astonlsigly straight road, direct as an arrow, marked b7 progresslvely hlgher standards of achiovemflit. 11au Bread Interests Thon there is the road ho has traveled witb accesuory talents, dlstinguished by bis skill as an org an-designer, bis flair for composition, bis ineeé i il musie i eturlng at Nortb- western unfiverslty, in tbe cburcb. music deparirnent,. the honorary dogree Mus. D., bestowed upon hlm by Ripon college in 1937. A third: highway is that of his personal 111e, bis famnily, bis l'oc- -eations. The markerson ibis calQ for dawdMlg along thé way, meet- ing 'edemona," his exotic and, Wtalid wile, thoir daughter, Sally,. now a junior at. Newý Trier Higb scbool,' and seelng a home gleam- ing wltb silver, brass, crystal in rare and lovely forms. Diverted te Music Bo ee evt h. Herbert E. Hyde highways, good readers. Let us go down each one in turn. Fjrst, tho professional, the. career high- way, 50 straight and undeviating. In early 111e young Herbert bad iniended to study architecture, but equally early ho was diverted in- to music. At the age of seven lie enterod the choir of the Cburch of the Ascension i Chicago and later bocame is boy soloist. When he was 12, he becarne organist for St. Jpbn's mission, whore ho served church. At 21 St. Peter's askod hlm to serve'as temporary choir- master in addition tb bis duties as organlst. The temporary appoint-, ment stretched int 12 years. Thon anoihor Episcopal church roached out for hlm, St. Luke's Pro-Caihedral of Evanston, and has kopt hlm flrmly in its grasp ever since. Conducts Singers Leaving Mn. Hyde's professional translation of folk songs or mer raciULi orUAA5 In. addition, the Civic. Music association, au4 ranged for free artists' concerts, in-the sam places, band concerts and 'communlty singi during the sumimer i the large parks and Nav pier,. and the popular concerts-these lasti i cooperation with the Orchestral association.. I m, wniph Eau two, upenuzuumonuments uo edit, tho asslstlng i the inauguration of the concerto In the parka and tho croation of has c>u4liary aspect of Mr. bn hisabilhty to design. ie ner Organ company of Boston from 1926 to [s 1930 and for the organ departrnent of the1 Kinm- ýh bail company from 1930 to 1934. His present conneetion la in a different field, how- r- ever, real estate for Baird and Warner. e Ais. a Locturer, g9 His lecturing at Northwestern this year is ydevoted to choirmaster training. Previously he nhas. lectured on the liturgy of, the Anglican church'and on the history of -the organ and is literature., He is. also on the organ faculty o! the American. ConserVa- tory of Music. Itleie now to retrace our footsteps and set out on the-third highway. the personal. sideof Her- ,bert E. Hyde. ýHe is a friendly, informai, humorous sort of, man, obviously versatile in bis talents. He married a widow witb three Young cbjîdren and bas been as much a father to them as to their daughter. Sally. Two of -thèse chul- dren also make their home wlth the Hydes at 112 Cburch road, Win- nectka. . They are John Cole and Betty Cole. The latter has just taken a job with a new interior decorating flrm, and the former is head of the Hobby Horse book shop for children at Carson.Pirie Scott and company in the loop. He is considered one of the best chu-. dren's book mon ib tis country,, and Mr. Hyde attributes his suc- eess to Mrs. Hydo's oarly literary training o! ber eblîdren. Versatile Daughter Sally nenits a paragraph because she happened to be on band dur- ing the interview. She carne to New Trier fromi the Francis W. Parker school and is hard put to it to decide on a careor, for she has so many interests. She likes mu- ', 14,sic, art, travel, borses. The equine carvings in the Hyde home are chiefly hers. While Mrs. Hyde superintended an untutored soul in the chore ýo! removing a stump and installing* fiagstones out on the front curb, * Mr. Hlyde and Sally flshed out ber jewelry, chiefiy period pieces which Mr. Hyde had bought for a sont i who when ho visits the Hydes alwa music box i motion and Uistons witj the tunes. (Coninued on ,page 27)