Zone Program Meeting at Stolp School Pro- vokegs Lively Discussion. of Provisions A goodly number of interested vil-, lagers, ncluding architects, build- crs, _real estate brokers .a nd other home owners gathered. atý Stolp' school last ý(Wednesday)» night, on invitation of the Wilmette Zoning commission, to Idiscuss the pro- posed amendment to the village. zoning ordinance. William, J., Weldon, memnber of the, commission, explained the or-, dinance as tentatively drafted, and the uses for which properties in the, various classifications could be titil- ized. Following bis presentation questions and suggestions were re- quested, and this opened a dis- cùssibon on the apanrment builing~ question, several in the. audience urging that certain areas be zoned for that purpose, others holding that to do so would ruin the home character o! the village. It was cxplained that two-family dwellings and "group" houses for not more than eight families are pro- vided for, but this did not seem to satisfy thc apartment building pro- ponents, who maintaifled, that thal kind of building is necessary to ing is scheduled for Howardl senool on Fniday cveniflg of this week. No- vember 17, at 8 o'clock. Indicate Young People's Needo During the months that the ordin- ancehasbeen in course of prepar-. ation, public interest has centered. around .co ntemplated provision for apartment buildings, withiný restric- tions, that woffld provide low cost housing for young couples, and stili preclude the possibility of h ug e structure-s that would ruin the home ;itm*oDheri of the villge. It has Published weekly by LL.OYD HoxLsm INc., 1232-36 Central Avenue, Wititte, Illinois Ettivred ms second-las matier Varch 8, 1912, ai the pou office ai Vilmetie, Illinois, uder the. oct of Morrh 3, 1879. FIV E CENTS'A COPY 'TWO DOLLARS A YEAR November 16, 1939 Merchants. Rejoice at.. Lifting of "Blockaàde" United Thanks, Service Io Be Hetd T hursda y Six Wilmette Protestant churches, this year will again unite in sponsor- ing Wilmette's Union Thanksgiving service, following a custom of long standing in the community. The service this year will be held ing, Novemfber 23, 1 -ý at 10:*30 o'clock, 1with the IRev. Rev. James T. James T. Vane- Venedlasen kiasen, minister of the First Presby- terian church, preaching the sermon. His subject will be: "'Thank God for God."e Ministers of the vanious participat- ing churches will have a part in the worship hour, it is announced. etBaek to Normnal with Xe- opening of Widened Central A ~~*iun~ ýSchoo["s GYM One of Few of Season's Serles for which- Admission Is te Be Chairged Hans Von Kaltenborn, noted radio c o m.m e n t a t-o r on international. events , will be 'the 'speaker ýat the mheeting of, the New Trier Sunday Zvening club on N ovember 19 at 8 o'iclock' in the gyrnnasiumr of New TÉrier.High school on :Essex road. This will be one o! the few occa- s ions when *the Sunday Evenmng club' will make a mnodest charge for its lectures, it was announced Monday by President W. Frank -McClure. The son of a former Hessian of- inovher imtt's e nr a us- Hsewsaagmtdwt r November 15, when Centrai avenue, o! Hitler, Mr. Kaltenborn. was born from Park avenue to Eleventh street, in Milwaukee in 1878. At .14 he began tcoplete a nnofNovember s his newspaper career as a reporter competedat oon n Nvem im-1 for the Merrili (Wis.) News. At 19 was thrown open to traffic. The m he ran away from home to enlist provement provides a 42-foot road- for the Spanish-American war, dur- way, curb to curb, from Park ave- n which he agetdhsam nue east to the Chicago and North pa sring amentehspoarmy Western tracks, and a 52-foot road- for the Milwaukee Journal, the Mer- way from that point east to Eleventh rl doae n h icl on street. This is. a widcning of twol dve, poabld the Lino i Ce feet over the old roadway for the t Aziepoal h nywie 'ent1iestretch . to cover the war in two langusâg es.' Paid'Froni Gasoline Tax The completion o! the' projet a!- fords two b ro a d intersecting thoroughfares through the central business district, Wilmette avenue having been paved last year. PFunèIS for both. improvements came fromn the village's. share of the gasoline tax. Noticeable over the full length o! the newly paved avenues is the com- plete absence of steep declevities from the crown of the roadways to Following the. Spanish war he worked his way to Europe on. a cat- IC boat- and remained there several years. Later he rèturned to the United, States and, after' being graduated with honors at Harvard unlversity, went to work for the Brooklyn Eagle. It was in 1922 that the Eagle's management decided that if its asso- ciate editor's lectures on current events could pack the paper's audi- torium each week, they could just as when it is finally adopted by the 'and advertising ziattr zo JA1LLIi ALDjc.LU a v" tu., * Village board, it will solve b o t h week's issue will be nexct Mon- SHOST LS evening appointments for those who problems to the general satisfaction day at 5 p.m. The cooperation of OOL T LS are unable to visit bis office durig of the public. news contributors and advertls- Publie schools i New Trier towni- the day, if they will make applica As, has been stated, the proposed ers wMl be sincerely appre- ship will be closed for the Thanks- tion by telephone or otherwlse. Mes amended'zoning.ordinance. provides ciated. givýing holidays, on, Thursday and residence- telephone nuniber Is WR., (Continued on page1)______________ Friday of next week. mette 2M06