Will buy your book$.. Muso rtvate libra- ries. Wl!! c*U. WrILME= E3214. 174LTN27-4tp Junk Dealer GOLUMAN offers you a market for BOOKS. MAGAZINES. FPURNITURE. PAPER. RAGS and pays.hlghest prices. Cali WU!. 5426 or Wil. 481. 174LTN25-tic Junk Dealer Phil Schuman Will buy furniture, bath tubs. old iron. Washing machines. Any kind of junk. Pay' best prices. Wilmnette 744. SWEDISH JUNK MAN Top prices. for books,. magazines, wash, mach.. sewing mach -manse,. junk. WINNETKA 15221 75EXCHANGE-MISCEL.LANiEoUS WANÎTÏD - GOOD CONDITION DOuu-; ble wooden bed with springs and mat- tress to trade for dressed capons. Write B-154, Boxk 60, Wilmnette. IIi. NOTICE TO, BIDDERS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FOR FU RNISHING CHEMICALS -WILMBITE WATERWQRA5S FOR THE YEAR 1940 Sealed bids will be received by the Villa ge Clerk of the Village of Wilmette, Ilinois, until 12:00 o'cjock Nooni, Decem- ber 19, 1939, for furniishinig the followine' estimnated amnounts of cheniicals for the Wilmette Waterworks for 1940: Pounds. Liquid Chiorine........ ...... 7,000 Powderéd Activateci Water Carbon............. _50,000 Ground Basie Suiphate of Alumina ..................80000 MILLER, egame: son, .172-; G. Nucklis, 158:. baugh and H. Metz, 1là L. Laura 423; wll- Gritz- LEGION LEAGUE Artillery Won three gamneÉ from the Marines due to the absence of two bowlers on the Marines' team. Doughbûjys walloped the Tôrpedoes for three games retaining first posi- tion -by a lead of one game on. the Artillery,. The Torpedoes were handi- capped by the absence. of one- of their bowlers. The Engineers, toolk two games from the Gunners. Two of the attumnactivities of the . Wimette Girl Scouts are shown 'n the photo graphs above. At the left Patty Sundblom, Lois Hale, Zahra Hassan, Lois Dranscome, and Dorothy Race are gathered a round a camp ire. At the right,, Lois B ranscome,. Nan Shearon. and Dorothi, Dou hhoys ........... .17 1 .630 Braaten are working on the Girl Scot Artilglery..........16 il 593 Engîie rs ............là 12 .5561 1obers ..:......... 14 13 .519 Representatives f r o m Wilrnette, Marines.......13 4 .481 troops to the Wilmette "International Gunners .........12 15 .444 Counci1,l' will meet Friday at 3:45 Destroyers ..... ...... 12 15 .444th »m.L rsL Torpeçioes ..... 9 18 .33 oc a tehoeofMsL Pii High team series: Artillery. 2911: high! Denoyer, 643 Abbottsfoi-d road, Ken- teamn gamne: Doughboys, 1079; high ] 11 ilworth. The group will discuss a dividual series: Browne, 646; high in. progïram of international friendship dividual gamne: Leal, 252. fo ilmet cus Gaines over 200: Leal.,-252;. Bromie, 248, 211; Lindberg, 238; MoodY, 223: Logs. -A oneto don, 211: and Frainberg, 210. Charles Dahricke bas replaced Arch What they said at, the Girl Scout Houle, wfr due to business reasônis islovni: unable to attend regularly. ci nxn ____________"Wise homemakers are wise éiti- NORTHSUBURAN LEGUE izenis. Careless and selfish home-' NORTH SUbUR 24L) CE makers are careless and selfish citi-. zens, and citizens make the nation." Nothoo lenes W. L. Avg., -Mrs. Herbert. Hoover Shore Line iMotors......'25 il 882 honorary vice-pi-esident' Glenview Recreation. 22 14 8.55. ,Ideal Clefiners ,;......... .22 . 14 823 "More than half-a million girl scout Sîçokie Valley Beverage. 19 17 8661 hornemakers may learn through girl New Trier Finance ...19 17 852 scout activities that willingness to Braun Bros ............. 19 17 813 Shoreland Finance ..ý.... *18 18 816 cooperate and to understand another Fell's Store For Men ...16 20 825 person's viewpoint, even when it is Pavlik Bros ............ 15 21 835 differ ent frorn their own, is basic to, Deckert's Tavern....... 10 123 782.jteronhpiest odhm Kennel Club............7, 26 .91hi w hpies o odh0m First high tearn, three ganes- life ai-d to good citizenship. It was Shoreland Finance........... 2,791 upon this principle that girl scouting Second high teamn, three gaines- Ideal Cleaners......... 9 was foÙnded; it is upon this princi pîc First, high. team, single garne- that it has buit for 27 years.- Glenview Recreation......,5 Second high teamn, single gaine- -Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse Northwood Clenners ........ ..... 992' Girl Scout national director First high individual. threc gamnes-1Heinemnann .. ........... 6491I'- cainnot think of any single issue Second high individual, three which >on the whole is se, important of tflree games, Gýreat West and Ke Schaefer's Liquor. Store stayed in Qu: the running by taking three games Z apiece from Zick Dry Goods and Keefer's Service station, and in the Au, night cap Quinlan pulled thernselves Elï out cbn Presidenit MýArs. Harvey S. Mudcl, of Bey-. eriy Hilîs. Caif., Was elected president of the Girl Scouts of Amierica, at the 25th national' convention held receiitly an-d which ivas attended by a num- ber of North Shore Girl Scout. iýtÎe -'rîmes..... l-î 21 L7 721 Ninth street, f Jan Record Service. .15. 21 .417 Evanston, have 1 Dry Goocis.... ***'.*13 23 *.344 'home ini Wilmetl gh game and series were rolled by Te aeto< ýberg with 606 and 224; 200 bowlers Te aeto in, 213, Miller, 211, Meter, 207; and Elizabeth, b, n, 201, and Yeoman, 200. Central school, hters, Patriicia, pupils at thé