BRADNA REVERSES CAREER Lovely- Olympe Bradna, currently- featured m "The, Night of Nights,"ý is accounted one of the most femnin- ine of al Holywood's feminine play- ers, but *as signée to her contr act because she stopped, the show. at the French Casino, in New'York, wear- ing a Man's saioôr suit. mêd Italie. P..d et ; Uco',SI lI iaiat, a w ALAUUU5 pool and a badminton court. The life of a rancher does flot appeal to the Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer star and-he wants no more. 1livestock arounid him than a dog. Because of this, Powell says he -is pleasinglydoomned toI go' right on making motion pictures. "I shudder, to- think of becom- Ing a man of Ieiý- sure," he an- aounces while- studying .scç ri pt Yfor a picture to i tnllnw his recent-1 Myrn Loy to keep busy on a ranch. But I don't like farming, horses scare me, I have no desire to milk a cow and chickens seem out of place anywhere but on a platter covered by a delicious golden-brown hue. "It is amazing to learn, on a. visit to Myrna Loy's ranch, that limes On leave of absence from Hollywvood, Ray Whitley performed wlth: his band on tour with the Rodeo before returnmng for a new series of musical western dramas, the ftrat of which is "Cupid Rides the Range."> Here he is shoion at New York's Madison Square Garden trnth guest soloist Harret Castillo, with whom he ihas made a series ofrecordings of songa from RKO Radio pictures for N.BC ahort-,wave broadcasts. exercise in my pool ana on mny bad- minton court. So, since I'm niot eut. out to retire to the soul, I've got to keep on working in pictures. And I'm not shedding any tears because Of it."p Star Seeka Namea for Dachshund's Puppies One of those things that can only happen in Hollywood occurred at Paranjount studios recently wheni Director Louis King suddenly dis- covered a featiired mnember of the cast in "Seventeen" was a family relation. She is 9-year-old Norma Gene Nelson. Oddly eniou was not sele( the littie actir by King, but Barred gates behind which Uni- versai is filming trick effects for' "The Invisible Man Returns," were opened to one visitor only after an embarrassing mment for the studio watch- mani assigned to Spatrol the sound stage, IA .would-be For Rsewvofl..s PhoneMles Conter 212 - H. A. Go.drick, Manger 's home' Iwas *'enny.t. -Rn I L