The ioev. David iR. Kabele, pastor 3I..........ipotoi-vni SERVCESThe Sunday sehool will hold its Thanks. St3NDAY SRICSgîving service at 9:45. This will be a Church school .......... 9:45 a.m. joint service of aIl the departments. InI Mornig worshlp ......... il am. the school there are classes for children Eveing service .......... between the ages of the kindergarten and The music for the services aof.worship the high sehool. Visitors are imvitect. next Sunday là as foilows,: Morning servlee: The Women's guild will. meet Monïday Jesu, J oy of Man's Desiring ...Bach morning, . NovemÎber 20,> at 10 0a'clock, Anthemn-Pralse to God.Protheroe The work of the guiid ls for the benefit -of The Senior Choir, good causes in which the womnen,-of -thbe Sang, Father, Son and the church and the. community 'are interest- Holy Ghost........... Rosemuller ed. Ail wornen of Kenilworth flot other- The Junior Chioir wse ngaged on 'Mondayýs are cordially JPostlude-Maestoso, invited.- First Symhon.. .....Guilmant Evnigsevce; The Autumn church dinner willi be' Prlude- held at the Kenilworth club Wednesday Vesper Prayer ...... .......iIggle evenlng, November 29. Please reserve In: the Garden . ......... Galdmark the date.. Serenade.I,........ ...,.Moszkowski EvenlngSanig ........... Shmn Anthe-Prayer of DluanHoly tCom/o rer Thanksýgivlng - .arr. Clough-Leighter (Episcopal) solo................... eete Warwick road and Kenilworth avenue, Miss Catherine Uanawalt Kenilworth Postlude-AllegOro, The Rev, Letand, Hobart Danforth Londçn:Symphonyý.......... Haydn rector Victoria McLed-Miistry of Music SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19. The Wonian's society will meet an (24th Sunday alter Trinity) Thursday aiternoon of this week at 2 8 A.M................ HoIy Communion o'clock at the horne of Mrs. David R. Il A.M ............ Thanksglving service Kab e,521 lventii eUreet, Wihette. ' Instead etf Sunday 'school, on t1ïîsday, the children will attend the Il o'clock The Confirmation class will meet on 'service, ta cansicler their manifold bless- Thursday afternoan at 4 a'clock. lngs, and ta show their gratitude, in part, by bringing canned foods, or any The Senior choir wlll rehearse an ufiperishable food, which will be pre.I Thursday evenlng at 7:30 a'clock, I sented at the Altar, for Thanksgiving baktt.Everyane is asked ta take part The Junior chair wiil rehearse aon Sat- Iin hs ceremany, which wlll mean urday morning at 10 o'clock. Thanksgiving dinners for many less for- tunate and deserving peaple. Attend our Church school next Sunday The arder of the serviL.e is as filows: marning. There are classes for ail ages, Organ Prelude--Andante (Oife)--Gluck with the pre-school age. W e Processional -Camne, Ye Thankful have a fine group af teachers. The People".............. Elvey Christian Life course af study is used. "Prayer af Thanksgii"*....kremser Sundy mrnîg . - ith s nxt re~~f ' fThe Choir We Invite yau to worship wtusnx Pretain'fgints 0f faad at the Altar Sudymrnn til o'clack<. Hymn -Now Thank We Ail Ouir The Junior and Senior Luther leagues Ga' .., Mndsoh wil) meet on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Offertory -Tans e oGod". ..Handel William Anderson, Tenor The annual Public Thank Offerxng ]Recessional -On Our Way service under the auspices of the Wom* F RejOicing' .................. Havergal en's Missionary saclety will be held On Festival-March .............. Gounod Sunday evenlng at 8 o'clock. There wil! Virginia Knapp, arganist4 be a pragram of argan music beginning lare John Thomas, choirniaster 1 at 7:45 o'clock. We invite you ta attend Frm231o33, udyatran thi srvie.the Grammar school graup wiil meet, asà The Hlgh Scbool chair wil) rehearse on~ usual, for religiaus instruction. The high1 Manday evening at 7:30 a'clock. Échoal group meets fram 3:45 ta 4:45. Ail yaung People lnterested are cardiafly The Adult Class of Instru~ction will ýbe lnvited ta attend.t hieldi an Wednesday evening at S a'clack. d i The- Union, Thanksgiving Service wl) RY there wvl)) be a the Haly Eucharisi 1 wines o initenew singers iita C 1choir. Several new voices would assi 1the group ini rendering greater servici A box of clothinig and household suj plies wlll be sent- bv the supply dg partmént af the..Woman's 1Missionar Soté a minister -and his fami ly i Tensee.