$165 Sanforixèd Shrunk-Re,àiduïi-U Shrinkagie fot'to e xceed i % i A shit lie would: choose for himself! Fabries equal to $2, shirt fabricÉ9 funl cut hi al dimnensionis and beautifully tai- lored. Proeessed ceollar that fits> perfetly and wifl flot wilt nor curi. Rieh'stripes, oid color oxford-eloth and white broad. L loth. Arr.w Tes -Yonu npick bIndtolded aud: b. sure- to plese. 811k sud silksudrayon ties, fuily shaped, wootlilned, veillent co»- strucion. Hanisome new patterns tbat < reflect Arrow's flair for top notch sty-, wU Many pieces are entirely "H,11andumde")- what could be more thrillhi Wisuch an intimate gift! !Exquùisite 'worknianship an& dainty lovelinese distinguish every piece-and remem ber, yon eau get al of tliis without extravagance in Wie- boldt"s Lingerle departmént. $12.95 Susede Jackets, Craventted suei. that sheds water; chestnut tan col- or. Eevwrso cape collar aud faclng. Extra zipper breast pocket. Slip-on or, button styles; first quality leathers. Washable gleves ln creani and cork. Hocha iu gray wlth self stitch- ed tops. Sises 7 %to 10. $298 (i II 'I 2 WIEBOLDT'S-Davis Street Evanston Wools, l*iseo or silk and rayons--new colors, excluisive designs. Perfect fit and Weci. l es 10 edtoés. fo ~ aud hWels.res 10 .to 1.2so Open Thurs. and Sat.. Tilt 9 P.M.* M A Tike 2 00000,'Oý r,*14 - 1