Ey Edna M. -Trum Travel Editor Across the border of Southern Ùtah, in the. northernmost corner of Arizona, is Grand Canyon, w e.1il known to beauty loyers literally the, world over, and visited' by thou- sands ofpeople every year. So ex- aggerated seern the stories of those returning from. a pilgrimfage here, that %hey'-seem absurd until on e stands on the' Rim and 'gazes out, for himself, upon the almost. over-- powering scenie wonder. The. im- mensity of the gýreat chasm hushes you; the great sea. of shifting.,ran-ý bow colors, exaits, you:, and t h * e realization that such a, place actual- Iy exists f!ills yoii with an îndefiinâble awe, a veneration,,for the sublime that neyer :aulin, leaves you. No wVonder that Joqhn Burroughsý has called it so befittingly, the "'Divine Abyss." Sea of FRiambIng Vlor Before you stretches, in awesome majesty, animmense cbasm, twelve Miles Wide and a mile deep. Rising f.rom its depths are whole ranges of, Mountains. their bases a mile be- low you,, their tops about the level of you 'r eyes. Over the rock temples and into thA denths of the great abyss, spreads a sea of flaming, changing colors that completely defy description. Constantlv changing un- der the different light effects, the series o! imflressions it gives is like a motion picture constantly unfold- ing before Your eyes. Too, the color and formation effects change widely as one gazes on the Canyon fromn different points of vantage along the Rirn, and the whole presents an impression that seems almost too immense to carry ini one's mem- 017; Labyrlinth Of Canyons Even more stupendous than that J of its coloring, is the impression'o! its size, however, on most people Instead of a single. canyon as mostj o! us have envisaged it, it turns outi to'be a whole labyrinth of canyons, The North Shore Travel Setvice of Evanston announces a new group of conducted tours to 014 Mexco to leave from Chicago every Sunday, throughout the winter. Although popularly priced, thiese tours w il11 be striectly first -clase throughout,, thÙs affording one of the best, win-, ter vacation possibilities. One of the attractive features of these, groupns is thut the memhbers wilI flot be re- stricted to any, one hotel, for their meals, but will be, permritted toý ea t et the different well-;known restaur- ants, without extra cost. The quaI. ity of these Old. Mexico Tours is as- sured by the fact that th ey are to be bperated by the Illinois Central ýRail- road who will be represented, on the, North Shore, by, the. North Shore Travel Service, in- the State Bank Building, Pvanston. or an interesting stopover --a cen- ter o! a whole fascinating region waiting to be explored. It should be seen frorn both, topand boli4<.m from within, as weil as without- and no able-bodied visitor should be content with seeing this awesomeJ spectacle from the. Rim only, b ut should plan to explore the Canyon, for the magnificent trails, -built byl Government engineers, are noted for their beauty as well as safety. From Rim to River and back, every turn in the historic Bright Angel Trail opens Up new vistas, each seem- irigly more spectacular than the one before. Other longer trips take one to the Phantom Ranch, picturesque- ly located at. the very bottom of the Canyon, a,,vertical m~ile below the South Rim, and beyond to ex~pore the new Clear Creek Trail. Theodore Roosevelt h a s said of this scenic wonderland: "The Grand Canyon of Arizona fdIs nme with awe. It is beyond comparison-be- yond descrlption-absolutely uriparaileled throughout the wlde world. Let this great: Wonder of nature remain as it now Is., De nothing to mar its grandeur. sublini- ity, and lovellness. You cannot Iniprove on it. But what you can do is to keep it for your children. your childrens ehildren, and ail who corne atter you, as the one great sight which every American should se...' - - - _ Mrs. Frances J. Wiscott of 614 Willow road, Winnetka, returned Sat- urday from a Tnoüth's trip east. She visited relatives and friends i New York and i Pennsylvania, and spent a week ni Northampton, where her 'daughter, Ahnnis a Smith col- lege senior. *Miss Winscott Io return-ý ing about Decemüber 15 for the holi- days., XAMED I2EASURERL Miss Jeanne Bailey .Of Wilmette, a sophomore, at Rlollins college, has been elected,,treasurer of, the Hollins College Dramnatic soiain Miss, Bailey -is also a reporter on the cam- Pus newspaper, "Hollins, Student Life," and an associate editor o! the year book, "The Spinster.0" An honor student on the dean's list, Miss Bailey holds the Rollins* Chicago Alumnae club sclholarship. She will have a p art hi th'e 4raimatçasso.cj- afion's'tail play, 4<Call It A Day," by bodie Smith, to be given on No- vember 18, playlng, the part of Mu- riel Weston. PU~ ~ ROCKIES Jerne~ C *No*VIspedIT oClion MetoVoiCt O RIAcov IEvergreen Victoria with. its F EmproesH otel . .golf, swim O ....e-. . on to Seattle; again R by train to California N Mk yur tvel agent, or u I 71 E. Jackeon BIvd. C4 i4 4 4 ~ fm êc4 # Sail on a neutral shp to neutral ports Po JArne.rica waters. For example: S.S. N'euw Am,- sterdam around South A merica; S.S.'Statendain to the West Indies; Kungsbolsn Christmas Cnâise' -io Santo Domngo, Curacaô, Venezuela, Son~ N Blas, Panama, Havana;, the Gripsholm Sunshne S H R E Tolephon..: WiImoiff. SM0and Gregeoaf 9660 weather i summrer andi a pre- Mrs. E. J. Mcilraiti ponderance o! warmn days in wititer. wood avenue, Wilmett Sprhig, summer, faîl, and whiter, Colby college, Water, each season has: Us owfl special at- pledged Phi Delta TI traction and charmn, inaking.,the at the, school, it; wasi Canyon more than a. greatspectacle weeki moun - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ddre" ............ M& -------------------------- ............ mmai