DuBois-The Drake The former Leona Hoff man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Hoffman, 1510 Washington avenue, Wilmette, is the bride of Raymond M. May,, son of Mrs. Joseph May of Oak Park. Af ter a weddîng trip south they, retu'rned the latter part of Octo- ber to make their home on the south side in Chicago. The bride was married in a white satin u'edcing gowfl and in gertip veil. Woman's Club to Sew for The Woman's club is aiso open al day every Monday to ail women of the community who wish to par- ticipate in Ited Cross- work, either the 'rhakmng of surgical. dressings, sewing for refugees. or kniitting. the ciubhouse is located:i at.Tenth- and Greenleaf avenues m ýWilmette. Bef ore-Bait Parties Entertaining before the B ustie bal which the' Kenilworth Center of 'the Infant Welfare. Society of. Ch icago will, give November 25, wili be a popular- feature, and those in- viting -guests- to pre-bail parties in- clude Mr and Mrs. Georgeý Ha rtnett of Indian Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Phiilip Atwood of Giencoe, Mr. andi Mrs. Charles Bradeen of Winnetka, Mr. worth; Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Morris of Kenilworth Gardens; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clinton of Evanston, who will entertain Mrs. Russell Fay o f Kansas City, Mo., who wili be their houseguest; Mr. and Mvrs. Wil- liam Red of Kenilworth Gardens; and Mr. and Mrs' George Braun of Wilrnette, who wiil take thieir guests to the Drake. Mr' andi Mrs. Donald Laçhance of Kenilworth wili have a few frieiids in for cinner at their home in Kenil- worth and later in the evenlng Mrs. La Chanee's father, Dr. William H. G. Logan, wiil entertain for his daughter at his apartmerit in the Drake Towers before the bail which wiii be held at the Drake hotel. for c r (s ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( chrysanthemumSO %%~,# Floriqt j s ) ) 1) j) ) j ) ) 4' WHEN invited 'out to Thanksgiving dinner, say' Thank you" toyouir ho-stees with a gif t of