take place on December 4. A bêautiful Americarn flag was pre- sented to the ehapter in memory of Mrs. H. E. Smoot, matron of 1939, who passed- away last March. Initiation and a'stated meetingfor the chapter will be.held Moniday eve- ning,. Walking Rehears.al:WiiI foIIow Gu'ild Luncheo'n Luncheon tomorrow at.the Wom- an's guild of the Wilmette Congre- ga tinal church -wil be served> by theý North .,End circle of which Mrs-.- Paul Gross is chairman. The decor-1 OPEN THURSDAY A1 parlor dentc erts, rd meeting ini the church as been called by the presi- ,he guild, Mrs. Glen S. Rob- 1130. Fraternity Mothers lo Meet >.The Mother's club of Phi, Kappa Psi. fraternity. will have its next meeting Monday, November 20,' at 2 in the afternoon. at the Fraternity- house. At that Uirne Mrs.- Carl Schmidt will ,review "Maud,"' by Richard Lee Strout. Trea will be served afterÉ the, program. Hostesses for the meeting 'will be Mrs.. Wfl- liam'Harridge. and Mrs. Arthur J. .-I-W-ernecke. The group meets once a mr onth. and SATU RDAY EVENINGS ask about our free parking 0.i 9OCLOCK slim figure witFi a grand and. at only trontr Other Lily of France foundations EDGAR A. STEVENS',, mc., $7 50 to $12 50 Jn lariigora wool witfl grosgramfl riDoon oindmng, lower ff, extremely chic shetland cardigan in different rib knit and a grand'value at $3.95 a new and Evansion w, s I -~ - I h r, array Evansfon IEGA .STEVENS, mc Il ýe -A) Lw-~