cet K' o57.U a rxr.MllK8K Held at the Howard school audi- torium in Wlmette last Saturday afternoon, the second meeting of the School Emnployees association turn- ed out to be a far bigger affair than wvas expected. About one bundred men and women attended and twelve more sehool districts. were enrolled. That the movement is being en- thusiasticàlly receivedà was evidenc-ý ed by the announced- determination of ýdelega tes to. .form units. in- dis- tricts far removed"from the North Shore,, and to taàke in ail. school employees not under any. présent pension plan., Requests were receiv- ed from secretaries, stenographers, cooks, engineers and bus, drivers asking *for consideration, and the -meeting unanimously decided to ad- mit them ail. Making a clear-cut explanation of the aims of the association,-3peak- ers challenged critics and obstrue- +tionists to. corne outt in. the .open,, definitely silenced the alleged threat of a union, and. stated that laws covering municipal empioyees. did not affect schools. He also stated that the public should realize that school employees are ineligible andexempt under the Social Security Act, can- not corne undér Civil Service, and that although school boards are probably paying salaries as high as as possible, they are certainly not high enough for any family man to insure bis sevurity in old age, and these eniployees canùiot see why they should not receive thie same treat- ment as tea chers. The next meeting will probably be held Saturday. 4-H Club Menbers Will. Give Programi One thousand' two hundred boys and girls, members of the 4-H clubs, representing ahl parts of the United States, will -be guests of the Chi- ca.go Sunday Evening club in Or- chestra hall December, 3. They will, *Tommy Bartlett, ýone >0f the principal actors of' the "Missus Goes ta MMarket" pro gram broad- cast over station WBBM, is to appear in person at the National Tea store, 1107 Central avenue, *Wtlmnette, Thursday morning, Deeqnfer 7, at 10.30 o'vlock. Christmnas Display eeStairway to Stars" G. D. Kearns, display manager of the Edgar A. Stevens' store at 1624 Orrington. avenue, Evanston, h a s driven bis idea wagon down througb tin pan alley for the theme or- the name at least of the Stevens' store. Christmas windows. I1V la cailed "Stairway bo the Stars." The four main Windows at the store bave been divided into eigbt smalier ones by means of large win- dow frames t h a t are set- flusb against the front glass. In each sec- tion a miniature stairway leads up- ward to a star studded backg.round of blue. Displayed on the stairway are the many unusual accessories and gift ideas on sale at the store. In every other window, smart new mannequins display gowns and neg- ligees. Although the actual display snace suggestions for parties. and spec tai occasions, information about proper table setting And serving, bow to buy .edonomically' and serve at- tractively, and handy1 meat chats, are a few of the multiple benéfits to be derived- from the handsome book. Announce Payment 0Of )3ank Dividend Edward J'. Barrett,'.state auditor, this ýweek. an noun ced that he' has authorized p ayment- of a 23.8 per cent dividend, amnounting to $31,481.- 51, to the depositors of.the closed NorthbrookState bank. >This is the fifth and final dividend to be paid since the bank closed, bringinga. the total paid up tô 81 per cent. The checks, were given out November 25. In addition to this dividend, $43,- 368.09 bas been paid onbuis pay- able and $1,410.63 to preferred cred- dtors. This payment is fromn ordinary li- quidation. An nounce Exams for Civil Service Posts T~he. United States Civil Service commission bas annoirnced o pe n çornpetitive. examinations for the positions lsted below.. Applications must be on Mie in the cornrission's - offlice at Washington, D.C., not later than Dlecember 11. Assistant inspector of ship construction (mechanical), $2,600 a year. for fiIling the position of assistanit shipyard inspec-' tor, machinery. Employment is in the U. S. Maritime commission. Experience in the inspection of marine machinery is requlred. Applicants must have reached, their twenty-fifth but must flot have passed their fifty-third birthday. Instriactor. Air Corps Technical school. occur often in the design itseli, but mor e frequently in the overprint or surcharge. The meeting* will behbe1d at the Nichols scbool, Greenleaf and Elmwood ave nues and wili begin at 8 p. Mr. Heumnanis chairman. of thé progra m commnittee and one of, the founiders of thesociety.. 'He is weil known'in the philgtelic circles on the North, Shore. Iný addition to bis, col- lection which number about 35,000. varieties be bas à collection of about a dozen ribbons presented ta him for bis dispiays in, the exhlibits of vari 1ous societies ini this territory.. Visitors are, always welcome at the meetings of bbc society, according to Felix Pientka, secretary, Vast Throng Views Fair Rail Exhibit According ta a compilation of f ig- ures just announced, 3,500,000 per- sons visited the exhibit of the Chi- cago and North Western Line at the World's Fair recently closed in San Francisco. The North Western ex- hibit was pronounced the outstand- inig one by railroads in the vacation- land building. 0f the total who vis ited the ex- hibît, 1,200,000 viewed one of the three daily shows which were staged in the exhibit. These shows <ra- matized the. comforts of modern travel, a cast of men and women actors participating in 2,380 perforn-- ances. There were aiso two miniature streamlined trains operating in the exhibit, exact replicas of the City of San Francisco and Tbeý Forty -Niner built to scalej,being used.. C. W. Mattson of the North West- ern promotion department, bad charge of the exhibit. ning at Shawnee, starting off with Every ,section of the United States costume. The dol was obtained ~ a dhmner, and devoting the evening and Canada where ive stock produc- from a pioneer Wisconsin family on to the variety of sports activities tion is important will be represent- one of Mrs. Dicke's collecting trips. Gill)ert Xeith bas returned to his, afforded by the Shawnee cl1ub fla- ed by exhibits, says B. H. He ide, The- doil is 90 years old and Mrs. home in Wilmette from Watseka, cilities. secretary-manager of the show.. Dicke places its value- at $0.11