Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Nov 1939, p. 10

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UUNDAV SERVICES Church school ............... 9:30 a.m. Primary.......... -........ 10:40 a.m. KJCndrgarten ................10.-50s.m. Mornlng worship............... il a.m. Amici Del ..................... 5 p.m. Iappe Pi Phi ................. -7 p.m. .Suuday, December 3, marks the ap- proach t10 Christmas,. Dr. Hindley's sers mon topie wlllý be -The Church on, tht Uipswig." We are askmng ail our -mcm. bers to be-present.for the mnorning wor« ship. The final Communion of the. year wil be celebrated at the close' of the service. The mugie will: be as follows: Organ Prelude-The Prophecir' - (Luke I'28Y).......... ....Malling Solo and Choru- "Comfort Ye," "And thé Glory of the Loürd".... .Handel ;Gunther Decker-soloist Duet-"'He 5ha!] Feed Mis Flock," "'Corne Ijto Hlm"............ Uande] ethel Wlshover, Beula Edwards sololots Postlude-"!From He"en -on Hlgh 1Itome" .............«Bachi CALENIDAR 0F TUE WEEK, Friay, December 1 1-Lake Side eircle' 1-Northwest circle l--Central Circle 7 :30-Campflre girls Saturda>", Deceuuber 2ý 93CamfreGils Church Loyalty Day Monday, Deceniber 4 4-Kappa Pi Phi Play rehearsal 7 : 30-Board of Trustees 7:30-Boy Scout Troop I 17:30--Girl Scout Troop VI Tuesiay, December 5 4-"*Christmas Trlmminugs- rehearsal 7:30-Boy Scout Troop II Wednesday. December 6 4-' Chrlstmas Trimmings" rehearsal. 7:30-Girl Scout Troop VII Thuî'sday, December 7 3:30-Girls' choir rehearsal 4-Boys' choir rehearsal 4-"Christmas Trimmiugs" dress rehear. sal 6:30-Church night dinner 7:15-Senior choir rehefirsal CHIRISTMAS MUSIC- As a part of our mornlng worshlp services during the month of December our quartet and choira wil! sing the Chrlstmps message from Handel's "Mes. siab." Everyonele lnvited to our monty- ing worship services. BOARD 0F TRUSTEES' The December meeting of the, board o f trustees wiil be held Monday eve- ning, IDeCerber 4, in the miniisters'; study, aI 17:30.. Si. )ohn'a Lutheraft L (~Missouri Syuod) 11 Wlmette aud Park avenues * J. H. Goekel, pastor e SERVICES 9 :15 a.m.-Flrst service. * 9:30 a.m.-Sunday, school and Bible r classes., e 10:40 a.m.-Preparatory service f or moly comimunion., 10:55 a.m.-Sunday. achool ciass for chlldren of! three tuo five years whose gpareénts attend. the 11 o'clock service. il a.m.--Second service,, wilh HoIy 1 communion. 8 p.m.-Question-box service. 1 The order of service- at Il o'ciock Wil! inchude the f.ollowing:' 2Prlude-Marcia Fantastica.. Bargiel Introt-'Unto Thee Do I à LiftI Up .My SoiuV'......... Schm'auck O ffertory-" Bethlehem"' ... Otto Malling The Sermon-"ýThe Messenger. of the Lord"........... Malachi 3:,1.4 The Communion. Posîlude-Processional March The eveniug service at 8 o'clock will j h another, of the questiou*box type whieh is constantly gaining lu popularity. The stÔi'y otf ânothfta itVM' wiife1hW bé told. The Walther league choir will slng ý'the anthem. - The Ladies' Aid society is having ils December meeting today. since next Thursday it will conduct its annual IChristmas sale, beginning aI I o'elock. ITea will be served from 1: 30 to 5. Sunday is the beginning of the new, church year. A good lime to begin a new year of, xegular church.going. MEETINGS Adult catechumen cases, today, 8. Junior Walther league, Friday, 8. Sunday echool staff,. Friclayý 8. Church council, Tuesday, 8. V#Wilmetie Methodist Wilmette avenue at Lake avenue Erskine M. Jeffords, mînister Sunday, Decemiber 3. is the first Sun- day in Advent. "Mind in Change" wilI be the theme of the minlster's sermon at the morning worship service. The service o! worship opens with the or- gan preparation at 10:45 o'clock. The special music as arranged by Dean Me- SIoy, director. and Mrs. Sarah E. Eilert, organist. will be as follows: Organ (1:45)-"Cantilene" .Salome -I.e m " . ....... Strauss IThe Methodiet Social Union banquet wlll be held December 8 et the Stevens hotel. Blshops C. C. Seleeman .and Ed- win Holt Hughes will speak. H. A. Young or the pastor wlll be happy to take your reservation. Sunday, December >10, wl!] be Bishopse Day lu Ibis church. This is anotheir Annversary Year observance. At the. il o'clock worshlp service our guest speak- er wl!]t be Bishop William C. Martin of Omaha, an. outstandlng youniger blshop of the former, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Froin 