Givenon Suday f Egfu f14 iUautOrlum àunday Givenon S ndaySatire, humer, and abeve ail, goed*<'*- The' second li the series of Work- ballet and good "theatre" will be shop programs to be presented each 1companions on the Auditorium the- Sings in Winnetka rnentb by Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta ater stage Sunday afternoon,, prefessional speech and music fra- ber 19, when Catherine Littletield terity wil b gien n te Aphaand ber company appear ýas the sec- terntywil begivn i th, Aphaond feature of the ".History and En- Xi Delta House, 710 Emerson street,, joyment of Music" series. Continu- Evanston, Sunday afternoon,. NeVem' inýg its .well-rounded series of con. ber 19, at 3 pari. A string trio firom certs, the Universgity College of Northwestern university, brin gs to its the school of mnusic, with Mary Txp-auineabltcopynodfr ton Ross, Elean'or Lanz, and Esther its keen and incisive interpreta- Cowgill will play - Beethôven's First tiens of. the American scene., Trio in E Flat, Une Larme by Mous- Tweo American ballets will be sorgsky, and Rebikoff's Danse Car- dacdo tepora udy actrisîqu. Rpreentng he"Ladies Better, Dresses" and "Barn speech, scbool, Wilma Dykeman wiîl Dance.". "Ladies. Better Dresses," read three selections. based on. the familiar American Tbe purpose of the Wrso is te craze for the latest fashions, is set in a smart dress establishment. Thet present the talent of Phi Beta mem-styofhebltisuitrud bers te the alumnii, patrons and pa- the creation ef the dress of the heur tronesses, and te the generaî public. by a famous stylist, which is rnadlyE Tea will be served after the pro- sought after by buyers.. atixicallyr gram at which -Iiwre geereal Otaetx- enough, the ballet concludes with ar sien and suggestions will be encour- street scene in wbich everyone who1 *aged. Anyône interested in the music passes by wears The Dress which or speech arts is invited te attend, bas seon been copied fo fit every Each menth two patrons et Alpha purse.t chapter are invited te be guests of "Barn Dance," rapid ef tempo and houner.MSnchyeteroon, Miss ndanced te a musical score composed ht Pauine Man heser t E ans on, e old, fam iliar tunes, is one ef the Ma a e M ra K r no , "T h e formerly of Glencoe, pianist and a fvrtso h Littlefield repertoire. Mdm ai uek'"h met uica orth wesly theuiSchty Danced im an old-fasbioned barn, it' Russian Nightingale," will col- ofMiwec a owserne gesstoetersit neatly captures the spirit ef such an laborate with the famous Russian *Daniel Van Drea,-en ef the Schoeioccso n rnfr tt h composer, Alexandre Gretcha ni- et Spech.watcbing audience. oFee hapepe"ech.eee, noff, in two recitals of his songe wbiteCb sancete manusieyMau to be given a t the tDushkin Schoot s Msuc * HiIdad P rk rice Ravel, wlll aiso be presented on of ,sc , Wiiinetka, Friday anld Musi at ighand ark Sunday.. Set in the time ot the Louis', Saturday evenings, Novem ber 24 b tbe fermer is the delightful and en- and 25, at 8:15 o'clock. 0 tertaining story et what happens C_______________ wben a mischievous little Blacka- mooer ~sels Cupids bo and levrs. Vronsky and -Babin a "Peeme" is tbe tragic stery of a n young peet wbo is seeking inspira- Pla y WitflSymphony. tien, and wbo kilis it-bis inspira- tien being a beautiful young girl. The Chicago Sympbeny orchestra, I a gain under the direction of Hans Coreli Ois kiner Lange, will present but two concerts in Orchestra hall this coming week, Camera Artist By C. B. P. Monday evening, November 20, the NÇorth Shere Art jeague presents Mrs. Helen Merrisen, artiàt-photog- rapher, as the speaker for its sec- ond pregram. The program committee considers .itself fortunate in securin g this North Shore, artist for. its. men-bers. Mrs.. Morrison was born: in'Evanston and grew up. witb a camera in. ber band, since she became, an enthulsiast at the age et 10. Genereus and.ot strong ýintegrity and personality, this artist bas'been able te get the portraits ef most of our illustrieus people in' music, edu- cation, theatre, and public lite, pre- sent-ing their personaI.i-t-ies througb the medium et ber caméra., She is interested in types and is exhibiting ber latest venture in the Indianapolis Art xnuseurn this mentb. This group she calîs "Sugar Hill and String Town.- It is a col- lection of colored folks of Kentucky, of a type fast disappearifng before the onslaugbt of the machine and modern business. Mrs. Morris on thus is makîng a valuable contribu- tien te our history as others bave Etone in collecting early ballads and folk-lore. The Winnetka Woman's club is greatly indebted te ber fer the por- traits et all its presidents, anid the Winnetka Ilistorical society trea- sures a groupof iikenesses ef many notable people ef the village. given by ber. Mrs. Morrison is speaking at 8 o'clock in the Art studio ot Winnetka Community Housé and league.mem- >ers are asked te save the date for a very enjoyable and unusual, eve-, ning. Present Marionettes In Highland Park Soon The Sue Hastings Marienettes,' start for a ing music. d'Or". by Del " 'Rhapsody in: y,ý and ihave beenleanedto e.' by the Royal Italan ite gwin Fis( JStrauss. ici concert, ef teeseasen at lock Tuesday evening, No- 21, at Orchestra hall. Lois ellist, will. be the seloist. gram wiil include music by ?ns, Chaussoni, Schubert, Ir- bfer, Arthur Benjamin and