Of0 Holyoke Alumnae Séveral Mount Holyoke alumnae, amnong9 those coming ta Chicago thlç -wveek-end for the regional conference entitled 4A Close-up of College frorr a. Distance" at the Lake Shore Ath. leti c!clb,' Saturday, will be enter- tained. on the'Nrt Shore while they are here. Mrs. Raymon~d Atwood, of Scars- dale, . X Y., who formerly lived in Glencoe, will be present to act as general chairmnan >of the conférence and will be a guest at the home of the John Watson Wlders in Glencoe. On Friday, Mrs. Wilder and Mrs. George Spaulding of Glencoe will en- tertain at luncheon for ber at. the Spaulding home, and* Thu rsday Mrs. Sam Rothermel of Glencoe will give a small luncheon. Sunday, Mrs. Spaulding Will enter- tain a few of the committee mem- bes aand outof-town guests~ at di?!- ner. The Homer Hortons of Brown * County, Ind., former residents of Glencoe, are coming' to Chicago this * week-end so that Mrs. iorton may attend the conference,. Their daugh- ter, Miss Jane Horton, who had been living in Chicago until a few weeks ago will not be here for the meet- ing. An employee of the American * Airlines, she fiew to New York re- eently to make ber home, when the offices of the companv were tras- guest of Mrs. Spaulding on, Thurs- day night, and Mrs. James J. Por- stal Of Winnetka is ta have as ber house guest Dean Harriett Allyn from college, who is coming for the conference and will also addré-ss a group of girls at, New Trier High school on ljonday. A contrast in the problemns of the Victorian 'girl andi those of the girl of today wiIl be the motif of the next book review program Mrs. Henry G. Zander, Jr, will give in' the Kenilworth club in her benef!,t séries for Park Ridge Scbhool for Girls. To illustrate the. wide differ- ence in these prob lems, she will re- view "1Maud," a Journal of Maud, Rittenhouse, edited.and arranged for publication by, ber son-inlaih-, ard Lee* Strout, a. Washington cor- respondent of the Christian Sc.ience Monitor, .a journal which -reveals the problems of the Victbrian. In marked contrast, and illustra- tive o f problems- of the girl of todayo, Mrs. Zander will comment upon Christopher .Morleys ri e w novels, 'Kitty Foyle." Her. review will be, given Titesday, November .2, t 10 in the mornîng. Sandwich Demnorstrajion For -Delta Zeta Moihers The Delta Zeta Mother' s club of Northwestern university is meeting Friday, November 17,' at the Sorori- ty bouse' at 2 o'clock. A repre- sentative of an Evanston bakery will give dernonstration of the .making of. sandwiches. Tea will be served dur- ing the social hour. rs- f~Antirp... Alumna Trus tee Mi-S. Robert L. Tiudor, 422 Es- sex road, Kenilworth, pro gram chairman of the North Shore F'riencis of the Chica go Junior school, has arranged the annual evening bridge and game, pcrty. to be held Saturday'evening of. th.is week, at the home of Mr. and klrs. Joseph MeNabb, 950 Hill r o a d , Winnetka, at 8:30 o'clock, as a bei&eflt for the schol- arship funci. Party to Benetit Junior School- Boys The annual evening bridge~ and. game party of the North Shore friends of The Chicago Junior school will ibe beld Saturday, November 18, at 8:30 O'c1ock, at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Joseph, McN\ab.b, 950 Hill Phi; Board Holds First Meeting Next We The newly elected board of the Woman's auxiliary of the Evanston. Hospital associa 'tion will hold its ~,first regular meeting, at 10: 30 Wed- nesday morning, November. 22, in Patten, hall at, thé hospital. The tboard members w e r e luncheon guests: of the new president, Mrs. Hugh McCulloch of Evanston, not long,.after the election heldlate last month. Mrs. Julian Norris of. Glencoe was chairman of the nominàting commit- jtee for the election. TheneW of- f ficers, in addition to the president, are: Mrs. Edwin S.'Fo rd of Win- netka, first vice-president; M r s. Glenn J. Greenwood, of Evanston, Isecond vice-president; Miss Isabel Fiske of Evanston, record ing secre- tary; Mrs. George F. Falleyof Ev- anston, corresponding secretary;. 1Vts. Axel À. 'Hofgren of Winnetka, treasurer; and , Mrs. Richard T. Severaàl forth- shor 1e women al'so are serving as committee chairmen,, completing the board. The chairmen' of the various committees are as follows: Mrs. Everett Cook of Win- netka, by-laws; Mrs. Hugh Bride- groom of Evanston, flower; M r s. George Slight of Evanston, flower n'emorial; Mxs. Rodney Irwin of Highland Park, library; Mrs. Rob- ert L. Scott, Jr., of Winnetka, mem- bership; Mrs. Rudy L. Ruggles, Jr., of Evanston, nominatîng; Mrs. Samuel IJypes of Glencoe, nursing; Mrs. Wesley l3owman of Kenilworth,, occupational tberapy; Mrs. Duncan Meier of Evanston, out-patient de-: partment; Mrs. Leonard Wilson o 'f Evanston, pilot; .Mrs. Gard Collins of Winnetka, premium; Mrs. Ed.win S. Ford of Winnetka, project; Mrs. 'Melvin Cassidy of Evanston, publi- city; Mrs. John D. Rustine, Jr., of Evanston, sewing; Mrs. Donald B. Lourie. of Winrietka. social;, Mrs. Phllip Schneider of Evanston. Thrft presidè at the afternoon session in his senior y 0f the. conference.aaey ti William, at Culver D.inner will be served at 7 o'clovk. This barn-dance is offered with the thought in mind that if it proves successful, one dance a rnonth mnay be given at Sunset Ridgetruht, the winter season.' houhu 01 Pargk icige.