The Christmas programn for the Northridge Woman's club will be given December 11, at 'the home of Mrs. Richard Pietsch, 1496 Green- wood avenue, Wilrnette, with Mrs. Mary Buehr talking on "Christmas ini Other. Lands." Mrs. Buehr,, Who is an artist and lecturer of* reknown, bas had eleven years of travýel anýd:study in Europe.. Forthirteen years she was en-ploy- ed, by the Chicago Board of. Educa- tion and it was she who introduced art appreciation into the Chicago Public school system, 'teachinWg in cooperation. with, the Art institute.ý Co-hostesses for the December meet- ing will be Mrs. William Heise and Mrs. William Merkle. Announcement of. the proeram, was made by Mrs. Maxwell Rust,, program chairman, at the meeting. of the Northridge club held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Ru- dolph Heiser, 525 Ridge road, Kenil- worth. The next~ literature mweeting wlfl be beld Monday afternoon, Novem- ber 27, at the home of Mrs. HaÉold B. Ingersoil, 556 Greenwood avenue, Kénilworth, with Mrs. Carl Johnsen giving the review. Monday evening, the Northridge members were shown movies of the Eldorado Radiumn mine, Northwest Territories, Canada, by Dr. Charles E. Galloway. The movies, which are in color, were taken by Dr. Galloway in Februaryv. 1938, when he took a, Actioýn without., action strin a talk on the use of radium and the discovery of the mine by Gilbert La Bine. The program was folkoe b business meeting and a social hour. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Ray Oughton and Mrs. Charles Murphy. Scrap books which will be sent to a children's hospital were given to th e members to be filled and turned in by December 5. 1' 'r Page Bo y the perfect Matern ity Dress For Thanksgiving the Nuuzum zfamu Y is going to Janesville,. Wis., to spend the holiday with Dr.- Nuzum's. par. ents, Dr. andMrs. T. W. Nuzumn. other Belle-Sharmeer stockings $1 15 fo $ 1.65 exclusive wifh Stevens in Evansfon EDGPAR -A. STEVENS., Ic. va nsfoný dress, illustroted of rayon crêpe with free benging front fultness tied witb volvet bows, $1795 EDGAR A.- STEVYENS, Imc. .. ........ (</