Iettmng me have one of yours?"- The génial Lionel couldn't resist the temptation of a sm art crack. '"Why. he, queried,. "don't you inake yrour collection really extraor- dmary by retaining it as the. only one i Hollywood that DOSSN'T have a Barrymoreetching?",, But th.e young man got his etching. ïni.y Doudouos Americaln id Ila F@@d. et HUýOS SKOKIRi HiGHWAY Detwe.n Wille*adi DUndçes itd VIK~ING Tea Boom 849 El tnSries, Winnt Pull Course Turky Dimuer, Sundoy and lhanksgliving Served 12 t. 7--65c eekly Lunches. 3Sc- - Dinn.*.S 5c BEVERAGES & ICE CUBES, AT âMETTE The "Northwest Passage" location trip to Idaho bas caused one mem- ber of the trounpe to return to. Idaho to live. Dr. Harry Schneider, who served a cast and crew which at éÎmes numn- bered as high, as 1000, made his first trip. to Idaho 'for the picture. For eight weeks he. treated icuts, burns, sprins buisscolds, tick bites and such ailmnents for - Spencer Tracy, Robert. Yotung, Walter Brennan and other' celebrities, then returned to Hollywood to resumne practice. He served also*on two other short loca- tiontrips in'California, but.appar- entlyý Idaho: had gotten into bis, blood. jFor he said good-bye to his studio friends and former fellow-internes at the Lost. Angeles Countjy General IHospital, got, into his car and left for Payette Lakes. He expects to spend a week or two finding a smaill mountain comlniunity ini the vicinity ~wl~hîheeds ai étrand wilFtberi open general practice there. Skill as Designer Shown by Actress When Helen Gilbert beard th she would have 40 costume chang for ber role in "Florian," shed -cided ta bh1n aout the warrpA,.,s lhat, ges de- ' ne skeches were for 'mod em clothes, and as "¶Florian" is set eround 1917,' were not practical for th icture. However, when -Aarian saw them, he was so impressed that he prom-j ised to keep the sketches on file with the Possibility of using them i Miss Gllbert's next picture. BALLET RIAILQAT.. lu. -l MA al... iiim sireDing SaAlety hI ias ocen awarded the Crime Does Not Pay subject, 'Drunk Driving." At the an- nual meeting of the National Safety Oouneil, a plaque was awarded for what the congress considered the film "that most encouraged s a f.e. driving' is 'the superior two scrap back despite the love daughter. Robert Youn.g bas. one of the most valuable horses in the world as a bouse. guest. It is Florian, magnifi- cent Lipizzan, owned by Winfield R. Sheehan, and soon to appear with Young i "Florian." As Anton, the trainer, Young is supposed to be. devoted to the horse and the horse to him. Young has been visiting .the animal daily, riding him, feeding him, at the Sheelhan ranch in Hidden Valley. Lionel Bi uséd to box n L. youth Lew Ayres used to- ai Orchestra player. a Proýfession- hotvever, it Îs Chester Morris e Beery who rcnks under him. the way through "Thzunder Aflo rd Virgini a Greyj who Viays Beej