WII. 1 où GOURDS!U Tknuai09efGOURDS AnLi jus, uhape amicolon ..........S WEtSWUbouques ta.k, 15. sn drid.foweà o *1 kIds-lndan orJ 0f Thanksgving The, annual Thanksglving Festival .presented by students at the Nation- al College of Education will have present world chaos as contrasted wlth.' the. peace and .bounty of America as Its themne this yearý The festival will be given Tuesday af- ternoon, November 21i at 2 o'clock in'the collège auditorium. For the festival, which will be in a pantoznimtc form dramatized by slnglng and. dancing, the stage will be dlvided by a gauze curtàin. Be- hind the curtain thée 4rma of ýref- ugees made desolate by.war will be shown, whIle before It wMl be enact- ed the role of thankful America. The final tableau. will, be a praver of thankfulness and hope for. th e eventual peace of aIl nations. North Shore students at the Na- tional College of Education who are taking part in the festival' are: Vir- glnia Lecey, 1719 Crain stre, ÉV'- anston; Doris Lechler, 210 Fifth street, Wilinette; Margaret Milnes, 2657 Broadway, Evanston; Dorothy White, 1200 Simpson street, Evans-J ton; Lillian Horak, 1097 Ash street, i Wlnnetka, Jane Sweet, 1312 Asbury1 avenue, Winnetka; Pearl Rogman, 426 Linden avenue, Winnetka; Lois Winter, 2951 Colfax street, Ev- anston; and Jean Crawford, 2222 Forestview road, Evanston. ary, fraternity, ai iNorthwestern uni- irifty. In order to becomne a rnexnber of Phi Eta.,Sigmaà, a student must have attalned an "A", scholastic. average Ini either semester of his -fkeshnian year. The group. elected. each year usually represents about. 4 per-cent of the fIreshmnan class. Included amnong Phi Eta Sigma's acètivities is sponsorship of a tutorial- system aâvailable toaial students.j Geppert, a, graduate of New Trier H-igh ,,scbool, is a sophomnoreý in Northwestern university's school of Music. Dr. Snyder Takes Over Presidency Of Northwestern U., Dr. Franklin Bliss Snyder's install- ation as president of Nortbwestern university, Wednesday of this Week,' climaxed thirty years of service ta the university. Hie joined the -aeulty as instructor i English in 1909 and came up through the ranks of that department, being made professor in 1918. He was appointed dean of the graduate school in 1934 and vice-president and dean of faculties in 1937. Study as Hobby By MarjrieMecLean Leary Schol CousuLtant Most parentshave, by this time made defnite, plans. for their chil-. dren's schools for, the, remnainder' of the year and can turn their attention to their Sown interests and. aétivities. b ave. been pur- suing the same recreation an d interests for. through force of -habit, and need the stimulation o study or of new Marjerie Lar the r a r e aduit w h o would not liii to study or ea~te sornething or other, but it i5 so easy to put off get- ting started. The study of a new language, of art or music in any of its various forms, or of almost. any- thing in which there is a keen inter- est or intellectual curiosity,:can be a great stimulation and the antidote for that getting-in-a-rut feeling which is bound to assail the adult. There are many kinds of classes, schools and instruction available 'in your ôwn cornmunitv ,and a crpitAr mette; and Louise A. Meyer, 752 Sunset road, Winnetka. îNaxionai Uiveeuof Eucation. lHe is the 'author of a number of text- 1books and of two books on the lite and work of Robert Burns, the Scotch poet. Participating in the induction cere- monies were Kenneth P. Burgess, president of the university board of trustees; Dr. Walter Dill Scott, presi- dent emeritus; t h e Right Rev. George Craig Stewart, Episcopal bishop of ,Chicago; Bishnn Ernestf Bob Walorf Slated For AUI-Big Six Bid Bob Waldorf's AlI-BigSi id w get a, big boost when- the University of ýMissç,uri football team clashes with defending champion, Oklahoma, November 18. A younger. brother of Northwest- ern's Lynnu Waldorf. Bob iIR n1vine ADJOININQ QGAR&QIE PRESTON J. BRADSHAW ices are ava or any other serv- l of Mr. and h cost Wilder of 480I Iprepared for1 -High school. UNI. n3OO IWIs..f& 133 1, I Tie