DV(UIE STA»IUM New Trier vs. Evanston 2 Games 0Siarting at 12:30 and *2:-30 P.M Tickets on sale at, both, sehools., at White' Du Store, Indian.Hiili, at Chanùdlee'and the Co-op iii.Evansiton, anâd ai the gaie. Park in thse p arkingý, lot $mat o!tihe Sadisna-Parking .fee g5 ýceaiD. The Dive acIaoola ahare li the receipte from thse parking lot. HOMEMADE CANDIES- lbso real tribute to your hotessm. et.A Delivery at a Nominal Ceai 716 Church St. 1 Tel. GRE. 4622 1731 Howard St. I open Evenin Tel. SHfE. 3000O and Holiday$ Thanksgiving, and. they are home for a four-day 'vacation, The girls will be in Wilmette for only a few hours on the. twenty-third, coming home to greet .Mr. andMrs. S. E. Little and their son, Dan, of Cleve- I.and., and then returning for eight o'cèlock classes . Friday morning. Both. girls are students at 'Carroll college,. Waukesha, W i s., where Mary 'is a senior and Margaret a member of the sophomore class. rON -»RAMA STAFF - Miss, Rosalie. Harrison, daughter! -of Mr. and, Mrs. W. H. Harrison., 90 1 Ash1anýd- avenue, Wilniette, is ai member of the production commit-1 tee of. the performance,. 0' u r, *Town," which will be presentedj at Connecticut college New London, Conn., Nov. 25. The play is by * 1hQrJton Wilder. MViss Harison be- longs to Wig and Candle, the col- lege dramatic club, and is a mem-' ber of the class of 1941. She pre- pared for college at Evanston Township High school. "Our Town"' will be the first dramatic perfor-! mance in the new Frank Loomis *Palmer auditorium at the. coliege. STTJDY IN OZARKS The MLissourxi Ozarks in, rere the classroorns recentl: ly,.or a McElroy, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. McElroy, 357 Sunset road, Winnetka. The group made notes on the St. Francis range of theL>Ozarks, one of the oldest geologic fortmations in America, and observed the'earth- qjualce structure of the lake. ON SOCCER TEAM Miss Harline Ward is one of the fre.shman at Smith college who have man conference î lr held at the Uni- versity of Michi- gan. The purpose is to provide each freshman at the Michigan with a' conference period of 15 to 20 min- utes in which he can di.qcuss. pri- vately. wi th the headof 'ils re-(MatI'e vFranci) paratory s eh ool F. A. wKahiers -his status,' his, problems, and his plans at the Uni- versity., Each. visiting sehool,'man is. pro- videdý, with: a conference room, a schedule of appointments with ils former pupils, and a ,summary of al records of each conferee since enter- ing the university.ý The pupil aiso brings à previously prepared ques- tionnaire designed to bring out any academie, social, or emotional mal- adjustments. In lthe present freshman class there are 14 .New Trier graduates. They are: Miss Nancy Bercaw, Paul Cas- terline, Miss Helen Clarke, William Coale, Donald Frisseil, Edmund Grossberg, Robert Heath, Richardl Hi'rsch, Robert Matthews, Vincent Oatis, Gordon Osterstrom, James- Robertson, James Spaulding, and AI-. bert Van Acker. .Uolyoke Dean Will address the upper class girls of New. Trier High school at an i1 o'clock a s se m bl1y prograrn on' Mon- day morning, November 20. Uer sub- jeet. will be ",College' and a Career.- Miss Allyn is comning to Chicago this week-end for a reg ionai conference of Mount Holyoke, alumnae at. the, Lake Sh ore Athietie club, and wil address the conference on "Seholar- ships: They Work Two Ways.", olf tournamen eaturea aAriat-1a Sholo y at the SouthernIndiana,,sp a. hgn ei melusive, by, jUniversity cf ý Law School of chigan., CO., Milwaukee, WIsc