took two from Wilmette Tiîmes. to stave off cellar position. Teamn W L Pet. Wolff Watt ............. 19 il .633 Del Bonniein Taiors .... .18 12 .6000 Great West Life ........ 17 13 .5$67 Schaefer'É- Liquor ......15- 15- :.500 Wilmette Times .... ...-14 16 -.467 Kefer's Standard Srv .. .13 17 .433 Zick Dry Goods ý........ 12 18 *.250 Quinlan Record.....2 18, .250 High game and ý, were rolled by. Lindberg, with .610 .and .235; 200 boDwlers for the- night: Wolff, 220: Reinwald, 214 and 209, Kirwan 210: Lindberg, 235 and 201': Austin 206; Dittmar 203:, and Lech. neir, 201. NORTH ýSUBU9BAN LEAGUE- (November 10) W. L Avg. Shore Line Motors ....... 21 9 .879 Northwood Cleaners ..21 9 .878 Glenvîew Recreation . . ..19 il .851- Ideal Cleaners ....... ...1A9 il .820 Skokie Valley Beverage..17 13 .865 Braun Bros.......7 13 .815 New Trier Finanice,-..16 14 .849 Fel's Store for Men..13 17 .824 Shoreland Fi1nance . 1 17 '.809 Pavlik Bros...........12 18 .831 Ot ekertsTavern ... 7 20 .780l Kennel Club............. 6 21 .693 First b'gh team, three gamnes- Shoreland Finance ............ 2,791 Second high team., three games- Ideal Cleaners ..... .......2,9 First high teamn, single gare- Glenview Recreation......... 1,058 Second high team, single game- Nortbwood Cleaners ............992 Fi rst high individual. three games- HIenemann ...................... 649 Second hi gh individual. three games-B1eser......... .......... 641 First high îndividual , single garne-Bleser .................... 275 Second high individual, single garne-Heinemann............ .... 269 K. OF C. LEAGUE, Results Wilmette Ice swept the serièd rom River Inn; Bungalow Tavern won two tromn Alten's Mortuary; Ace Motors took the odd game fromn Wil- mette theater; Braun Brothers Oil company dropped two to Mais' con- fectionery; Frank Meier's Tavern, won two fromn Evanston Paint an. Glass. Games of 200 or over were bowled, by Matt Thalmann, 202; Paul Bleser, 211; George White, 201. t" Ross Snyder, director 0of re- ligious education at the Win- n e t k a Congre gat:oncsL. church, and a,,member of the faculty of the Chica go, Theological Semin- ary, wiit be the speaker at the flrst meeting of the First Con- gregational c hu r ch sech ool1 Parenit-Teacher's meeting, Wed- nesday night, November 29, at 8 'o'clock in Pilgrimn hail of the *church. His s u. b j e c t wiil be: -What We Are Trying to Do." Mr. Snyder has been> actively en- gaged in young people's work for the past decade. The meeting 'is primarily .for par- -ents and teachers of pupils in the Church school,. but ail interested in eidren ýare inwited, it is pointed out. Tihere will be a period of dis- cussion, a tirne for crlticismn and questions, and an informai social hour. Doughboys for first position as Doughboys also dropped thre games to Engineers. Artillery took two games from Destroyers while Torpedoes wiped up Bombers for I MI w o z MI 1- z o- v c o z o g- z i MI Q o I WereMovimg, Very, YVery So>on-and to, Make This E vent Memorable to You- J qi/e Ç/e <'<4 ARE REDUC1ED TO 3 95 864 Pairs of Seasonal Joseph PRICE SHOE 2,644 to 2,781. Grocery Indivi LIEGION LEAGUE Mifler, RosuitsLuensm Marines dropped three games to Ifdlvl Suhr, Gunners but stiil reinained tied With Schwan, al ig tre games: Mary Ann 1409. al 11gh single game: Miler and ;Lola Luensman, 150; .Edna Ck and, MarySesterhepn, 149. 1634 SHERMAN EVANSTON