dretis necessary to complete sue- cess. ExPress Gratiftication Chest authorities are, of, course, highlyý gratifieti, and are commenti- * ing in warmest terms the excellent cooperation. and efficient work of the. captains and workers in the twenty- three districts into which the village was divideti for campaign purposes. For the most part, Uthe canvasses were completeti without delay and the.proper returns made to the Chest heatiquarters. However, it is stated, there are still a few districts ina W-hich thé slicitation bas not been finished, or returns not matie, anti these are urged to put on extra steamn and finish the job. It is upon these that the Chest depends for reaching its full quota, anti confi- dence is expresseti that they wil corne through with the requireti sub- scriptions. Excellent 1Respoease Commendations are.also being ex- tendeti by Chest officiaIs to the citi- zens of the village who have so splendidly met their obligation to the unfortunates of this and other (Continued on page 8) Catholie Mento *Hans Von Kaitenborn, noted ii 4 aaa fort*n' aff airs analyàjt of. the Former members of!-the club were Columbia Broadcasting slstem, also urged to renew ýtheir mrnember- wili be the -speaker this weelc at s.hips, and others whobelieve irr this the meeting of the NetsTrlier recovery and prosperity, plan were Suenday even ing club. *His tee- asked to join at, this time, 50, that titre wii be given in -the, school's all may pledge their services in tus gl/mnasitm on. Essex road be- new drive to write the Townsend tween W:nnetka avenue andi Sun- plan- into the law of thie land, it was set road, Indian Hill. concluded. Matil Early Plea of Postal Authorities; List Deadlines In anticipation o! another heavy. -,- ________ holiday mailing season, and i view of the fact that onîy a little more Elected to New Office than five weeks will elaspe before the scheduled arrival of Santa Claus, In National "Y" Counceil the Post Office department lias '1S- MelC.Ntvcprsdnad sued various types of instruction for MelC.Ntvcprsenad the .publi's guidance in the prepara-sreayfteMli ro Wrs tion of parcels andi sailing dates of at Moline, andi a menmber of the foreign-bound v e s s e 1 s carrymng Moline YMCA board of directors ., Christmas mail.. last week was electeti first vice- Due to war conditions in Europe, president of thie National council of normal schedules ina many instances the YMCA et the annual counicil have been either greatly modifieti, meeting i Detroit. Mr. Nuitt was or cancelleti entirely. Uncle Sam, second vice-president of the council however, leaves no stone unturneti last year. He is chairman of the to get the mails through, if possible, world service committee of the Mo- andi those contemplating foreign line association andi a member o! mailing are requested to consult the Illinois State YMCA committee. your postmaster at an early date He has also serveti as president andi relative to preparation of parcels chairman of the boys work commit- andi as to the time o! sailings. tee of the Moline "Y." Mr. Nutt is For instance, if you wish to glati- the. son-in-law of Mrs. John. D. Small Ny Woody Wilson It wMl be, a battie of tWo strong defensive teams when New Trier and 'Evanston, Highi school varsity teams tangle at Dy che stadiumo Saturday afternoon, the game start- ing at 2:30. We, watched Evansàton beat 0o1n, Northwest conference champs, 7 tô Olast weekend, New Trier was en-, woying a day of rest at thie time. The Triermen have ',xnt .been, scored on more than twice by any opponent thus far. Their most press- ing fault lias been thie inability to mnake touchdowns themselves. Against a powerful Moline line, Evanstoii looked like much 'the same style of team. Nearly Whole W*rks Bill Wheeier, versatile baclkfield ace, was nearly the whole works ini last Saturday's gaine. Wlien bis in- terference was flot able to get him ito the open,,lie did the. job hum- self on a wealc-uide siaila, getting awayfor 40 yards. In addition, b. intercepted five passes, lmocked down three more. When Wheeler went out ot the game, Moline completed two passes to his flat zone i uick succession. The Evariston hero was rushed back into action to stop the. Moline mardi. He did it on the first play by snag- ging an enemy aerial and racing 80 yards before being tackled by the safety inan. you no longer want, and. buy Irom - Persons foun( our stores something you do~ want. tention will be Open 9 to 5 at 1135 Greénleaf ave- doctors for treo nue. found ini theE Note: Economy Shop is. conducted by stitute points ou the Woman's Club of Wllùette. Proceeds treatment is 1 are directed to philanthropie purposes. contmnueduntil ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ -the case.