15LTN8-Itp your hlomle ready for wintei FIREPLACE WOOD entertaining.. $9 PER TON DELIVERED biack dirt; cow mnanure. nitth Gust Anderson Wlmette 452 >nis teaid. of the 'skille 15LN2..4p olmns. Free estimates and STRAW Î MARSH HAY FOR. COVERING BY BAL4E OR TON a part,.of the ecellentservici APPLES FOR SALE WILMETTE 40U7 PETIT POINT BAGS And needie point, meunted & lineci. Beads aiROPN restrung..Wiln eai & deliver.' 104 Cen- M trai Park Ave. Ph.. Wllxette 4É03. MDWEST ASPHALT ROOFING CORP. 15LTN6-4tpHIGHLAND. PARK TEL. 750 _______________________ Shrngle roofs repaired and treated, with 21 UIDIG AD EPIRour. compound applied hot.. Retains 191 UIL!t4 AN RKAIR naturai woo shingie effect.. ROCK GAIIDEN AND FLAGSTONES, .27LTN27-4tp brltc., cernent and a tone work. Tuck________________ pointing. Outdoor fireplaces. Cet your 31DRSMKN chimneys repaired now. HUBERT HARTWELL Winn. 2 864 DRESSMAKING 21LTN4-tte Years of experiernce on North Shore de- JOSE H K EIPsigmng, reniodeling dresses, coats, CEMN SEPH KQ C TRsTits.M. Boland, Wlmette 3828 SPeCializin5 j0r~p l14WAUblbgtoûAve 4irnette2818 Alterations, coats shortened and relined. 21LTN2&4ti) 711 ,1. w..al... k Ri nvv 4-- -0 CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER Repairing and Remodeling CALL WINNETKA 2480 AFTER 6 p.m. 21LTN27-3tp CARPENTER & GEN4ERAL R EPAIES;. sceen, tis railing, rec. rms., wood & awitg prs, cabinets, gar.,kit- cesreMo eled. A. Luke. Wril. 4691 .vtaio axe sup co ~vers. Gre. 7512. 31L=263-4tp 02 LANDSCAPE SERVICE SE-ASONED, FIREWOOD FOR. SALE, free delivery and stacking. Trees trlrn- mned, rernoved and fed, complete land- scape service. Reas. Wil. 1187. 52LTN26-4tp 53 . LAUNDY and smanl, giving you many free -. hours for holiday pleasures. Have er and attractive for holiday é.d labor, advertised in these .d timely suggestions are only ces: rendered.. 73 EWING MACHINE ]MI. PAIRINa SINGER, WHITE, OTHER MAKES, foot or eiectric. EËxpert Guar. Repair Service $1,00,t . Sefl.buy.exchange 21 yrs. expr.at Mllen's Hardware. Wmi. miette 300.73LTN25t.4tp 8 LSTAND ÎFOUND CHILD'S GLASSES Lost Sýunday Morning in Giencôe. Winnetka 2391 3LTN28ltp Wine Colored Suede Goves' LST NEAR COMMUNITY HOTJSE Winnetka 3092 3LTN28-ltp LOST-GAS MODEL AIRPLANE,ý LAST seen over cpunty line road. flying east. Reward. Phone Herb Bestr brook . sa,187J North- 'y. NOV. 14. pup;maie._à to FRANZ BODFORtS Pupil of Arturo Schnabel. Conc, pianist, teacher of piand ln ail grades. Artist- coâching. 747 Hinman Ave., Evanston. tjni. 2493. 47LTN28-Itp Si INBURANCE INSURANiCE. ail klnds, Life, ýAccident, Automobile, Fire, CasUa1ty, liabiIity. JOSEPH P.' COLLIGAN 'Real Estate, Notary Public, Insurance. 558 Green Bay Road Win». 1760 51LTN24.ýtté PIANOS AT. ATTRACTIVE PRC-ES;Ma- son and Hamilin,. Conover, Kiuabe, Cable, Fischer, Estey and éthers. Many: used bargains. Repiairs, tunlng, cour. teous consultation service without an- noyance. Chas. Howard Bient; ýPh. Win" netka 1506., 1341 Scott Ave. 59LTN26-3tc FINE VIOLIN WILL SACRIFICE WINNETKA 2144 59L28-ltpý I l F I ME GYtAND -NANOS FOR SALE. mIne. 4 choice Steinways. STÔRAGE MART, fredale Storage, 1723 Benson Ave., Evanston. Not open Sundaýýs 59LTN28.ltp MASON AND HAMLIN GiiAND PlIANO BE31 Ebony. Only seven years old. Used by a musician. 224 Scott avenue, H7ub- bard Woods. 59LTN28..îtpý 10 WEAPING APPAREL' Tuxedo Suit, Size 37-38 PANTS WAIST, 30 IN. LENGTH 31. Can be altered. Like neýw. reas. Winn. 848. ,80LTN28.îtp Dark Brown Carcul Coat - MOVING -MJ mapie and mal le 6427 chairs, cherry ct where 8 goblets. 224 Sc ,anteed _ _ _ PIANO TU1XIN G AND AU Work Gua eThomas Loebe TUNERM,WLETEU Q UE tables S. HEAT- rM«, $1.00 PETLAND DLTN28.-1tp jacket nt weaÏ Martjn's C] WILL BUY MEi shoes, overcoiatà Best Prices. i ,742 Custer, Evanstoin an's O'coat, 40 Stout. 1157.. 8LTN28-ltp RUY-CLOTHINe othing Store W'S USED SUITS 9; also fur coats. Prompt service. n 'University 32M wiIl go to press one day early Your co-operation is asked in sending in your ad copy early DE-ADLJNE 9:90 P. M., MONDAY CALCNMRo paper 40e Real Estate, F HIEITMAN T 3à idi., 10 s Ëasaue St COMPLE1 Lowst with the I ceaning-i fUilyInsur Freesttn House 'T ýCO. 87LTN2M.3t