4 to 6, ln the after- noon, an "Open 11ouse", Tea will be gîven by the Rev. and Mrs. Erskifie M. Jeffords for the entire churcêh,. and honor- ing Blshop and Peis. Ernest Lynn Wal- dorf, Bishop William C. Martin. and BishoP. Edwin Hoît, Hughes as specal guests. Put the date of December 10 oo.n your calendar noW and plan 'to attend bothtbe morning worship and the after- noon tea. Copies of thc Conference Minutes may be.obtained in the church office., Remeniber to contact Mrs. B. C. Da- vison if you wish to make a donation to the Christmas box of clothing and household, articles which the Woman's Mlssionary society is sending to a min- Aster -and fam4y inTenesee. Girl-le years of age, three boys =- 13, 11, and 9 years old. Our Scout troops are not meeting this week because of the bazaar. Next week, however, they will meet at the following times: Tuesday-3:45 p.m.-Girl Scout Troop 4. Tuesday-7:30 p.fl'.-Boy Scout Troop 3. Thursday-3:45 p.m.-Girl Scout Troop 2. The Quen Esther - Standard Bear- ers wiIi mccl Monday, December 4, froin 5 to 7 o'clock at thc home of Doris and Eileen Elliott, 1729 Lake avenue. There wil! be a Christmas Shower for sorfe of the institutions in whlch this group is Interested. Evangelical Lutheran Seventh streel at Greenleaf "A HOUSE 0F WORSHIP", The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor SSUNDAY SERVICES Church school ............... 9:45 a.m. Mornfing worship................ Ilam. Evening service ................ 8 p.m. Program of Organ Mttsic ...7:45 p.m. The music for the services next Sun. day is as follows: Sunday Morning Prelude,-Aubade in D. flat ... Johnson- Anthem-Lovely Appear ........ Gounodý The Senior Choir Song-Love Divine al Love Excelling .......... Mendelssohn mfirmatlon Class will meet on afternoon at 4 o'çlock. ,nior choir wIll rebearse on evenlng at 7:30 o'clock and rchoir on Saturday morning at, In the name o! Christ -we bld you welcomne t our church - its .work and worship, ils instruction and service, its 'tom fort.and, its blessing..Corne té Church Sunday! Wilmfette Rapt vst Wlmelte an& Forest avenues *]Rev. George* D. Allison, pastor On -Sunday morning at the Il o'clock service, Dr. Allison preaches (in the theme,,"Religion - Decorative, Market- able, Or Crieative?" At the conclusion of worshlp, -a grôup of new members, wilI be recelved into fellowship. The Lord's Supper wil!]also bc observed . In the Adult Bible course, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. the subject iili ho "The Selection of the Old Testa. ment B3ooks." This completes our sur- vey of the ancient Hebrew liteéature. The class w!]! hold a party at the church next. Tuesday at 8 p.m., at which lime further plans wî2l bc, discussed.. Today (Thursday), 'Link N, of which Mrs. J. G.* Hamniing le leader, wil! meet at the home o! Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, 721 Greenwood avenue, with-Miss Lomhira Perry assisting. On Friday, Link 1, of whlch Mrs. Alfred Hecrens is lead- er, meets with Mrs. R. E. Bell, 807 Chestnut avenue, with Mrs. P. H. Arden assisting. The Baplist Young People's society gives its fali play tomorrow (Friday)ý evening, at 8 o'clock. It is a three-act cornedy entltled. "Look Who's Here." Fniends of the 111gh Sehool group are cordially invlted tô attend., The reg- ular meetings of the soclety are. on Sun- day evenings at 6.,30 o'clock. The "Youing Mr. and Mrs. Club" holds its December meeting on. Saturday, Decémber 9, as a pro' ressive dinner, follôwed by dancing at the W. C. Hug" gins' hall. This is a group of younig marnied couples connected wt ,-. church. 1 The Sunday School. board has .a enference at, the. church Wednesday, December 6, at. which lime. plans for t heChristmas season will- be perfccted. Ail teachers are requested te, attend. Christmas eve, Sunday, December 2 4,> will be the lime for our annual pageant, and carol service. the church and *0 those who wih topre- and at 10:30 o'clock to receve newL»mem. The Official board and 'the Anniver- pare themlXOves for church membershlp_ bers into tc church. cary committee wili have a joint meet- ing Monday evening, December 4, at a The Woman's Society will hold their The, Tuaxls club Wl!] meet at 5M3 o' ock at the church. Every member annuel Christmas party on Decemer7 o'clock. The thenuefodicsonwl 1

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