Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1939, p. 68

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154Sherrh. P13,O00. *LIGET .HSKPG. ROOMS' 2 RMS. AND ,kitchenette, furn. Elec. refrig., g as, lights, heat, wash. mach-. gar. space if desired. 929 13th St. Wil1metÔ~8~ LIGHT, WARM ROOM; HOT ,WA TER at au Urnes. Suitable for 1 or 2. Close to transp. 1230 Wilmette Ave.. Wil. -4671. 2, ROS COMPLETrELY F URNISHED- for light housekeeiplng'. Close to trans- pottin hone Wlmette 3997.» las 'CARE o0F CONVALESCENTS WILLGIVE EXCEL.LEN T CARE TO-A onvalIescent ln my- pleasanit hone. For appointment and further particulars tel. Wilmette 4267., 123LTN28-ltp las O RN-PATET For Rent In' Elm Bldg. AT .806 ELM ST., WINN.. ONE 3%>' roor apt. Roof garden, newly decorat- ed. Venetlan blinds. New refrig. New stove. Must have good ref. I. SHUIMAN REALTY CO.. eLLLU lV r; AtirNT J 614 Wilil*w Rd. Winn. 1267, FURNiisHEÈD A N D UNFURNISHED .houses. Evanston. and North S h o r e. FULLERl & PICKARD, INC. Wilmnette 730, Winnetka 3603., University, 7444, Greenleaf 7220 ______________________133LTN28-ltc EAST- KENILWORTH ý ADORABLE CAPE COD COLONIAL AT 266 Oxford Rd. 3 bdrms., 1%/ baths, most attractive sun rm. Avail. Dec. list. Reasonable. .Khlworth-5288. ________________133LTN28.ltc WILL. SUBÎLEASE CHARMING 7R houme, 4 -bedrm.,, 31,2 baths, garage, wooded lot.: Owncr -will extend icase. Shown by ,appointmenit. Glenè'oe 1740. 133LTNq28ltp 6. ROOM HOUSE,' ÎA. EAT. -FRONT1 porceh. ertransportation. $55 per m.Frster, 1605 Elmwood Ave. Phone Wilmette 3311.- lus. 7O *ENT-1 HOUSE,1 tcoe. or Barr Libertyville, $75 or leàs. t.0 seli .IrUmptIy. If you live on: the North Shore this> is onily 30 minutes drive from.your home. so0 Why not let us.arrange an inspection for. you right now? There is even a pos- sibility that your present home might be âccepted as part payment. Henry G. Zanyder: & Co. 110 S. 'DEARBORN ST.. RAN. 2300 OR ýYOUR OWN BROKER 147LTN28-lte LIFE CAN BE FUN ITHIS HANDSOME AND IIANDY HOME ART AND. COMFORT DEMANDED -BY: the modem business mnan in his down-, town club are also in this mod.. Coonial home. The knotty pine den suggests a pipe and company for dad or waiting escort to take out debutante daughter. The master suite upstairs, of ,slttinig room, bedroorn and dressing room sug.- we can show you this' lovely home (8 rrooms; 21,ý bathg) wlth Is good living, Syet only a. step from the North Shore, schools, churches - near everyrthing LPepe want a home near to. And ail for -$14,500. SNORTH1 SHORE REALTY r- 523 Winnetka Ave. . Winn. 81 i, P.S. This bouse is easy on Mother and x ,maid, too. » 147LTN28-1rtc Snore's test edUcational and so- cial advantages, within a few steps fromn the best grade and high schools -in the country, and. stili kcep your living costs. low. We offer an1 attractive, eco- nom.ical 7, rm., 2'/2 bath resid. on large wooded 1lot in East Jn- dian Hill. 'A wonderful value ai $12.500. Hokanson & Jenks, 'Ic. 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 147LTN28-l-te IF YOIJ LIICE -WHITE HOUSES WITH green shutters in their appropiriate set- tlng of large odd trees with unusual, planting-look at this bouse on corner* lot 100x177' in excellent neighbo)rhood in Win- netka. Five minutes walk, to, station, dcoser to Country Day School and -6 min- utes to Indian Hill Club., Four bcd- roomS--dressing iroom., which could be used as child's bedroom.- Three baths-.- scrccned porch 30x12' with upper deck. Price $18,500. Shown by appointment. Telephone Winnetka 59 or address owner B-141, Box 6o, Wlmettc, 111. 147LPN8-itp~ LOOK - BRICK 5-nM. ONLY 3 YEARS old. 1 acre ground. Fine for garden- ing, chickens, and children. $5.500.- TJST 10 MIN. RIDE FROM W..INN. 5. rm. bungalow on acre of groIund over-. looking beaut. estates. $6.400. PERHAPS YOU'D LIKE THIS? Cape Cod 6 rms., l11/ baths, air conditioned heat. $750 down anid $45 per mo. $7.900. E. S. WISDOM & Co.' Wlnn. 387 or eves. Winn. 1235 or Wil. 2904 147LTN28-1tc Ç;. JE. e'r1geratorý. 4612i.FUVeSt.,, N fle Center 2783 or 830. 128LTN28Itp IN HE-ART 0F GLENCOZ. ONE BLOCK from transportation. 6 rooms wlth Wood burnlng fireplace. At 385 Park Ave. Key at bungalow in rear or eaUl Winnetka 664. 12OLTN28-ltp 6 ROOMS. $ND FLÔOR. GA$SSTOVE. 'Inr saISULUthe J30510flit31 of utllizing part of the space for liv. ing quarters. This building 18 most attractive architecturally and has an estab- llshed professional tenaacy. For further information and inspec- tion, CALL Baird & Warner, Agents 522 Davis St.. Evanston Gre. 1855, Wlnn. 455 Hollycourt 18 4 bedrooms, excellent closet si baths on 2nd floor. Addltioxial could be added over the attfichec garage or on the large unfinis! floor where pipes for heatlng and ing arc already installed. A REAL BUY AT $24,000 FRANCES J. WINSC< 614 Willow Road Winnel 147LM1 men bua attactive master bierms. wlth l Look, baths and 2 servants' rms. and bath.: Powder and card rm. on irst floor. Near ýe, 2- -verything. Sec -crn EAR.S REAL ESTATE 3rd 421 Richmondl Road Kcnilworth 5288 nmb- 147LTN28-ltc 32 WARWICK ROAD 'TTHIS BEAUT. HOME IS OFFERED 1267 modeled a few yrs. ago and _Is now TO SUBLET - Ï ed apartment May 1 - Seconid-j Stiot. Wlnnetka, et ifine condition, Wlnn. 387;, Eves., Wlnn. 1235. Wil. 2904 ind transporta- l47LTN28-Itp X). $6.750 FOR GOOD 6 RM. FRAME NE bouse. 21 ft. ]IV. rin., H.W.H., Near 144 transportation and sc-hools. Cali WiI- 147TN8-tc mette 1650 evenInga. 147tTN27-4tp 1 V& ý bi: mette

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