-of the Actor's guild of ?New Trier Jligh school, this Tbursday after-, noon, at 3: 45 o'clock i the audi- * torium. in the first :play, Beverly Day takes the part o! Amanda,,a youngi business woman contemplating mat-, rimony. Five.of her rnarried, friends, *Jean Wilson as L(ucy, Sarah MerriHf as Julia, Kay -Lindeman as, Amy, Shirley Schlung as Cecile, and Mari- lyn Merlund' as Eve try to persuade, Amanda to remain single. Each wlfe points out the littie traits of character * and annoying habits of her own bus- band which nearly drive ber frantié. "The Rlsing of the Moon" takes, place at the side of a quay in an *Irish. seaport town. The sergeant, played by Alexis Tellis, is waiting to capture a man who is leader in an Irish uprlsing. He lis assisted by twopoplicemen, Phil Petersen and dôrdon Sibey. Bil Harbeck4 in the role of a ballad singer, meets the sergeant and' convinces him- that perhaps the Iuish peasants are right in t.heir revolt. Robert Harper's stagecraft class is in chjarge of scenery, and Barbara Bray ia head of properties. Miss Louise Lambert la directing the two plays assisted by Mary Morgan. Byd The Northwe * al games were at New Trier1 * any'one mlgbt staternent, as1 viously be a ral those ,two schoc Blackstone Photo* Ogden Dayton Miller, diTector of ýalumni relations of Yale uni- veru:ty, will represent that insti- tution 0$ th~e tid aiuual oitegê. exhibit of NewT,>1rier flgh achool on Sat1rdayf and 3unday. pails or not but neither did anybody else. The Northwestern waterboys were practically obscured in enor- mous genuine I'N" sweaters, but smal natter if they were a trifle large, it was the principle o! the thing that counted. The second quarter of G.AA. sports iii now ixhdsrway andq Rnort% 'y Frannie Wagner. lrn - Ilinlois annu -_______ layed November 27 ghi tchool. In case December 17 la Set as oint to contest this ýw Trier would ob- Christmas Concert Date r strange placé for to bold their ath The annual Christmas concert giv- ýy explain that at enbythe students of New Trýier _onsi THi!h £choo ndennr ffi * su-. ing, December 6, at 7:30 o'clock in the- Tri-Ship club rom. Students, and parents haveý Mr. O'Briîen is a res ideènt of ~ bt Winnetka. 1.ý O nWednesday>. .O're evening of this week Robert, Day, director of placement at Northwest*- enuniversityý,:gave ,bis audience a talk;on' "New Careers for Youth." T cche IVli peak on JVorld War Impressions Miner Coburn, member of the New Trier Hlgh school faculty is. speaking on ThIurday, Nvvewtber 30, 4o the members o! the New Trier French club in the Girls' club room. His, impressions of France during the Worid war and com-ments on the present situation ini Europe are to be the subjects. of the talk. Two short French skits are being pre- sented at the beginning of the meet- ing. This will introduce a customi to be followed throughout the year, de- sigedtoenable more members to Through the,,aid of Le sli e L. Cooke of 'Winnetka, residents of New Trier township are to hear Dr. *'rans Bloni, noted archeologist. His special field is Mexico and Cetitral America. Dr, Blom will give a public lecture in the auditorium of the New Trier lHigh school on the eve- ning of December 12' at 8 o'clock. liii lecture wil be illustrated with colored moving oictures .which he announCed by Siuperintenc1ent Mat- thew P. Gaffney. The names follow: Senior football manager, Jîrn Wilson. Junior football managers, Mike' Hill, Don -Anderson, Frosh-Soph football letters: Bob Camp-, bell, captain;, Jack, Henson,. Paul Beuttas, John Bbwer, John Boyle, Graham Burai- side, Jerry Cleary, Bud Cobb, Charles Crani. Jim Crowle3y, Allan Edmiston, Bill Faville,_ Bill Glade, G e o r g e « Qockel, Charles Gudbrandsen, Dan Hurlbutt, Gene Johnson.. Ed Lake,. Lincoln Lippincott; John MeNitt, John MeShane, Bob Nae- thnsbon Ragglo,.,Raymond Rapp' Tom Ryan, Donald Schaeffer, George Schmitz. Rodney Séhweger,.:Gordon Smith, Ted. Smithers, Jim Warren. Bob White, Dave Wright. Certificate* Allan Gilbert. Vars ity -football letters: Ronald May, co-captain; Joe Bayard, Dexter Benison., Bud Berin"ger, Curt Brown, Wendell Clark, Pete Cloud, Grant Ellis, Jacký Esler, Dick Fuller, Fred Hurlbutt,, Eugene HolIand, Don James, Jim Jamiesoni. Bob McNitt, Lee Mitchell, Bud. Perrili, Gordon Powell, Dick Prins, Duane Redfield, Steve 1RotIier- mel, Mickey Simpson, Jini Sinclair, Jim Steel. Jack Walker, Jirn. WarfielcL'Roy Whittingtbn. Minor letters: Marshall Anderson, Ray Boudart, Doug Easterberg, Charles Helm, Harlan KidcI, Jim Lang, Bill Luedeka. Don Maguire, Tom McCracken. Bill Mer- kle, Wally Oison, Harry White, Bill John- ston, Dick Kahn. Certificates: G o r d o n. Laughead, co- captain; Paul Sullivan, Lawrence Miller, Certificates were awardecd to stu- dents who had previously earned a letter in the same sport. Hear Arias Musicale, a New Trier High school student organization devoted to the study o! music, !eatured the twin operas " Cavalleria Rustie ana" and "I Pagliacci" at its meeting Mon- day o! this week in the music-inte-. gration studios. Two artists from the cast which is presenting these. operas at Kim- ber 2 gave the prograin. Thevy were Missizabthhridén-îii enthus astically on and off te fnelu of battle, not -seemning' to care if there was any aqua pura, in their th is 8pmI 'sul look lUke 'e exhibit, ,r careers., L~'uei~ ail'. twncnurnme ecaptain for next season wl» be elected and varsity letters, andl freshmnan nu- merals will be.aWarded.ý t