GIVE ELECTRIC GUFTS (C> Wma M-. Soniehiug seai nev in drinkniren - mi. Whimi liquidines wirblightoÎnt spée&d Makes orMne ke wrehout ,(recasa roanaojiuice from whole ripe tom,- roc. A sifryJOUIlwtnrrto $31 keeP for youuelf' 1 (A) BLÉ CT*IC IOASIL cooksan coe "d for*is(ce.ak o tigperfection. Ports- Ce7Wtoclen.Autoaaic rein cotLoingwjsaseop. y faxxumookl- (>SUNBAM MIXMASTER. Bea,*hip. nusheuisj*j,jces. Has new Mix-Finder dial which automtiallymaintains 10Osepurate mixin ":-s. W t two glas . 2375 (0> SILUXE TVOASIMASTIS MAY sa. Set andude. (mnous Toassnaster 2-sue pop-up routr, toute cutting board, large aevins d 4 tnaller lap treys. Threce a spastïTng rws1 d~ises. 2 (8) SUtISIAM COFFRMASTIS. Unbreakable! ... unbsetble! Lutrous chrornepiate. CobnpIeeely automnic -se irt, forger; je shurs itacif off. then resets to kcp coffce hot. Drews one cup as peefecrly as eîght! S$16 O0mw.. A botumik-peks.e (0) OUNT wAmumE. mmuth I Graufild dsign with wZd9 uxy bs. . . finished ini glesnung chrome-plare. Hae indicatr. ,ex- =sdi4ngisske, long-lived G. 1. elreePopuluat e80 PIN.IT-UP LAMP. lvory finished bescker. convenien witcb puli-cord, psrchmncntized. paper shade. $1 OURGOSMAKI hP MIRROR Bound toplecast both ladies and men- folk. Idesi for malte-up or shaving. Compiete with convenienc51 ourle inhumase. two 'of be m Hundir.ds'of orqIiances to. us.ful ,I.cta'ic * fi29 ............