Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1939, p. 24

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nn#RTGAGELOANS 41/% uP 24 Heur servie PAUL A. WI'LDE -& CO. NI PliuseRend. 1141 OUL BURNERS AIR CONDITIONIN G CoumpleteSevc JmdaauAttetion$o JACK SLOWN CO. WILMITE 221 1141 Gree.f Ave.. Wllmeffe EXPERT SERICE fact curing somfe aeninite past pe- rlod. Therefore they can be .c4lcu- lated with.considerable precision on the: basis o! ascertainable tacts. This is undoubtedly one*reason why taxation on inicome, has been com- ing inte, use.al over 'the world. Secônd, we have "specifie" taxes. A specific tax is one. levied, on. the bulk or quantity1 of, the taxed items (usually merchandise) without ref- erence to their value. Sales taxes, gasoline taxes,, taxes on the manu- facture, of tobacco are examfples,. ««Specific" taxes deal with the pres- ent. They are a clear, ùndérýstand- able levýy. Whatever their -faults, they are easy to administer and can be. fafrly administered. since the only capital value any- thing lias is our present estimate of the future benefits that will arise, frmit. Such a tax hs essentially difficult to calculate, since it must always be based upon someone' s opinion of what the future yield will be from present property. That is why every tax expert in the country says the general property tax is bad and that it.must go. Dr. Seligman investment anld construction, for newv business impetus in a hundred direc- tions anyone. can see. Valuationsà for t axation pu rposs on a productivitybasis are-far more simple than appraisals made for in- vestmnent or lban purposes, Mr. Thorsôn points out, The reappraisal of every piece of real estate in the city of Fort Myers, Fla, has just been' completed onL.n income of use value basis,'with results satisfa ctory to thé city. authorities. A reapprais- el of the real estate o! Kansas Cit Y, Mo., :is no w being arranged for with use value- or incomoe value, expected to be a principal factor considered. in the valuation. 'Recognizing the fact that. taxing real estate on its annïual use value would seern nlot only fairest for real estate but best practice for everybody's welf are, state-wd--roups in Indiana cover- ig a wide variety o! interests, are now studying the advisabiity of ac- tion te make mandatory in that state consideration of the income factor in real estate tax valuations. House and Garden Exposition .to 1Be tan area Dy. OJo . Scott 0f St. Paul, who adçiressed the annuai meeting of the Couneil of Savings and Loan associations in the Knick- erbocker hotel, Chicago, recently. Mr.. Scott is president'of the Min- nesota Savings. and Loan association, a director. of the United States Sav- ings and Loan league and a mem- ber ýof the, Federal Home Loan Ad- viso ry council. Shows Great Gain Mr. Scott said the eleven federal, savings and 'lan associations in St. Paul. and Minneapolis incereased their'assets from $10,000,000 ifl 1936 to more than $39,000,000 today. His own association, one of the eleven, kept pace, its assets incr easing in' the same period' from, $4,000,000 to: more than $M6000,000. .One of the major secrets of t his- remarkable growth in a period of business difficulty, he said, was the properly 44r-ected 4 eof adver-tising.- And, he advised his 200 listeners at the meeting: *"Not less than 50 per cent of your advertising budget should be ex- pended in newspapers." Disagreeing' with theorists who at- tempt to curb. and restrict expendi- tures for advertising, particularly by such institutions as savings and loan. associations which are under gov- ernment supervision, Mr. Scott said:. 'Ton my eonsadt 185D W. Rohe .11 types of Real litote Uocues a# I.west raftes. through ignorance and inertia." - Real Econornie Threat *Real estate, taxed on a capita1 base, is the only type o! propert lost through taxdelinquency, Mr. Thorson points out. Items taxced on an income base, in other words on abiity to pay, are not in this danger. And here is the reason why the obso- lete ad valorem method o! taxing been announced for the nine-day pe- ed for advertising, but wil give its riod, May 4 to'12, inclusive. This advertising expenditure flexibility., annual building and home show will so it can be governed by local cir-, ôccupy the entire three buildings cumnstances." comrisng he olieur grup. Mr. Scott's institution is the fourth, According to John A. Servas, man- largest federal savings and loan. as- aging director, the show will present scaini h ain aIl that is new and practical iri resi-, himno h ôni o h dential construction, methods and Chirm ya o! thelcounci for te building rnaterials, including lates etaoming tea Chistebel dH nFec-r developments in air conditioning, reary of the Che aserietiod Fe-a refrigeration and other factors in.Svng n La-ascato. ie )roperties were taxed as ciation; Insulation Board Institiite, ngs are taxed, on the in- and the. National Warm Air Heating Position are in the Builders build- iedortheir annual usnei bniinn ascain ing, LaSalle street, and Wacker if an over-ail limit were General headquarters of, thée'ex. drive, Chicago-

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