- If yau wish ta donate 'somi thing, please s'rnd it ta Mrs. B. C. Day. sonor ber comm.ttee. On Thanksg.iving :Day. November 2Z there will be, two services of interes ta members and friends afi the.,church 7:30'a. m. - All-Metbodist Chicagalani service at the 'Chicago Temple. 10:30 a.-ni. - Union Commünity serv;c, at the Wilrmette Evangelical -lýutherai church, Seveneth sàtreet and Greelea avenue. The, Rev. James* T. Venek :eeil af the First Presbyterîan churci wili speak. The Wesleyan Fervice Guild member.ý will be glad ta receive your Christma.c cird orders at any time. 'The ann.un] bazaar, sponsored by thE Womii's *Guild. will. be held Thursdav, and Friday. Nûv,,mber 30 and Decem. The Weqlevan çervire Guild w i 11 meet Tuesday evening, Novernier 21, at 8 o'ciocki at the home ai Miss Grace Poe* 815 Ln<einav,,nu-. Cue(st solo4st: MiFs FFors.n-(- Fprrrr P"'xvlet-' Thante-k:- eivine Ann." There w11l be a "findings". shower for ane of aur mission stations Our scout traops meet as follows:- Girl Scaut Troop 2-Thursdays at 3:-45 2. M. Girl Scout Troap 4-Tuesdays at 3:45 P'. Boy Scout Troap 3-Tuesdays at 7:30 P.rn. Firat Corzgregatio'nal John G. Hlndley, minister Alexander B. Ferguson, directar of religiaus education SUNDAY SE-.Vr1-CES Church school ............... 9:30 a.m. Primary .................. 10:40) a.m., kindergarten .............. 10:50 a.m. ifarning Warshlp ..............l,1ar., Amici Deli ........... 5p.m. Kappa Pi.... ...............7 pj.r Dr. Hlnd!ey's Thanksgiving Sutnday. Lpic is. "One Nation Under God.- The music for the niarning worshlp, will be as foliows: 1, irgan Prelude-Charale, "Now Thank We AfllOur God . ............. Bach st Speclal progranis have been pianned e. -in al departments. Mr_ John BaIImaný Jwill speak ta the Senior. Department P- about Tha inksgiving. Corne taC h ur c h e- schoal Thanksgivýing Sunday especially! .y in AMICE DEI 'Aiter the Vesper warshi.p at 5 a'clock* 1Sunday, A. B. Tueker will be the guest af ai 7tb and 8Wh graders. We, 3have'been promised this treat for samne ft inie. Came. Refreshments and fun. KAPëÀPl PIËPh Howard Davidsan is going ta speak ta SKappa Pi Phi on SundaY at 7 o'clock. n> Came iearn: about Advertisîng. lit SPa(ys.' Social-hour and refre!ýhments. There will be a >play practice at the hchurch Friday, Novemnber 17,, at 4 o'clock. All raies* have nat been cast. Thase interested jilease came. sNEW TRIER SUN DAY JEVENING CLUB H. V. Kaltenborn, internationally, known cainmenta-tor, WiIl speak in the gymnasium ai the school ta the club an November 19 at 8 o'clack. UNION -TANSIV&4W* SERVICE AIl members' ai aur congregation are 1urgeci ta attend the uniion service on tThanksgiving in the Evanv.elical Luth- eran church, Seventh at Greenleaf, on November 23 at 10:30 A. M. CHIJRCR.SCHQOT. PARENT.TEACHERS NIGHT Ail parents af aur Church school pupils miust came ta this meeling an Wed. înesday, Noveniber 29, at 8 o'clock. Ross Snyder, weýI-known director ni religiausý ertucation. wil] sneak on -What We are, Trying To Do." Friends of children andi ai aur Church schol are also invitec2. First Presbyteàrlan Ninth .street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Vehekiasen, mninster -"Chrlstlanity Is Revalutianary,- wili be the theme af the sermon by the minisLer at the mornhng worship service at Il a'clock. If Christians would abide Iey the original propositions anda Szand- ards af Christianlty as taught by Christ, there woul be a world 'revolution - of the rigqht kind. Some ai these revolution.: ary i eas wW be dlscussed. We'invite ,yau. -The ,musie for the'.mornin,ýnai,, ,junaay e~vçUMingat 6 O' OCK.Mr sic for the church service wil)! No] ows: Theta Upsilan Rho invites ail young eon lude-Ob Lord How Mani-' people beyorid high school age to meet par enWest-W Gie Thnksevening a 6 o'c)ock. -Su 0 God........ ...... Hunier Tbe iollawing divisions are meeting ta- ail-, ) Give Thanks 'idY (Thui'sday):1 A. d .............. .,...Koshetz FOURTH - 11:30 am Mrs. Carl Noi If ýWih An ou Geppert, 2001 Highland 'avenue. J. eis serving Junior chUrch will care for the chil- arranged by dren Of Parents Who attend chrch at Il. own on the- ation lu)nch- The Tuxis club wilil etat:3 ~e bs p. aclaek in the chape), This will be the f the play, annual Thanksglving meeting. vill hold an Westminster Fell>wship. the older ai ofMrs. .J. vaung reople's roup. will meet wlth d1, Tuesday, Miss Mildred Waugh,. 812 Aàhland ave., ossley, Mrn. nue, at, 6:30 a'clock. The graup Wvl!) con- ville Brown tinue Its discussion ai a mode) program i