Following our tradition of long stand. ing, there wili be an earl.y Thanksglving service at 7:30 o'clock Thursday rnorn- ing, November 23, under the auspices of the young, people. YoV are cordially invited.: This 'church will joi n in the Union Thanksgiving service for the churches of Wilmifette on Thursday morning, Novem- ber 23, at. 10:30 o'clock at the. Evangel. ical Lutheran church, Greenleaf avenue and ,Seventh street. The Rev. James T. Venekiasen of. the Presbyterian church will preach on the themfe, "Thank God For- God.- The éther pastors of 1t h e churches will part'ipt h service. it is hoped that this wiUl be a largely attended service. our next, church dînner will be held at the churchi on Thursday- evening, No- vember 30, under the auspices of the Board of Deacons. Members and friends of the church are, cordially Iinvited. Wilmette Baptist Wilmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor Tomorrow (F'riday) at 6:30 p. m. there wil h. a oongr.egationaI diner a~t the, church with an unusually interesting pro- gram. Speakers will be Mr. and Mrs. Braund of the Northwestern Student Union wvho bring a stirring account of their experiences in Europe last. sumn- mer. These are young people 'wIth an appeal to youth. Donald James will give trumpet solos. Make your reservation today. On Sunday morning, the Adult Bible class meets at 10 o'clock, the same hour as other groups. Parents are invited to corne with their children and to profit by our minister's illuminating studies. The topic this SundaY is Daniel and other apocalyptie writings. I broijgnt by iviiss lKochZI ui me uiv j choir.. directed 'by Dr. John Winston j Shank. Ithe Youne Peoffles society on Suflday I eveninff. 6:30, wllbe in charge of Anne I owen's committee. The date for the Young People's play has been set for December 1. This' church cooperRtes in the CoM- munity service for Thanksgivin!! Day. which will be held in the E,,angel- ical. Lutheran church. Boys' choir rehearses ThursdaY at 4 p.m., Cirls' choir on Saturdayàt 9:30 St. 4ugustine's (Etulseopal) The Rev. Hubert Carleton, Rector The Rev. Chandler Sterling. Curate Suaday, November 19 24th Suniday after Trmnity 8 a.m.-Holy. CommunWon. 9:45 a.r.-Church SchooL.ý il a.m.-Morning Prayer with sermon. 7 ýp.m.-Preparations for Confirmation. Trhird talk on membership in . the church given in the office of the parish bouse. 7 p,.m.-Hiih. Schôol Young People' meet in the parish bouse. Thursday, Novemùber 16 7 p.rm-Boy's choir'reets in the' Par- ish bouse. Friday. Nbvember' 17 10, am.-Woman's, Guild sews in t h e narfsh bouse. 6:30 p.m.-Canvjassers.' dinner in the parish hriuc;-. à . bonglay, November 20 7:30 p.m.-Boy Scouts meet in the par- ish bouse. 8 p.m. - Second m eeting dealing with what the churchmnan ought to know. These sessions are oren to ail inter- ested in learning more about the church. Tuesday, November 21 7 D..=oys, Choirneets in thej parlsh house. 8 1.m.-Adult Choir meets in the parish bouse. Wednesdlay, November 22 8 n.m.-Time Outers meet in the parish house. PARENTS 0F DAUGUTER Mr. and Mrs. flerman Walter Zib- ble, 2016 Birchwood avenue, are the parents of a daughter, Donna Jane, born November 8 at the Evanston bospital.. Mrs.. Zibble and the baby. VISIT DAUGUTER .Mr. and Mrs. C. B . Shane, 422 Central avenue, Wilmette, have juist returned from a trip ini the East where most of their time was spent visiting in New York and Bostoni. T'hey visited their daughter, Helen, at Wellesley college, and later Miss Helen and her coilege roommate, Miss Marie Gibbons of Kenilworth, ..lai NOýýRGE UNSTALL A "120"' WINTER AIR.MCONDITUONE-R EIA VEItY FUATURE 0F THE MOSiT IXPEUISIVE AIR- M PRICED TO FT 0U ciVCuIatsI. pressue the house .A f mol Op@rofl@i1.Our Show rool____ _ P.ostude-March in1 D............ 'iKu visit relatives. In the evening, at 8 oclock, the ser- mon will b. based on questions pertain- Guests at the home of Mrs~. Vie- ing 10 the Bible or to somne phase of Christian falth and lfe. The Walther tor Olson, 1336 Central avenue, last Lefgue choir, composed of young people, week-end were Fred, Agnes, and will sing, again. Helen Smith, friends from Mar- Our ThanksgivriflgDay service wili b- nette,~ . 812 Oak Street, Winuetka Wirnnetka 4000 air undel pol';] 10 evevy ei* . utou'aticaUlY