510 Davis St. 1~Itrs. Gre'. 1166, JUST OFFERED BUSINESS TRANSFER COMPELS, SALE 0F THIS EXCEP..ATTR. 6 RM. WHITE BRICK, ONLY, YR. OLD. THE -CHARM OF THIS HOME CANNOT BE, DESCRIBED HERE, BUT COME SEE IT. 3 BEDRMS.,' 1i½ BATHS, AIR COND., $10,500. EMIGHT RENT., ELMER ;E.'STULTS, INO.. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 147LTN28-ltc INVEST NOW AND SAVE, LARGE: WOODED, LOT 165x210 IN -good location. Attractive, 4bedroom .,2- bath bouse- set in the midst of beautiful oak, and smail 3-room.bungalow on the rear of the lot.. Both are; rented with a sales clause. Rare opportunity to buy now for. investmnent or for spring occu. pancy. Act quickly.. Priced to sel. ANN MORELAND' 667 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 30U 147LTN?8-ltc $1>,500 MORE VALUE CHARMING WHITE GARDEN FURNI. ture and full landscaping, new stove, refrigerator, hall carpet and Venetian blincis that cost $1.500 go with this new house. Owý%ner built, white brick Col- onial. 8 rooms, 21/2 baths and 2 fireplaces in the Estate section just east of Locust Road. Price $17,50 NORTH{ SHIORE'REALTY 523 Winnetka Ave. Wiinnetka 81 147LTN28.îtc FASCINATING FAIRY TALE HOUSE set among apple trees, arbors, shrubs, on corner lot 150xl170. Living rm. 16x30. r 3 baths. Older 'bouse with -charm plus 150 ýWANTrED TO UUY-1 WANT TO BUY 10 OR 12 lt close to transportation., roomers. Must be mrodemn, w several baths, and in. qui hood. Wilmette 10. 150LTS28-tc 151FOIR SALEÉ-VACANT VACANT REDUCTIONS: ]KENILWORTH GARDENS - 2100 block 50 ft. at $2100; WINNETKA -- Asburyý Ave., 50 ft at $3000, GLENCOE, 100 x 225,' wooded East $5,500; WINNETIÇA.ý 100 x 525, Riparian, $35.O000; HIGHLAND PK. 325 ft., Ripiarian,.$42.500.. HEINSEN REALTY WIN4NETKA 254 -port & chair, crockery: cabinet, heavy oak bookcase, dlning table & buffet, %van- ity & dressing table, new stove -& other things. Forster, 1606 Elinwood Ave. Wil- mette 3311. 171£TxàB-tp BEAUIFUL DOLL HOUSE COiîpL. furn., chld's roUIer- deék,. uphol * settee With rocker, zoo wvith cages & mnany ani- mais like new, Enig. do» cab, table & 2 chairs.* Will se» reasonable. Cta» Wil. mette 3589. 11T2.t RUG, 9x18. BEAIFU RICIR BLUE twistweave broadloom, fmnest quality. Exe. condition. Otite, pgd 'samne size. Cheap if sold at once. 912 Skokie Ridge Dr., Glencoe. Phone Glenicoe 1676. 17!LTN28ltp USED ORIENTAL RUQS, 10xl4 AND 9x12. bargains. Oriental and domestic scatter rugs, room size broadlooms. stair carpeýt, al in good condition. 1911 Church FI NE BUILDING SITE 50 x 196; B: TWEEN LAKE & ELEVATED. A' TRACTIVE PRICE. R. M. JOHNSTON &CO. Exclusive Agents Opposite -L" terminal Wilmette 4 151LTN28-1 BUILDING LOT, $2.000, IN A $6.000 LC nelghborhood. PAVLIK REALTY, E' Green Bay Road. Kenilworth 2016. 151LTN28-1 and Carlo Morelli will be the "Iago"9 Henry Weber Is the conductor., Edith> Mason, whose soprano voice is the delight. of- opera loyers. every- where, returns to the Chicago City, Opera' companie Wednesday night, Novéimber 229 to. sing b er first "Madame Butterfly!' here since the 194season. Hilde Reggiani will repeat ber tri- umphant'-" osina" in the "Barber, of, Sevi1le ' Thursday night,- Novem- ber* 23, with Tito Schipa, a favorite, tenor, Carlo Morelli,, baritone,0 and Virgilio Lazzari, basso., This, comlc, operamet with.tremendous success in its first performance of tbis sea- son. The.,Thursday night operas are at popular prices. On Friday night, November 24, Kirsten Flagstad makes ber first ap- i "Tristan and Isolde.'" Giovanni Martinelli, famed for bis roles in Italian and French opera, makes bis debut as a Wagnerian tenor in tbis performance, slnging the role of "Tristan." Gladys Swartbout sings ber first "Carmen" with the Chicago City Opera company on Saturday afier- noon, November 25, to the ."Don Jose" of the Polish tenor, Jan Kie- pura. Littlefield Ballet will supply sity,7444. Wnnetk& 3603. 147LTN28-tc $1,300 CASH WILL BUY THIS FINE 7 ROOM brick home close to lake and transp. Beautiful corner. Lot 50 x 196. Well shrubbed and landscaped. An oppor- tunity to buy-this property for les than you can rent it. Call Mr. France FREDERICK A. COOPER 1505 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Gre. 3030 14 Lincoln Ave. 1 your 161 WTD. TO PUY-BL GAS STATION WILL BUY OR LEA cated Gas Station or in Wilmette or surroun LANTIC OIL CO., P. 0.:1 164 FOR SALE- rd. Near pub- iCost: over SACRIFICE 6 PC. FJR st ., mah. bdrm. ;ON Tmah. din seti0, 1 Winn. 177 brac,'etc!. Ph . Witlmette 147LTN28-tc hold ERTY glassi FEUL 'D LL LO.- avacant 173 wn. AT- Po Chicago e T.8t.and a 171LTN28-ltc______ WCII BDrtUvI et, $75, 8 Pc; 176 uker set, riags, DIRIVING onzes, - riea- ia Cle 23. two passeri 171LTNISltp 2006. cx'q N. Y., eone or - 1