For Phitharmonjc Concert in ChIicago * -Mrs. Royal C. Vilas is Winnetka *chairman for the benefit to - be held on Sundaày afternoon, November 26, for, The C h ild ren' s .Memrorial hospital of Chicago. The affair is to be a côncert-the fireti one given n Chicago-by the New York Philhar- monic-Symnphony orchestra in; the Auditorium theater. Though, the ticket. sale is well un-. der way there are: still many: good seats to be had and Mrs P. A.' Valentine, chairman of box sales, announced recently. that although the boxes were entirely. spoken for many of her co-workers have offered to give up their boxes. for re-sale,: if necess ary. The New York Philharmonic-Syrx. phony orchestra and TheChildren's great institutions of sinilar age, will make their tirst appearance before the Chicago public jointly. The Philharmonic-Syrnphony has served the cause of music in the United States since the Philharmonie society's inception in 1842. The Sym- phony society had its beginning in 1878. The Children's Memorial hos- pital was founded in Chicago in 1884 by Mrs. Julian F. Porter in memory of her son, Maurice Porter. ]Lowry and Gottschalk Photo Mr$. William Whittier, Jr., of Ketzlworth is co-chairman of the fiower andc igaret cômmittee for the Bustle bail wh.ich the Kenil- ivorth center of the Infant Wel- fare Soc iety, of Chicago is giving at the Drake Saturday eveningi, Novem ber 25. Instead of vending flowers during the ball, the com- F-or N.S. Service League A regular monthly luncheon meet- ing of the North Shore Service league of the Chicago Maternity cen- ter wilI be held Monday, November 20, nt 1:15 Q'clock, at the Hearth- stone tea room in, Eubbard, Woods. .At that time e ntertainmnent will be provided for members and guests,,, when' Donald Robertson gives his own illustrated travelogue,"&En-, chanting Mexico. '- The board of directors of the league met Tuesday afternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Car- ter Phillips in ,Evanston, with the president of the league, Mrs.Ca- ence Nichols, presiding: Wednesday. from il to 4, at the home of Mrs., George Haris-on in, Hlighland Park, a regular sewirrg- meeting took place. The sewing se .s- sion was one in the series of weekly t periods of sewing and knitting. forn the spring sale* which will be given t in the form of a gue£t tea. SpeksonPecwce .Li Enterta ined'Du ring Visit in Kenilwortl, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Bausher of eaig, Pa., are spending a week visiting Mr., and. Mrs. William A. Moulon,235 Raleigh road, Kenil- worth, and. while they are -here are, being entertainedby many friends. Mrs. Bausher and. Mrs. ?Moültoii are sisters, and Mrs. Bausher lived in Chicago before she was married and wept east. to make her home. One, of the parties, the dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Loucks of Kenilworth are gIving, Friday night for thirty-six guests, is ina hon- or o! ýMr. and'Mrs. Baush er's. six- teenth wedding anniversary. Wed- riesday friends of Mr. Bausher en- tertained in honor of his birthday. Tiiesd-ay Mrs. E'ugene~ Kealy~ of' Evanston, was hostess to Mrs. Bau- sher and Mrs. Moulton at luncheon at the Woman's Athletic club, and that evening Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ilarriss o! Kenilworth gave a din- er at the South Shore Country club,' Vednesday, Miss Ruth Briede of Lake' Forest, entertained for therr, nd Thursday the Orville Warwicks )f Kenilworth are giving a dinner. Vr. and Mrs. A. C. King o! Win-. ietka will be host and hostess at a )arty on Saturday. operation-o! Mrs. Porter, the hos- pital was reorganized and the name çhanged to The Children's Memorial hcspitai. The hospital then acquired about four acres of land at the south- west corner of Fullerton avenue and Orchard street, which is made easily accessible by surface and elevated Unes. In 1938 the hospital carecl for 4,248 patients, and 92 per cent of all of ln Service League Sisterhood Asks Ouests to Hear TaI .k By Louise Wright .The November mvnes (ifr i D;nner Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Shimp, 1111 Sheridan road,, are giving aý dinner party for twelve guests at their homne Saturday. anadoca ,e A buffet supper will be served at , 7:30 o'clock. Resérvations are in h charge o! Miss Virginia Little. d The annual Father-Son banquet a takes place at the club the evening of Thursday, Novenibèr 30. and tc, homr fol ~, menu&wot.M1,r7. Lindsley, one of the very dctive mnembers of the league, goes regularly>to, the Maternity center to do vork with Patients in the clinic.