im.-Kng uuon is the arcfiiteet and Otto A, Schulz the builder. Cost of O Wilmette. Sites T oa 6 ,0 the dwelling was given as $18,000. Two new homes are to be con- Dodds LiJfoufles Four building. permisfrsnl structed in Wilmette, it was shown family residences weeis frsedgle RTGAGES ;s week in building permit, issued Property Sales Winekadri t ips wek, a by the village. Wtonta cost te of wek J. . C., Raleigh is tbe'owner of a In West Sectnyl Elmor Davieé.s was granted: p er- 4%seven-room'brick. veneer and frame mission to start* work on a house at two-story bouse to be erected at.2154, Lewis'T. Dodds, real estate brok- .80 Warwick avenue in tbe Indian Loa C e e la et N rta etr eil ot v n e Frank J. S erý- er, at W ilow road and Skokie boule- Hili district. M. F. Strauch is the oainamit nuane COnPPany pico is tbe arcbitect and* Irvin A. yard, Nortbfield, reports the followý- arcbitect and Everett Kennedy the F. I. A. 43~ F. ~ A Blietz the, bui1derý Cost of the im- in sle in tbeh rbied-Nrb bilder of tiseve-oom brick. and. HENRY Pë. K*ANSZ rvmn asgvna ,00 ro itrict stone, veneer dwelling. The cost Nvas The ober orne, an. eigbt-roon, -Frank, Bremer bas sold eigbt acres sta 900 COMPANY two-story brick veneer and fraime in. the village of Nortbbrook to J. An eight-roorn frarne bouse cost- 2~ . a S o I.Str ef R an ol h 2 6 1 d w e li g t c st 16 000 i to be A lden S e rs; l egal d t ils w ere han. ing $7,500 is to beý erected at, 902 buiît for Robert -A. Rodgers at 2600 ,ldb r hmsno ereCer street for Tollef Simonsen by KeniIwortb avenue.. WilliaM J. Con-1 Buckingham, Jones' and Hoffman. Edward Peterson. The'owner was FIRST nhors was. listed as arcbitectand -con-ri Wi lway corporation, to Elmer the arcbitect. trco.Maiback, residence lot on Linder. C. A. Rernphill and associates are, MORIGAGE LOANS' d*e permits issued in Wilmetteavne Northfieîd.. to buîld the other to houses. for, 41/3%-ur h we wr i ate The .Trust Company of Chicago, which Edward -Marks was the archi- 24 Heur Service rag o b aa'temple f 30 at 3 trustee, to tbeý North Shore Mosquito tect. Shrianrod t cst0f$30;aAbatement district, one acre Skokie In Forest Glen Area PAUL-A. WILDE & COU pate4ganora for $250, a in - Boulevard site for the district bead- Both are nine-room brick veneer 1ST MRTGAG BANKRS ýate614rageinorD r .H.Adronqua rters, btenWinnietka avenue homes and 4each lu to eost $22,000.. 11 S T M3616 t- Cica go.E111 at91 e nth rag e or $150, .~s sand T ap0oai.Oe, at 927 Forest Glen drive, i s to If S . t Sat~ S. Cilc golU. aI 18 ent ~ t eet or 150 an ~ . H uer to . S doi Nis- av e a built-in tw o-car garage, and Ail Phones Rond. 1141 residential alterations for W. B. Wie- son, one acre residential homesite the other, at 1310 Forest Glen drive, _______________________ mers at 1424 Forest avenue, to cost on Happ road, nortb of Willow road. will bave an attacbed two-car ga- $100.The Victor Vienna Cafe, Wauke- ra ge. MONE TO OANgan road, located on ten acres be- HomeBufl ingtween Willow road and Winnetka Mr. Hemphill was listed in both aveue t Carnc Sel.pemis s heowver. heeare Suburon Ralfythe second and thi rd, respectively, One block of business frontage onl in the series of bouses which Mr. SuuranAlto In Suburbs 0on Skokie boulevard for Ella M. King Hempbill is building in the newly.. F. H. A. LoansSta ' to ArthurP. Swanson re4,eIl , opened, subdivision near the inter- HEITMAN TRUST CO. 9J8 1~ Glenview, to George scino oe and Elibbard FOIL BURNERS AIR CONDITIONING, *Compete Service, Immed laie Attention JACK SLOWN CO. .111 . l i mis Var, excepti .>anuary 1 nL/eL L 4UU i Hen IVorrison. 1 p i ratedthe board feic- and August, according to Bell Sav- R esiden e a 4 oc w o ve- t onon ct b r 1. he s u t re 5 0 F a tohPe of brick, concrete, steel, and ings, Building and Loan association. nue frraink Hamza to Noah John The permits issued by the seventy- and El;eanor Boudreaux.. ysum slabs, and wil cost $260,000 « six communities reporting October ReL dnial lot on Mt. Pleasant Pris heeadWl r h results amounted to .$3,508,898 and avenue, Willoway Subdivision to architects and Coath and Gôss the compare witb $2,907,328 for the Quentin R. Halls. general contractors. same month of last year, a gain of One acre bomnesite on Dundee 21 per cent. road, overlooking the Illinois Coun- The Year thus far bas run ahèad try club, for tbe American National Mrs. îLeona Guerstenberg of las t year, the total o! all sub- bank, trustee, tb K. Raymond Clark. nznC urban building in 1939 amounting to HPeieo arb vne O on e cr $3li69806R anin hé- l*h nia f - W1iwvI nrnnnn, , M r. endi Mrs. D. L BI[I LLIG@ 4,213-- unevoixue ora. avances'as If2,044 homnes which cost $14,2»201 compared with 79 per cent of the ~for which permits were issued' up to volume for the entire first ten Iand including October of last year. mnonths o! 1939. SAlterations, additions and repairs ,,Following a seasonal.trend indic- Ito homes, for no apparent, reason, the past -four years ..,obser- Jfell off in October, the ,amnount o! vatons, the bank's October bans were 1l'ess ini volume than tbe Sep. tember business, but they made this the fourth highest montb so far this year in -total vôlumne.: First F'ederal Savings and IJoan of Wilmette is an affiliate of the bank. 111 I