There were songs, of a hunter, of harvesters, of Odessa., of the Volga' boa tman, ofa. team of horses, of a ýCossack womnan, of the village ped- dier, a bandit, the serfs, and a pil- grim beggar-all strange and unu- suai and, for the most part, very sad., Mrs. Waleviteh had a beautiful *speaking voice and poetical way of, interpreting the words and music, that her husband sang. Both show-> cd an intense love for the ancient Russian music. Followî%,ng the prograrn, tea was served in the lounge where there was an exhibit of photographs of Wilrnette people taken by Helen Bal- four Morrison.-F. B. M. Theatrical Photo. HarryFe t t er er, ith. his "Punch and Judy" show, is at the Methodist church bazaar in Wlmette. This show has thrilled thouandsat the World's fair in Netî'York. "For lots of fun~, cone and see this performance at 4 o'clock and' 7:30 o'clock Friday ofthtigs ¶eek, t tth'e e, re*., the comzttee urges. READ THE WANT ADS