To Play "AlilBaba" For Chidren Here Direct from the Civic theatre, the Jack -and Jili Players are. bring'in*g their new production of "Ali Baba". to the Womhan's Club Of Wilmette- on Saturday. afternoon, Novemnber 25.ý ",AlilBaba" la sthe: first of four chil- dren's plays to be, given this sea- son by the.tways, and means coin- mnittee of the. club of which Mrs. R. D). Olar is chairmnan, for the beniefit of the,-cléub's building fund. Mrs. Harrison Storms is *ni charge of the plays. Marvin Himnmel Will be seen in the titie role. He has been a Jack and Jili player five years, and dur- ig that tme, in addition to more than twerity-five foies in the theatre, he has done radiowork4, andJig toured withW the* professional com- pany of "Dead End." Frank Armstrong, who play Alil Baba's son, la another "veteran" Jack and Jiller. He is a radio actor, appearing on "Orphan Annie." Char- lotte Mitchell plays Alil Baba's wife. She will be remembered by Wil- mette audiences for her perform- ance 1ast season in "Birds' Christ- mas Carol" She piayed "Sarah Maud," the eldest of the Rizggles ur-juzittrt nuwspesora y u&e junor atsxlary Of the Woman's Club of Wilmee. The event takes place Saturday of this weeJc at 2 o'clock, at the clubhouse, Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue. Miss Mills la chairman of arrangements, iss Upson is in charge of the sale of tickets. There tvill be fashio&s for everyone within everycrne's budget. Table prizes and numerous other prizes will. Se an addeci attraction. Tea wLill be served following the fashion show. Reservations maj be made byj calling Miss Upson at her home, 607 Washington av>enue, Wilmette, or tickets maI, be purchased at the door. 0f Old'Fashioned Christmas to Bazaar It'.s a pleasure in. this, changing world, to find somethingthat reminds. u s of the world that used to be. The Christmnas baïaar'at theWoman's Club, of Wllmette is to be one'of' those things. The date of -the alil day and eve- ning bazaar has been set for, Wed- nesday, December 13. The chair-. mn nis MUrs. J..]Robert McClure and the co-chairmani is Mrs. ýHenrY. E., Cutier. The bazaar is given for the benefît of the club's building fund and is a project of the ways, and means committee of wbich Mrs. R. D. Qilar is chairman. Mrs. McClure and Mrs. Cutier have had two meetings léf their com- mittees during the last ~month and préparations are well under way for one of the iargest and most inter- esting bazaars the club bas had. While the IBetter Homes exhibit in the Spring will bring to the club-'. house an array of the latest and most useful labor saving devices,. the Christmas bazaar will revert to type and be just what everyone expects a bazzar to be-a sort of a merry- gô-round where everybody bumps n- to everybody, has a long chat at the the slave who pours the burnlng oul on the robbers, and wbo eventually destroys the captain of the thieves. She was seen last season as the nurse of Hopeless Tower in "Little Lamne Prince." .Others in the cast include Jud Richter, Jack Bivans, Bernard Ty- gett, Joan Grauer, Bernice Marks, Cherie Neutz, Patsy Lyman, and The regular 'monthly meeting, of the Wilmette center of the Infant. Welfare Society of Chicago takes place ,Monday, November 20, 'in the lounge of the Woman's club. Miss Jeanette Townsend of the Central of- fice wilI be the guest of honor .and speaker. The nrnmrà1nwifl h om An interesting, amus'ing, and iii- structive afternoon was had by al who attended the Jury schooli n the Womnan's Club on Monday. Judge Harry Fisher spoke on "The Jury Systein," outlining its long his- tory and. defininsg the, n@avi t L.r,,ad a uniWIb4IIas greecung Cara, a sweat- er or a pair of ankiets, greeting cards, wrappings for gifts, seais, and practically everything else., The childrern, as usuai, will be eating. sticky popcorn balîs, ice-cream bars, or taffy appies, as they hang about their mother's skirts and the wornen wili be buying "very special" salad dressing imade trom someone's sec- ret recipe, or someone's homemade .P£ ut: C ? uCIO'. A ALLmrs. 1. A. ushi Evanston wiil give a talk on "Cal past four which she will illustrate tures. gàte 'Ôf Purdue. teirhié. PIC-