complote wltli sIlig tray. 014 colouy maple or Ivory finish. Reg. $2.50 Folding fl Carniage $ I 21%6 Inch size, completely assembled. Çojlapslble s t e e 1 frube; lth res. dp . tura es. coe98 type wheels. Cover, Pad and Ironing Board Sturdily built lroniug board compIete wlth good'quality pai and cover. A git for littie bouse- P keepers. Logs 97e Reproduce th3e natural effect of rough eut logs, heWn wlth the adz and ax of the early American ploneer. As- sembile them iu varionuildngs A Swell Nea, Truck Train One truck train complete wlth beavy gauge hauler and baggage, ice, mllk, etc. trallers. Set U complete for only ....... 21-PIECE TEA SET PUI, "éTooiaie To y" Freigh.t Train Set Bag oj For eh ildren up t. 5 years of age. A 8teel locomotive that you can ride on and steer. 27 incises long; streanulaned. Attractively $10, SPECIAL SCO@TEIR I $498 G ive a American Boy a Sel of 295 While theY last!. àeà