Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1939, p. 3

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Funds Derived Aid in Anti- Tuberculosis Work of Wil- FIVI luette Health Center The thirty-third. annual Christrnas Seal sale will open tomorrow Fn- day) when thousands of the tiny red and blue stamps are mailed to Wil-1 mette ,residenits. 'Simultanieously'j a throughout the United States work-'ý a ers will begin selling the anti-.tuber- culosis seals in a fund-raising drive' that will continue until after, Christ-( In Wilmette the seals, support the, anti-tubercuiosis work of the Wil- 1 mette Health Center, an affiliate of 1 the TubercuIosis Institute of Chicago' At Si and Cook'County. Theservice of a publie health nurse and the facilitics of a wýell-equipped health center are available to ail residents of New Trier township throughout the year. Conducts Clinics Each month the center conduets a dia.gnostic clinic for tuberculosis. During the past year the Christmas seals provided tuberculin tests for ail grade school children in Glencoe. Besides the case-finding and nurs- in-, wvork of the center. the seal finance a year-round educationai program. Talks and health movies' are given and literaturé is available at the center. Last summer a health Entereti as second-clu ratter March 8, 1912, ust the post office us Yilr*ette, Illinois, indter the oct o0f Murch 3, 1879. E CENTS A COPY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR Novem ber ý30, 1939 bTýrafflic éLights 'at -Jreen Bay- RoadPoit rtnday Club Organization's 7 00 Workers Com~pIete T *a s k ; Report 2,685 Subseriptions At a, meeting of the board of di- rectors of the Wilmette. Cornmunity C h e s t association, held Monday night, its president,. Staver Mould- ing, 730 ,Elmnwood.> avenue, an- nounced.that the 1939.campaign had corne to an end, and. that for the first tinie in local chest history the budget as -set up-by the budget com- mittee. had been oversubscribed.. ~Chie.ago Motor CIlUbj Seeks Bet- The budget totaled $26,300, The ter Prottection -at- Wilmiette, peopfle of Wilmette had, pledged, UP to Wednesday morning, .$27,155.74. Intersections There are still a few pledges to corne in which, it is expected, will boost the present total by several hundred rnotorists, will be. interested in the'dlas ijnformaion that there is a possibil- It was also rpported.that the total1 ity that traffic lights may 'be in-' nuniber of individual subscriptions I stalled at the intersections of Wil-'to date is' 2,685, which flgure repre- p mette avenue. Central avenue and 1 (Continued on page 8), Lake avenue with Green Bay road __________________ in Wilmette, At a recent meeting of the NorthIin et Na e Area council of the Chicago MotorKin oN m club, Chief of Police Cloyd C. Mc- A Guire suggested that the council re- I d ior r u r'uest the Illinois State }ighway -Ivs yGr u Parmen tomake these installa- n tions, inasmuch as another installa-,ýI Zoni n , Studv The Christmas seal committee of the Wilmette Uealth Center is head- ed by Mrs. William T. Morgan. The other members are 0. R. Barnett, F. J. Budinger, Mrs. Henry Brandt. Henry Fowler, Mrs. William HeiseI. WV. C. Huggins. Herbert B. Mulfor-d. Herbert L. O'Connell, Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng., Mrs. H. G. Vanikie andi i\lr',. George B. Wiliams. Burglars Enfer Home1 Sidney R. Monta gue, noted Lee- titrer, formaerli, of the R o y a 1 Caniadian Mounted Police, will be the speaker at the New Trier Sunday Evening club Decem ber 3. His subject will be: "Tales of This type of traffic control for the three-intersections, located in a busy section of the village, has heretofore beet- considered impractical because of the narqllel North Western rail- * Continued on page 6) Rotarians to Entertain New Trier's Gridders 1 ffpmbont'.arof the New.on,'Ivo'Tre i2çh Zoning commission. In order that ail interests may be properlyr represernt- ed, President Kinne added, the per- sonnel of the committee will be given most careful consiçIeration. It will be announced as soon as com- pleted, he said. The purpose of the committee is stated to be not only collaboration in bringing the proposed aniend- ment to the zoning ordinance to the naint of njassae hv then Ufllticg and be board of e( speakers; president u' ,on, -,xill be ri to f eel happy ess. ýst Association secretary, c be well ie public is e, the "Y" I inv ani

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