I. ( ( 4 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( A- B. aileiside handles -Save spece In pven., 15 lb. toast, S.0 b. .,fowl, 3.4S 18 lb. toïst, 12 lb. fowl, 4.45. 25 IL. oast,:20 l. $ol .45 Mirro Aluminum oaval mrasters: 6 lb. fowl, 10 lb., toast. 2.49 9 lb. fowl. 15. L. oast. 2.98 12 lb. fowl, 20 IL. oast. 3M>, 8-UN IVERSAL 3..PIECE CARV ER. 41/2- inch Pyrohorn handles, 81/24ch bladce mirroir finish, Resistan stainless steel. 4.06 andi 5.95 set. Uinversal 2-pece carver:, stag_ handles; Reistain steel blades, 2.95 set., Universal 3-pece cervers wth stag han- dies and mirror finish Resistain steelI blades, 3.35, 3.95. 6.95 set. C-MIRRO EASY-GRIP COQKY PREiSS. The only press that makes 80 cookies et one filing. Resuits are always unformn. Has 12 forming platesî for as many dif- ferent desgns-camel, ,scottie, pin-wheel, four-leaf claver, etc. 1.25 S.. Nemonstration Thursday-FridySturdoy D-DELUXE TOAST 'N' JAM SET, ideal for breakcfast' lunch, 1mdnight snacks. Toastmaster automofki 2-sicke toaster, 2 gayly colored marmalade disties, walnuf serving tray. 17.95 E -SAVORY ROASTERS -thle famous aval blue enamel toaster tbat's just the riqht shape: deepest where roast is thickest, causing meat or fowl ta eeat qu.ickly, coolc evenly. Easy ta keep clean - requires no attenion: the Savory does the cooling. basting and browning. 5 lb. fowl. 6 lb. roast. 1.25 8 IL fowl, 9 lb. roast. 2.25 12 lb. fowl, 14 IL. oast, 2.75 18, IL. oast, 16 IL.fowl, 3.00 I ) r,) ) r) G) PhoneTour urciers WiImel'1e 3700 -. Idas n WInnetka 520 SI )dy' NN